Friday, August 24, 2012

A Computer Technician is Required For Different Types of Computer Support []

A Computer Technician is Required For Different Types of Computer Support []

Question by screw_z00: computer technician? A local company is hiring a computer technician with knowledge of networking, server skills, and general repair experience. Whats a good place to start learning so I can have enough knowledge to succeed and get the job? I mean I have a computer , the internet, a router it sounds logical. Best answer for computer technician?:

Answer by joseph
ask mr. google

Answer by jerry r
that job is going to be long gone, before you even learn the basic basics. you dont learn to be a technician overnight. a lot of the knowledge takes schooling.

Answer by thebigm57
It took 6 months in techincal school going 8 hours a day every day 7 days a week to get enough knowledge to begin in IT. The field is vast and gets more vast as time goes by. One can't ever get into it overnight and it takes time to get your stripes and actully make a living. Jr. Techs with 1-3 years under their bealts still seem to make between 18-22/hour ...not bad but not what the Sr Techs make...and if you've all the Certifications than you can make even more. Yes it's a good living...but it's transient by nature...many of the folk I know change jobs every 2 years in IT...It's often project oriented...Project complete on to next position/job. PEACE & GOOD LUCK!

Answer by Freaky Firman< /i>
The first thing you might want to do is to get an experience on disassembling and assembling your computer, and learn one by one the main components to that 'make' the computer, learn their parts, and their function. You can do it with the help of a guidebook or better yet an experienced technician. then you should get a quick hands-on experience on building a network from scratch, you'll need at least two or three computers. Try building a network with different configuration of operating systems (try diversing the combination also) the internet?... well you could have a lot of knowledge by reading from the internet about computer networking. I personally think the reason for the company to mention with networking knowledge is to troubleshoot problems that might occur in their local network, i.e. company bought a new computer for a new employee but it cannot connect properly even though everything seemed to be in place... well this is too long of an answer..

Answer by dr.bucksnort
Schooling is always good , certifications are great but to be honest , I own a computer repair shop and also do networking I can not begin to tell you how many so called "techs" I have call me looking for jobs , with certifications such as A+ that are CLUELESS. Finding good qualified Techs is hard , heck look at most of the answers given here on yahoo answers that are not even close to being right as a example. The techs i look for are the ones who are self taught that have the hands on exsperience . In a interview and testing I conduct 85% of the people I interview that have "schooling" fail where almost 90% of the self taught techs score better and get the job , and thats the honest to gods truth

[computer technician]

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A computer technician is one who gives computer support to all computer users either individually or in their capacity as an employee of a computer service center. As there could be hardly any individual whose computer has never had any problem, there would be no one who has not required the help of a technician at one time or other.

A computer technician is needed to solve hardware or software problems that need immediate attention or will be needed to give computer support of a general nature that will help in the optimum performance of a computer. There are often problems of a general nature that will make the computer slow, or where programs will fail to use all its options. Users should seek the help of a technician not just to have those problems fixed but also to understand what those problems are, so that they can handle it themselves later.

One such problem of a general nature is registry repair. Registry problems often cause the computer to perfor m unsatisfactorily and a computer technician will be able to clean it manually. If the user has got the background and interest to do it, he can learn from the technician how to remove the unwanted files manually. If this does not appear feasible, guidance can be sought from a technician on how to do it using a registry cleaner.

A registry cleaner will do the job practically on autopilot, fixing all the problems. However, even then taking outside computer support may not be a bad idea because it may not be feasible to invest in a registry cleaner if it is a single computer. Offices, or larger networks having many computers, can invest in a registry cleaner taking guidance from a technician on choosing the right one.

A computer technician may be a field technician or bench technician. Field technician is the one who goes to provide computer support at the location of the computer owner. They are extremely helpful to computer users who should ideally take guideline s from them in maintaining the computer the right way and in managing small repairs themselves.

A bench technician is one who works from his own office or the location of the company that employs him. They are well equipped in providing online computer support to users and also in providing telephonic guidance to them for managing small repairs. As far as computer repair is concerned, major repairs will have to be done by bench technicians as such repairs may need better tools and more elaborate testing of the type that cannot be managed on site.

Operating systems and hardware capabilities are changing so fast that the computer models a technician is handling a few years after he got trained might be a far cry from the samples which have been used in his training classes. As a result a computer technician continually keeps on learning as he works so that every day he or she becomes better equipped to provide advanced customer support.

Recommend A Computer Technician is Required For Different Types of Computer Support Issues


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