Monday, July 23, 2012

Why Multi Monitor Trading Computers Are Different Than Gaming Computers []

Why Multi Monitor Trading Computers Are Different Than Gaming Computers []

Question by David L: Computer trade schools? I am thinking about going to a computer trade school in San Diego? Which ones are good? What can I expect to make once I garduate? Best answer for Computer trade schools?:

Answer by Coach
ITT Tech Devry

[computer trade in]

This is the VOA Special English Economics Report, from | http Once, stocks were traded through the open outcry system. Today fast, interconnected computers have mostly replaced the traders shouting prices on the floors of stock exchanges. Joe Saluzzi is a head of equity trading at Themis Trading in New Jersey. "The equity market has changed. It's no longer what you see on TV, it's no longer guys with colored jackets running around the floor anymore. .... The equity market is a bunch of co-located computers strung together by a bunch of wires, everyone trying to race to zero. The speed of light is the goal."Computers can process stock trades in thousandths of a second. Andrew Haines of Gain Capital is an online broker. "A millisecond can mean millions of dollars to the success of your strategy. Having a one, two, three millisecond advantage over other traders may mean that you get into a trade at a preferable price." Andrew Haines says an estimated seventy percent of all stock trades are high-frequency trades made with complex computer models. Stocks may be held for only seconds. But fast trades are also blamed for big moves in stock prices.On May sixth, two thousand ten, a leading measure of American stocks briefly fell about nine percent. The Dow Jones Industrial Average then recovered much of those losses by the end of trading that day. The Securities and Exchange Commission ordered steps to prevent future "flash crashes" like that one. Joel ... A Closer Look at High-Frequency Trading

Don't make the same mistake that many other day traders have made and are continuing to make. Gaming computers should not be confused with day trading computers. The two are virtually different and should not be misconstrued. As a day trader, it is your duty to develop a trading computer setup that is built specifically for day trading. Whether this is your first computer setup or if you're looking to update your current one, you can use these tips to avoid falling into a very common trap.

Day Traders Need Real-Time Data, Not Immersive Graphics

When you think of a gaming computer, what comes to mind? For many, video games pop into mind, something that has nothing to do with day trading. Just as you wouldn't buy cat food for a dog, buying a gaming system for day trading purposes makes no sense. Simply put, gaming PCs aren't created for analyzing high frequency data. The main focus of gaming computers is to display immersive graphics, delivering an optimal ga ming experience. If you're serious about your day trading career, then you're going to want to find a computer setup that is tailored for your own needs.

Computer Setups for Traders Should be Optimized for Four, Six or More Monitors

One major difference between gaming computers and trading computers is that one allows multiple monitors to be set up (and actually work efficiently for trading programs). Now, we're not talking about two monitors, we're talking four, six and even eight monitors being hooked up at once. Having multi monitor trading computers is a great way to stay on top of your game as a day trader. Gaming computers are centered around graphics speed, but day traders need systems that have plenty of processing headroom to run many charts and indicators. These tools are used by every day trader and require lots of processing power.

Stock Trading isn't a "Game"

Every stock trader out there can agree that this industry is anything but a game . When you are dealing with real money, you want nothing but the best to help you manage it. Gaming computers are advertised as having lots of RAM, processing speeds and multiple hard drive slots, but they're not guaranteed to offer day traders reliability. This is something that every professional in stock trading needs - consistency. Without it, your entire portfolio could flop and there'd be nothing you could do about it.

If you have yet to upgrade your trading computer setup with reliable components, then you are risking your business. Having multi monitor trading computers makes it easier to see everything at once. Clicking around on one screen can be time consuming and frustrating.

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