Sunday, August 26, 2012

Home Computer Security []

Home Computer Security []

Question by : How do I connect a new computer to an existing online home computer? My existing home computer is already hooked up and online thru Cox Comm. I have a external modem. I would like to hook up another computer to my existing computer so both my children have there on computers. Best answer for How do I connect a new computer to an existing online home computer?:

Answer by RJGoodhouse
Get a LinkSys Router, E-3000 would be good for now and into the Future. You will have WiFi for your phone when you are ready for that feature too

Answer by Colanth
If the "modem" has more than one Ethernet jack (the part the computer is plugged into), jut plug the other computer into it. (There will probably be 4 of them.) If not, get a router - then you'll have 4 jacks and wireless. Linksys and D-Link are both top of the line.

[home computer]

Unless the only thing you've been using your computer for in the last 10 years is for playing Solitaire, there's virtually no chance you haven't been a victim of a home computer security breach. These things sometimes happen without us even knowing and you'll be amazed at the threats we expose our computers to on a daily basis, by simply browsing the Internet for example. The following article will try to explain what some of the most common home computer security problems are and how to avoid them and protect yourself against them.

Internet security threats

Internet security threats are some of the most common and widely spread problems in today's informatics world. Although there are several home computer security measures that can be taken against Internet security threats, the speed at which the latter evolve is oftentimes hard to cope with. These are the most common Internet security threats:

Viruses - Viruses are malicious software programs whos e single purpose is to annoy or cause data loss. Their main characteristics are that they exploit a bug in the operating system and they spread wildly with the help of executable files. The damage produced by a computer virus can range from low (a virus that simply annoys the user of the infected computer by slowing down performance for example) to extreme (viruses that cause data loss).

Trojans - Trojans are comparable to viruses in that they spread using a vulnerability, but they have a more precise purpose than to simply destroy or annoy. Trojans can be used to gather data from a computer and send it to a specific destination for example.

Spyware / Adware - Spyware and adware are commonly confused for one another. The main difference between the two is the way they are used, although the structure of a spyware and an adware program are virtually similar. Home computer security companies focus more and more on combating spyware and adware, as they are quickly b ecoming the most common form of Internet security threat. Spyware is used to send information from a computer to a destination, mainly on how the computer is being used, what websites are being visited on a regular basis and so forth, thus it is more of a privacy breach and a nuisance than a threat. Adware on the other hand is used simply for advertising purposes, a few examples of adware consequences include changing your browser's homepage to that of a company, bringing up pop-ups with ads on your screen on a regular basis and so forth.

Home computer security solutions

Obviously, with the explosion of Internet security threats, the home computer security market followed up and we now have a lot of means to combat the above mentioned threats, including antivirus programs (for viruses, worms and Trojans), anti-spyware/adware programs (for spyware, adware and Trojans), firewalls (used against hacker attacks, Trojans, spyware, adware and viruses) and so forth. You can find free home computer security software on the Internet but if you want complete protection, you'll want a professional home computer security pack that includes all of the above mentioned components and one that you can update on a weekly (if not daily) basis in order to protect yourself from new threats.

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