Sunday, July 29, 2012

Car Computer - How a Car Can Turn Into a Super-Car With the Help of an Engine Computer []

Car Computer - How a Car Can Turn Into a Super-Car With the Help of an Engine Computer []

Question by Rich C: Do car computers contain a record of everyone who has accessed them? I recently took my 2002 Ford Taurus to Tire Kingdom because one of the back tires had a flat. They replaced the tires but now my check engine light has come on and the car is idling roughly. I could swear the same thing happened when I went to this place a few years ago. I think these creeps are doing something to my car hoping that I will return and then they can charge me more to fix some phantom problem. I am going to take the car to my regular mechanic who is very honest. Does the car computer have any kind of record of when it was accessed and Is it possible to send codes to it to somehow screw something up? Best answer for Do car computers contain a record of everyone who has accessed them?:

Answer by mattfromasia
No. And, likely, they didn't do anything either. The back tire has nothing to do with the computer messing up. Chances are you have a car that's a few years old, maybe about 5 years or so, and it's just starting to have maintenance issues. Matt

Answer by Spooky
The simple answere is NO. the only info most computers store is a set of codes that tell you something is wrong and what that something is.

Answer by drekow
If someone is actually able to change the engine controller's program, it's likely that they'll be also able to wipe their tracks at the same time. Regardless of that, the computers on the car do not record who accessed them. Can you imagine what kind of "Big Brother" protests would happen if they did? One possible reason for the check engine light is the flat tire itself. The ABS system in cars measures individual wheel-speeds. If they detect that one wheel is moving a different speed than the others (due to the smaller diameter of the flat tire) they may throw a fault code - the check engine light is typically the only way to indicate to the driver that something's wrong. Many auto parts stores will do a fault code scan on your car for free. Before taking your car to a mechanic - or worse a store you don't trust - try getting a fault code scan and figure out what the problem is.

Answer by magley64
Nope, your basic ECM is called by most people the "computer". Strictly speaking, it's not really a computer at all, and doesn't really follow the same protocols as your standard computer processor. It's basically an over glorified micro controller. These things do seem to happen concourrently though, as I always seem to notice something new going wrong with my car after I take it in for service rather than doing it myself.

Answer by nick b
I work at a car dealer and we service cars with the check engine light all the time. Odds are that if this shop did something to your car it was not the computer but if they did do something to your car stored in your computer will be data reffered to as "freeze frame data" this is data that the computer was storing when the light was set. It will contain data like engine rpm, vehicle speed, as well as how long the vehicle had been running when the light was set. These will not help you out too much but you would know if they had your vehilce out for a longer trip or not, like if the vehicle speed was 45mph and they drove your car no where you would know they did nothing to it.

Answer by UCANTCME

[car computers]

Roof Of Your Car - Computers and Blues - The Streets Roof Of Your Car - Computers and Blues - The Streets [HQ]

Microprocessors; can you imagine life without them? In a world where almost everything that we use is being operated by a microprocessor, it would be very hard to imagine life without them. From the simplest remote controls up to super-structures, a microprocessor is installed. In fact, the car that you are driving today won't be called cars if it doesn't have a car computer.

An engine computer is responsible for making your vehicle more efficient in terms of fuel injection, electronic injection, and engine management system. Nowadays, you'll find a car that has the ability to check the condition of its engine and inform the driver whenever there are potential problems that a vehicle may encounter.

However, there are still some automobiles today that don't have a car computer. Since it would cost a lot of money to have one installed in your car, a lot of people opt not to have one. Since having an engine computer is optional - and add it to the cost of havi ng one - there are a lot of challenges that this processor has encountered.

The truth is that a car computer may seem expensive, but the performance that you can get from it will pay-off for its price in the long run. If you are going it to add the fact that it is a very flexible accessory that can add almost any type of feature that you want your car to have, then we can say that having an engine computer is really well-worth the price.

The most common, or rather the simplest, feature that a car computer can add to your vehicle is entertainment. With the help of MP3 players and portable media players, this microprocessor can replace your old stereo, but still be able to provide you with crisp sound system. Aside from this, the number of music and video files that you have will force you to carry your own collection of CDs whenever you are off for a long ride.

Another popular feature of an engine computer is GPS or satellite navigation. Although there are d evices that can be purchased separately, the fact that it is not "built-in" your car will force you to remove the device whenever you leave your vehicle. Installing GPS on your car with the help of a car computer is cheaper than buying a device, but you still need to purchase satellite map software to use it effectively.

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