Thursday, July 26, 2012

Buying Second-Hand Laptops []

Buying Second-Hand Laptops []

This video explains some of the reasons why everyone with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis needs a computer (with access to the internet). These comments would all no doubt apply equally to people with comparable illnesses to ME, both politically and medically. a. Medically: Where a large percentage of patients are completely (or for significant periods of time) housebound and/or bedbound or otherwise limited with communication. (For example; if they are unable to have visitors, use the phone or speak: often/for very long at a time/without significant relapse afterward/without great difficulty or at all; as are many people with ME) b. Politically: Where the vast majority of information produced about the illness is so inaccurate and misleading as to amount to nothing less than propaganda; thanks to the involvement of vested interest groups, including the government (and with full support from government and the media -- with some notable exceptions in the case of the media). Myalgic Encephalomyelitis is not the same thing as 'CFS' (or ME/CFS, CFS/ME, ME-CFS, CFIDS or Myalgic 'Encephalopathy'). The bogus disease category of 'CFS' has undoubtedly been used to impose a false psychiatric paradigm of ME by allying it with various psychiatric fatigue states and various unrelated fatigue syndromes for the benefit of insurance companies and various other organisations and corporations which have a vested financial interest in how these patients are treated, including the government ... Why everyone with ME needs a computer

Second-hand laptops are still basically a very useful device especially if you only need one for basing computing purposes. It is another story if you want a unit to play a lot of games or edit photos and videos where you will need a more recent technology.

And of course the fact that you can get a unit priced at about $ 3000 three years ago for only $ 500 is already a good deal. It is true that manufacturers follow an upgrade cycle of every three years or even less but this does not mean that a unit made three years ago is already absolutely obsolete.

What should you look for when buying used laptops?

First, know the minimum specs you require. If you need a unit for e-mail, office works and web-surfing, a unit 700MHz is enough. You don't need one with large memory capacity and a 10 to 20 GB hard drive will work fine for you. If you intend the unit to be your stationary terminal, choose one with lithium ion batteries for longevity when away from a p ower source.

What models and brands should you consider?

IBM has a reputation for well-built portable computers, most models under the ThinkPad brand use well supported components which is handy when you need to look for parts. Fujitsu, Panasonic and Toshiba are also excellent choices reputation-wise and business type systems. Another brand worth checking is Apple.

If you use Linux, you can run it on most Powerbooks or opt for Apple's Unix or Classic. Buying second-hand laptops from these companies ensure you still get top of the line quality systems.

Suggest Buying Second-Hand Laptops Issues


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