Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Handheld Computers and the Changing Face of Email []

Handheld Computers and the Changing Face of Email []

Question by lewis2229: Can an RCA output to go a computer line in? I have a Behringer UB2442FX-PRO mixing desk and I am taking the RCA output for recording onto my Mac, but I need Stereo (Red and White) RCA connectors to a 3.5mm Line In standard computer microphone socket - Can anyone help me, and if this is not possible, advise me on another way to record off of my desk. Thanks guys :) A real help Best answer for Can an RCA output to go a computer line in?:

Answer by Nomadd
Radio Shack, Best Buy or any electronics store sells those. Line level outputs are usually about half a volt of audio so it should work fine. If you put "rca to 3.5mm" in Google or ebay or anywhere else you'll get thousands of results.

[computers on line]

The groundswell of handheld computer usage is rapidly changing the face of email. No longer are users viewing messages on large monitors or subject lines in fields of about 35-40 characters. Monitors have given way to 2" screens; subject lines, to fields of a few words.

Instant messaging and emailing are morphing as users incorporate IMing and texting abbreviations into emails. I'm not recommending that you start using these abbreviations quite yet, but know what they mean when you see them. Some popular abbreviations include @ (at), BFN (bye for now), CID (consider it done), CU (see you), FYI (for your information) HTH (hope this helps), IOW (in other words), L8R (later), NRB date (need reply by date), NRN (no response necessary), PLS (please), THX (thanks), TBA (to be announced), YW (you're welcome), and many more. Here are some tips to help you communicate more effectively with handheld computer users.

Subject lines

Many handhelds display only a fe w words in the subject line. That very valuable real estate will determine whether the intended receiver reads your message. Conventional wisdom has told us to write compelling subject lines. However, with such a limited field of view, it becomes a matter of what to skip, what to abbreviate, and what to start with. Here are a few suggestions:

o Instead of writing, "We need to reschedule the March meeting," consider writing "March mtg to be rescheduled."

o Instead of writing "I'll see you at 3:00"; consider writing "CU @ 3."

Calling attention to key information - Traditional ways of calling attention to information have included boldface, bullets, tabs, and more. Some of these methods don't always survive the trip through cyberspace and show up as gobbledygook on handhelds. Here are some options:

o Instead of using bullets, consider using asterisks (**), greater than symbols (>>), hyphens (--), or other ASCII characters.

o Instead of boldfa ce, include some other way to emphasize the text. You may write **Deadline: May 5**. If the bold doesn't appear, the reader will still see **Deadline: May 5**.

o Instead of tabbing, use the space bar.


If you send an attachment, summarize the essence of the attachment into a brief opening paragraph so the reader can get the gist of the message quickly.

Copying and pasting

If you copy and paste from another format (such as an Excel spreadsheet) the handheld may display the word Insert instead of the file that was pasted. Consider sending the file as an attachment.

Recommend Handheld Computers and the Changing Face of Email Issues


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