Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Used Laptop Computers For Sale [aboutcomputer99.blogspot.com]

Used Laptop Computers For Sale [aboutcomputer99.blogspot.com]

Police are investigating the theft of up to 50 laptop computers from Glasgow City Council - some of which were previously used by elected members. The missing machines were noticed while officials were investigating the theft of two more computers last ... Probe into theft of 50 laptops at Glasgow City Council

SpinChimp - The Professional Spinner

Students Spied On With School Issued Laptops Federal lawsuit brought against district for covertly monitoring students and families in their homes Steve Watson infowars.net Thursday, Feb 18th, 2010 A school district in Philadelphia faces a class action lawsuit after it allegedly issued laptop computers to 1800 students across two high schools and then used concealed cameras within the machines to spy on students and their parents without their knowledge or consent. Lower Merion School District in the suburbs of Philadelphia faces charges of invasion of privacy, theft of private information, and unlawful interception for providing computers with webcams that were remotely and covertly turned on by administrators. The suit was brought on behalf of all the students and their parents after it was revealed that the computers had been used to monitor students both at school and at home. The case, Blake J. Robbins v. Lower Me rion School District (PDF), was filed in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania on Tuesday, February 16, 2010. According to the filing, the actions of the school district were exposed when one of the schools vice principals disciplined Mr Robbins son for improper behavior in his home, and used a photo taken from the computer camera as evidence. http infowars.net

aboutcomputer99.blogspot.com Alex Jones Tv {Sunday Edition} 2/9: Welcome to "Pentagon Style" Internet & The Next Level of Tyranny

Finding used laptop computers for sale can be one of the best ways to save money. However, there are a number of things to consider when doing so to ensure you get value for money and that the transaction goes smoothly. Here is a quick guide to finding the perfect second-hand laptop.

The most important thing when buying a used model is to do your research. Taking time to research may seem like a lot of effort, but it can save you more money as well as avoiding further stress down the line. Start by comparing the general type of laptop you want, so that if you do come across a second-hand bargain you'll know that it's right for you. There are a number of websites that can help you to compare different makes and models.

Now you can start looking for used laptops on websites as well as in local classified ads. When you do, read the descriptions carefully. You should never go for a used laptop that's older than a few years, as these probably won't be worth any amount of money you pay for them. You need to find that balance between a good price and good laptop specifications.

When you do find used laptop computers for sale that look like good deals, always check the seller out. Try to discover whether they've got a good history of selling, or if the laptop comes with a warranty. Most used laptops won't, which is why it's so important to do your research beforehand.

Suggest Used Laptop Computers For Sale Articles

Question by Kitten S: Is there a risk associated with men using laptop computers on their laps? Okay, I know this may sound crazy, but my son uses a laptop computer, and he often puts it right on his lap. Earlier this week, a friend told me that he could sterilize himself by doing that. Now I think that sounds absolutely crazy, but it's not out of the real of possibility. Has anyone else heard this? What is your source? Best answer for Is there a risk associated with men using laptop computers on their laps?:

Answer by Kahless
It's an old wives tale. If he has a very hot laptop computer and he wears briefs, he could warm his little fellows up a bit so they won't swim well, but that's about it.

Answer by kaylakarma@sbcglobal.net
Yes, there was a study done a while back about that. The whole reason for his "parts" to be outside the body, unlike females, is because it requires a lower temperature. But it could only harm him for extended amounts of time. Maybe get him a lap desk to set it on?

Answer by keezmon
urban ledgend

Answer by Counselor M'ry
Apparently it's possible that he could lower his sperm count by putting the laptop on his lap. Here's what snopes.com had to say on the subject: http://www.snopes.com/medical/toxins/laptop.asp

Answer by ray_8128
Newer computers run even hotter than the ones used in the study below. I would recommend men not to use a laptop on their lap. US researchers warn of possible fertility risk to men using laptop computers on their laps http://www.innovations-report.com/html/reports/medicine_health/report-37499.html US fertility experts today (Thursday 9 December 2004) warned teenage boys and young men to consider limiting the time that they use laptop computers positioned on their laps, as long-term use may affect their fertility. The increasing popularity of laptop computers (LC), coupled with existing evidence that elevated scrotal temperature can result in sperm damage, prompted researchers from the State University of New York at Stony Brook to undertake the first study into the effect of heat from LC on scrotal temperature. The findings are reported in Europe’s leading reproductive medicine journal Human Reproduction[1]. They show that using an LC on the lap increased the left scrotal temperature by a median 2.6°C and the right by a median 2.8°C. Several previous studies have shown that increases in testicular or scrotal temperatures of between 1°C and 2.9°C are associated with a sustained and considerable negative effect on spermatogenesis and fertility. Lead researcher Dr Yefim Sheynkin, Associate Professor of Urology and Director, Male Infertility and Microsurgery at the University, said: "By 2005, there will be 60 million laptop computers in use in the USA and a predicted 150 million worldwide. Continued improvements in power, size and price of LC have favoured their increased use in younger people and laptop sales now exceed those of desktop computers." With the exception of an anecdotal report of genital burns, the effect of portable computers on scrotal temperature when they are used on the lap was not known, he said. "Laptops can reach internal operating temperatures of over 70°C. They are frequently positioned close to the scrotum, and as well as being capable of producing direct local heat, they require the user to sit with his thighs close together to balance the machine, which traps the scrotum between the thighs." The researchers worked with 29 healthy volunteers aged 21 to 35, measuring scrotal temperatures with and without laptops. Two one-hour sessions of scrotal temperature measurements were performed on different days in the same room with a median room temperature of 22.28°C. The men were dressed in the same casual clothing for each session and sessions with and without LC were conducted at the same time of the day. Body temperature was taken by mouth beforehand and each volunteer spent 15 minutes standing in the room to adjust to room temperature before being seated. A non-working LC was placed on the lap so that the volunteer could adopt the right position to balance the laptop, then removed, and the seating position held for one hour, with scrotal temperature being measured every three minutes. The same procedure was repeated for one hour, with the same baselines controls, but this time with a working laptop. The temperature of the bottom surface of the LC was also measured at intervals. "We found that scrotal temperatures rose by 2.1°C when the men sat with their thighs together, which is necessary to keep LC on the lap. But, the rise was significantly higher when the LC were used â€" 2.8°C on the right side and 2.6°C on the left," said Dr Sheynkin. " It shows that scrotal hyperthermia is produced by both special body posture and local heating effect of LC." The median surface temperature of Pentium 4 computers used increased from nearly 31°C at the start of the experiment to nearly 40°C after one hour. Dr Sheynkin said: "The body needs to maintain a proper testicular temperature for normal sperm production and development (spermatogenesis). "Portable computers in a laptop position produce scrotal hyperthermia by both the direct heating effect of the computer and the sitting position necessary to balance the computer. The magnitude of scrotal hyperthermia associated with abnormal spermatogenesis is unclear. But, previous studies suggest that 1°C above the baseline is the possible minimal thermal gradient capable of inhibiting spermatogenesis and sperm concentration may be decreased by 40% per 1°C increment of median daytime scrotal temperature.

[used laptop computers]


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