Monday, July 30, 2012

PC Diagnostics - The Computer Doctor is In []

PC Diagnostics - The Computer Doctor is In []

This is a partial version For more information Can be contacted at - Doctor Computer - Repair of computer problems

If you use a PC on a regular basis, chances are you also run PC diagnostics on a regular basis. Keeping track of the maintenance your PC may need is important, and diagnostics software can help you do that. There are even web-based diagnostic tools you can use for free so you don't have download additional software. With a set of diagnostic tools, you can learn a lot about the way your PC works and can take steps to make sure it's working its best.

Using PC diagnostics to sort out a problem starts with the problem itself. This could be a PC that suddenly runs slower than it once did. Maybe it's taking longer to boot up or open and close files. Perhaps you're getting more than your share of error codes popping up on the screen.

What about screen freezes and crashes - have they been an ongoing problem? Some problems are easy to check. For example, you may be getting less speed simply because of the number of applications you have open at once. Software may be crashing because it's in need of an update or patch. At times, the most annoying problems will have the simplest solutions.

Once you move past the obvious, you can begin to see if running some PC diagnostics using the software you have on hand for that purpose might help. A registry cleaner is one such program that can get to the bottom of a problem quickly.

The registry is a database that is a part of any Windows based operating system. The software you load onto your PC uses the registry to store data it needs. But because perfect doesn't exist in the PC world, the registry can also get clogged up with unnecessary data that hinder PC performance. With a registry cleaner, you can eliminate bad data and get on with your day.

A steady diet of PC diagnostics can help keep your PC healthy. If you've never had a problem with your PC, count yourself lucky. It's not a matter of if you will have a problem but rather it's a matter of when. No PC is completely safe from a minor glitch or even a major background. Bone up on the common problems that can occur with your PC. That way when something happens, you can put on your tech hat and show others just how smart you are about PCs.

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Question by curiositycat: How to remove spyware doctor from my computer? I downloaded Spyware Doctor from the Internet last year and even made a contribution for it. It seems to be gumming up my processing time, and I'd like to remove it, but when I go into My Computer and Add/Remove Programs, it stubbornly won't budge and the computer freezes. Any suggestions? Thanks. Best answer for How to remove spyware doctor from my computer?:

Answer by TheHumbleOne
Hassle-Free PC: Fix Stubborn Windows Install Errors Source:,122926/printable.html Microsoft’s Installer Cleanup Utility here:;en-us;290301

Answer by lulu_6
Go on control panel,and then click on add or remove program so when do you see the spydoctor program click on remove . very simple.BY Ale.

[computer doctor]


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