Monday, July 30, 2012

Recycling Old Computer Parts - Options to Computer Owners to Computer Disposal []

Recycling Old Computer Parts - Options to Computer Owners to Computer Disposal []

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Nowadays, computers or PCs are getting smaller in size than ever before. With new design emerge and invented which become smaller, sleeker and more advance in features in comparison to what we've seen even few years back. And somehow, people by nature will look forward to acquire and try out those computers with the latest enhancement. However, this behavior creates a new phenomenon and unique problem. How to dispose of the old PC? Many states have passed rather strict mandates on the disposal of PCs and monitors making them difficult at best to get rid of. So, the best option, instead dispose the old PC, you can opt for recycling old computer parts.

Basically, when it comes to PC recycling there are three basic principles: recycle, reduce, and reuse. The simplest solution is almost always best and there are quite a few options available to you.

Computer recycling can be approach by allowing other people to reuse your old computer. If you look around your n eighborhood especially schools, there are numerous donation programs that appreciate this kind of computer donation. You also can approach charitable organizations and they can identify who in need of your computer. It is not necessary a complete package of peripherals, for example, if you plan to get rid of your small monitors and looking forward to 'trade up' to a new and nice LCD flat panel monitor for your better Internet browsing, donate it instead trade it up - at least you are contributing to the community.

By the way, you shall make sure that you had completely erased, delete or better if you format the hard drive so that no information related to you when you consider for computer recycling. With out doubt, the best way to do this is to completely remove the old hard drive so that the new owners have no way of accessing personal information that may have been stored on your hard drive.

Another popular way to recycle your old PC is to take them to a servi ce company or business that capable to restores, refurbishes, and give new life into the old computers for resale with second hand price. To the extent, this also can be done by allowing your computer to be dismantle and reduced to the individual parts, where finally can be reused to construct and create a new or basic computer system for someone else who needs a new computer.

Why is PC Recycling Law is Required in Many States?

PC recycling can be expensive if you try to find a service for the strict purpose of removing or recycling your PC. The reason is that it is illegal to dispose of computers and monitors through traditional means and the PCs must be disposed of in a manner that will have the least possible impact on the environment.

Recycling old computers is the rule of law rather than the exception in most states because there are so many harmful materials in PCs and monitors. These materials, when sent to landfills, can contaminate the soil in surr ounding areas as well as local water supplies. No one wants their loved ones drinking water or eating foods that have been contaminated with harmful metals, chemicals, and other materials as the results of the failure of others to take PC recycling seriously.

More Recycling Old Computer Parts - Options to Computer Owners to Computer Disposal Articles

Question by Alex: Old Computers? Millions of people try to find ways of disposing their old pc's to make room for new ones. My problem is... I'm trying to FIND these people. I need to get my hands on hardware. I'm not gonna take apart my pc, I don't want to risk 100's of my money(16 year olds don't have all the money in the world..). I need old pc's to take apart, salvage, rebuild, and practice on. To study on. I don't know where to get my hands on sed computers. Where can I go to find abandoned computers. I live in Warren County in NY state. I remember freecycle. I'll check that out. Best answer for Old Computers?:

Answer by jb90123
So have you tried looking througt your public swap meets or yard sales but i would recommend that you go to the swap meet they6 have better stuff over there.

Answer by correrafan
Try in your area. Also, thrift stores and charities often get computers donated to them, and some don't work. You might contact them and offer to take the non-working ones off their hands. Swap meets and yard sales and garage sales might work, but I would try the first 2 above first. Good luck!

Answer by Dan
People throw old computers out all the time, just go around looking on the curbsides. I'm pretty sure you'll find something.

Answer by Chickster
1.Check your local D.A.V. ,and Salvation Army stores. Also check the thrift shops. 2.Ask relatives, friends, or people at work. You'd be surprised how many just have older, or non-working computers sitting around. "Oh yes, Jimmy left that old thing in my garage two years ago, it's just collecting dust. I wish it would go bye-bye, because I need the room." 3.Become a member of Warren County Freecycle,(If Warren County has one. Probably does, but I'm too busy,{Lazy? lol!}, to look right now) This is a website you join to view,and post items that should be recycled, rather than thrown away. Refrigerators, couches, tables, computers, vcr's, you name it. In searching about Freecycle I found in other states where people were giving away good running older cars, and Winnebago's! (That's not the usual, but just an example!) I joined the local Freecycle,(Oh by the way, FREE! Don't go to the one that charges you a membership fee. Sorry it's been over a year now, and I can't remember if it's, or I have been given four desktops, and two laptops this way, with referrals to other people who had them sitting around, in their basements/garages/attics. (Have about thirty of them, this way now) My goal was,( and still is), to learn from them,(older units, like sum of them had Win95! I've dissected all the knowledge I can now., but you do learn something everyday! Putting together a Pentium Pro Dual Core motherboard with a processor from two different computers, and voltage regulators from two more, was fun.[Fun? Talk about SLOW! 96MB's of SIMM ram! lol!)], and then give them to young children, in a family that couldn't afford a computer. Especially working single parents. A computer is a tool, as well as an enterainment device for children. We just need to show them the way. They ARE our future!

[old computers]


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