Sunday, July 29, 2012

Components of Computer Workstation Ergonomics []

Components of Computer Workstation Ergonomics []

Working on a computer for long hours can be tiring and cause fatigue. Hence, computer workstation ergonomics is being employed to help reduce fatigue associated with working on computers. In addition to this, computer workstation ergonomics help reduce work related injuries. Some of the injuries that are caused due to usage of bad workstations are wrist injuries and back injuries. There are a number of different components that make up computer workstation ergonomics.

The first component is an adjustable computer desk. This is a vital item of computer workstation furniture. It should be adjustable so that the length can be altered to suit people with different heights. Most work related injuries are caused due to people trying to fit in workstations that do not match their size. Therefore, ergonomic workstations are made in a manner in which they can be adjusted to suit the user.

This allows different workers can use the same ergonomic workstations without having to buy new ones.

The second component of computer workstation ergonomics is the chair. In order to be in fully compliant with ergonomic workstations, it is essential to have a suitable chair. The best ergonomic chair is one which offers support for the back. This eases the stress put on the back when working and reduces fatigue. These chairs are also adjustable to a length that will suit the user. If you have adjustable computer workstation furniture, you should make sure that all the components are adjustable.

A keyboard is another crucial aspect in computer workstation ergonomics.

Using the wrong keyboard can cause injury to your wrist and hand. Therefore, it is advised that you use a comfort keyboard which ensures that your hands are comfortable when using them. There are computer wrist rests that you can use to offer support to your hand when you are using the computer. Computer workstation ergonomics also requires the use of an adjustable keyboard arm that should be adjusted so that the keyboard is just above the users lap.

The computer monitors are part and parcel of computer workstation ergonomics. Therefore, computer workstation furniture is made to include items to support the monitor. These items include adjustable monitor risers. In order to have ergonomic workstations, the distance of the monitor from the user has to be at a safe distance. In addition, the angle at which the user looks at the monitor should also be adjusted so that the users eye level is at the top of the monitor. Adjustable monitor risers are used to raise the monitor to a suitable height which allows the user to use it without straining their neck or back.

Finally, there are other ergonomic accessories which allow you to select the best ergonomic mouse for your needs. This reduces the amount of movements that a user has to make when using the mouse. There is also an anti-glare filter that is used on the monitor screen to avoid straining the eyes. However, workers are also advised to adjust their computer workstation furniture in order to avoid reflection from windows. This increases the glare on the screens and can further affect the eyes. All the components of computer workstation ergonomics are crucial in ensuring safety and efficacy in the work place. For more information on any of the above products or to talk with an ergonomics advisor contact Office Relief at 877-919-1190 or visit their website at

Suggest Components of Computer Workstation Ergonomics Topics

Question by : What makes a computer a workstation? what is the difference between a workstation and a normal consumer computer? For a computer to be classified as a workstation, does it have to have a certain amount of hardrive space, ram, etc? Best answer for What makes a computer a workstation?:

Answer by Rute
There is no difference. Two different terms for the same thing. Any desktop computer could be called a workstation.

Answer by johntrottier
The term workstation was developed in the late 80's when there were really four classes of computers Mainframes - The big iron of the computing world. They took up whole floors and cost a million dollars and up. But if you really had to crunch data, they were the only game in town Mini-computers - these were smaller units designed for smaller businesses that could not afford mainframes. They were still very expensive, and in operation, they did the same things as mainframes, but on a smaller scale Workstations - These were expensive machines made by companies like Sun that were used for tasks that required more computing power than you could get on an IBM PC. They were especially in demand as CAD stations and for for high resolution graphics. If you used a workstation, you were something special The PC - The IBM PC and their clones formed the bottom layer of the computing world. Capable of doing word processing and spreadsheet, they lacked power to do much more. Bill Gates, when asked at the time why DOS had a 640K limit on memory, replied - "Because no one will EVER need more than 640K on a PC" Good call Bill Today, your basic Dell or HP desktop packs more punch than the mainframes of that era, and make the old PC look as obsolete as a manual adding machine. The workstations and mini-computers of that day have gone away, because the current desktop PC can do everything they used to and then some. But mainframes still exist, in bigger and better versions, because when you have a REAL problem (like modeling a thermonuclear explosion or gene sequencing) to solve, there is nothing like a thousand processors working in parallel to get you the answer in a reasonable period of time. Hope that helps

[computer workstation]


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