Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Future of Duplicate File Finders []

The Future of Duplicate File Finders []

If you don't know which kind of RAM your computer needs, use an online memory finder tool to find out. 64-bit Windows: To support more than 4GB of RAM in any PC, you need to be running a 64-bit version of Windows. Fortunately, most mid-range and higher ... Faster Than an SSD: How to Turn Extra Memory Into a RAM Disk

This video is brought to you by Welcome to speed tip 8 on our Hello World! series. I hope you have your computer busting at the seams in speed already, but lets move into an upgrade that many people are often intimidated at - upgrading your computer (pc) systems RAM. Believe it or not, RAM finder tools have come a long way in the past 5 to 10 years and they will do much of the work for you. You'll have to watch the video to find out more. Thanks for stopping by! Don't forget to rate, subscribe and comment! Speed Tip 8: Upgrade RAM Using Memory Finder on your Windows XP / Vista / 7 PC | Hello World!

There are, of course, many different programs and features intended to optimise the performance of your computer. The Duplicate file finders is just one and does exactly what it says on the download, it seeks out files with either completely the same, or partially the same, content and brings them to your attention;all very handy, in today's fast-moving world, when we do not have a spare few seconds to perform the same function ourselves.

A quick scan of any search engine (that all perform the same function, yet somehow we don't mind having duplicates) reveals that there are lots of examples of duplicate file finders amongst many others. There are duplicates of the duplicates. You could probably spend as much time finding the right version for you as finding the duplicate files themselves.

Dig deeper still and you will find a bewildering array of similar software - from start-up managers to registry compactors to various 'power' tools. Computer power tools would appear to be the new DIY power tools. There was a time when we could all do DIY without the aid of a You Tube video. Computers seem to be headed the same way. It's getting so that we need help to switch a computer on and off, but is all of this really necessary?

Given the increase in bang for buck of computer memories, plus the availability of external hard drives, USB memory sticks and good old CD-ROMs and DVDs, do we really care if our duplicate file finders find a few duplicate files? Well, possibly. As a writer myself, it serves a useful function when I need to find a previous version of a manuscript or want to ensure that I am using the most-up-to date version. Usually, DIY serves me well, but sometimes I need help.

No doubt there is such a place for such software as duplicate file finders, but if all of these programs perform a similar function, why not just bundle them all up together as one? This would avoid confusion for the consumer, plus it would save a lot of time, which surely is the point of all of this freeware in the first place. Go back to basics, software developers, by combining a bit of self-help with good power tools that can do more than one job and it's a win-win situation.

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Question by twitching_green_grasshopper: I need to upgrade the memory on my computer, but when I use the memory finders on various sites,? my model number isn't listed. Specifications : Compaq System Model:Deskpro BIOS Version:Compaq 686P2 v2.04 I've tried all over and I can't find memory for this computer. Best answer for I need to upgrade the memory on my computer, but when I use the memory finders on various sites,?:

Answer by warrentyvoider1337
Give the model number of your pc other then that this should work. Would be good to provide me the model number tho E.G. 9100 etc.

Answer by ghowriter
There is a free utility on the internet called CPU-Z. This will ID your CPU, Motherboard and RAM. The idea is to create a dump using this program and then posting the memory section here. With that information I could direct you where to find memory. In the meantime, I searched Compaq's site and found this page based on the information you provided: Clicking the first link in the table downloads a PDF file with your computer's specs which tell me that this computer uses SDRAM of the 100 or 133 Mhz speeds. This is quite old but should still be available. How much memory were you looking to get? What OS is installed?

Answer by isaac_leibnitz
Download and click this program . It will tell you what kind of memory is installed in your computer. You don't need to buy the same brand. Just the same kind. For example if you have DDR2 PC-5300 installed, make sure you buy DDR2 PC-5300.

[computer memory finder]


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