Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Ideal Computer Configuration For Playing Online Poker [aboutcomputer99.blogspot.com]

Ideal Computer Configuration For Playing Online Poker [aboutcomputer99.blogspot.com]

Question by filip: What computer configuration should i need to have to play nba 2k9 on pc? What computer configuration should i need to have to play nba 2k9 on pc? Best answer for What computer configuration should i need to have to play nba 2k9 on pc?:

Answer by up5511
If you have a really good computer but all the graphics and everything on high, if you don't want lag if you play online keep everything on default setting or lower them. Maybe someday we'll meet online and I'll totally beast you ;D

[computer configuration]

If you are looking to play Online Poker for money or for fun over the Internet, then it is imperative that you have an appropriate internet configuration and computer to support this hobby. Poker is no easy to play and learn, and no beginner or advanced player needs the added burden of having to worry about their computer system configuration not being fast enough to play. A poker player needs to spend his time concentrating on Poker, and not on whether his computer and internet connection is powerful enough or not. Given the above, here is a highly recommended configuration that online poker players can rely on:

Your computer should have a minimum of 1GB (gigabyte) of memory (also know as RAM, or Random Access Memory), but ideally could have 2 GB (gigabytes) or more. Extra memory is unquestionably the biggest factor when it comes to applications (local or internet-based) running expediently on your computer. The general rule is the more memory you have, the bette r. Given the inexpensive cost of today's computer technology, your computer should runs at a clock speed of at least 1.7 Ghz (that's Gigahertz, not Megahertz). We recommend dual (2) monitors for your computer. Almost all of today's computer video cards, support more than 1 monitor. Dual monitors will give you the capability of displaying all of your poker windows at once on your screen real estate, and will eliminate the need to manually switch between all of your windows in a 1-screen environment. Moreover, more screen real estate allows ancillary windows to be displayed, that support Poker help-tools, such as spreadsheets, odds charts, or Poker Calculators. Your computer should have a minimum of 100 GB (gigabytes) of hard drive (or disk) space. Hard drives allow you to save data and programs on your computer, from one user session to the next. 100 GB should be more than adequate to store your Operating System files (whatever flavor of Windows that you are running), a sizable number of Poker programs, and all other data that you require to store on your computer. Internet connection-wise, we recommend significantly more than most experts will recommend. We recommend that you have dual-internet connections, which means that you have 2 internet services, each from a different Internet Service Provider (ISP). However, at any given time, they do not need to both be active. The rationale for dual internet connections is obvious - if you are in the middle of a Poker game where you have money at risk, and your internet connection goes down, you will be liable for any money that is at risk in your current game, even if the internet disconnection was not your fault. In this failure scenario, if you have a 2nd ISP, you could quickly connect to the Internet via this 2nd ISP, re-establish your session with your Poker vendor in the Poker site allotted timeframe, and continue onward with your current game. Typically, most reputable Poker vendors provide you with a 60-second grace period to reconnect to your active session, upon a disconnect. In regard to the 2 aforementioned Internet connections, we recommend that your primary ISP be broadband-based (i.e., cable modem, DSL, dedicated T1 line, etc.). These high-speed connections are relatively inexpensive in today's marketplace, and provide optimal speed for sending and receiving data to/from your Poker vendor (in other words, they are much, much faster than traditional modem-based dial-up lines). For your 2nd (or redundant, so to speak) ISP connection, we recommend a cheap dial-up service (preferably 56K service - lower if you area doesn't support this 56K dial-up speed over your telephone line). Often, your local library will provide free dialup service, which may satisfy this requirement. A broadband Internet connection requires a dedicated modem which typically is provided by your ISP vendor, and connects to a broadband point coming into your house and to your computer. A dial-up Internet connection require either an external or internal modem, which connects to your telephone line. Although some Poker vendors still support Windows 95 and Windows 98, we recommend that you minimally have the Windows 2000 Professional Operating System installed on your computer, and preferably have a version of Windows XP or Windows Vista installed on your computer. Ensure that your computer has speakers, so that you can hear easily audible signals that your Poker vendor game provides during gameplay. Make sure your computer has a mouse, so that you can easily navigate your Poker application. We highly recommend a wireless mouse, if at all possible. This usually requires an accompanying USB-based accompanying recognition card. Make sure your computer is connected to a printer, so that you can easily print out Poker records of hand history or game statistics. A solid ink-jet printer will cost you less than $ 75 U.S. A final critical component that we highly recommend is a UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) that connects between your homes' electrical source outlet and your home computer. A UPS is a fancy acronym for a Battery Backup System, which typically provides 30-60 minutes of backup power, should the electricity in your home go out. Similar to the internet disconnection scenario described above, an active UPS can save you from disconnecting from an active Poker session that you are in, where money is at risk. This is certainly worth the price of admission. A UPS allows you to continue to play in your current game, as long as your ISP is not effected (cable modem broadband providers, for example, don't tie directly into a homes' electrical current). For obvious reasons, a UPS can be viewed as an essential part of your computer Poker arsenal, and should not be dismissed. Related Ideal Computer Configuration For Playing Online Poker Issues


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