Monday, July 30, 2012

The Basics of Glass Top Computer Desks []

The Basics of Glass Top Computer Desks []

Question by Azazelo: What can I do with two desk top computers? I have two desk top computers, what can I do with them? Can I create a network? Is there any benefit to having a computer network? Can I connect them together to increase speed and proficiency? Are there any disadvantages? Both PC are Pentium 4's. Any advice people.... Best answer for What can I do with two desk top computers?:

Answer by Richard W
By having them networked, you can access/share files between them. Unless you have a need for grid computing, and the software to make it work, there is no increase in speed or proficiency.

Answer by JSalakar
Depending on the size of the hard drives in the two computers if you were to create your own little network you could create a folder on each one to hold a backup of important data from the other computer. That way, if you got in the habit of backing up the important data to the other computer if either system should happen to crash you would at least have a copy of the most important data on the other computer. However, you don't have to do that if you don't want to. You can still create a small network for other reasons. I have 8 computers at home, because two are notebooks (one for me and my wife that we use every day), then the others have a variety of other OS and other configurations. I have found that if you try to have one Windows computer do too much, you end up with more problems than you can shake a stick at. So, I have one computer just for video editing. I have another one for playing Windows XP games. Another one for Windows 98 games, and so on.

Answer by James E
Why not get a life ? SOme people have more than they need- WHat about the miliions and milloions of people that don't even have a roof over their head and here you are worrying about your silly little boxes

[top computers]

SpinChimp - The Professional Spinner

Celebrating three decades of PC gaming! I take a look at my personal top games for the PC, ending with this video of the years 2000-2009. Ah, the era where the PC starts really getting shafted due to lame publisher dominance and a console-centric industry. Still tons of great games, despite this! This is 100% subjective and my own opinion, nothing more. Games were chosen on the basis of how awesome the game was and how often I go back and play them. Why 17? Because it's an odd number, very odd. My apologies to Assassin's Creed 2. I love you, but your publisher Ubisoft was an absolute turd with the obnoxious and pathetic DRM required to play on the PC. I despise Ubisoft, not Ezio, for making one of my top 10 games of the decade unplayable on my platform of choice. Sure, it's been somewhat "fixed" now, but I have not forgotten, as Ubisoft has not repented. LGR - Top 17 Best PC Games of the 2000's

Theres a catch to CrashPlans free offering, though: You must find family members or friends who are willing to host your backups on their computers (CrashPlan allows you to back up to multiple destinations, including a local NAS device). CrashPlan ... Top Cloud Services for Online Backup

One of the nicest pieces of furniture you are going to buy for your office, home office, or even home is going to be your computer desk. Computer desks come in all sorts of different styles, materials, and shapes, which can make finding the right one for your home difficult. Glass top computer desks are a perfect option for certain homes because of their modern style, awesome look, and functionality.

Glass top computer desks, just like the name implies, have a glass top on them. They are normally made with a metal frame holding glass tops, shelves, and whatever else. The metal frame adds to the modern look, can come in different colors, and provides the strength and durability needed. The top can be made with a few different types of glass, but normally is clear and strong glass.

Durability has always been what has scared away many people from glass furniture. If you treat the furniture carefully, and are not overly hard on it, you should have no problem pr eserving it for a long time. If you spend a little extra money on a well built glass computer desk you should also increase the durability of the product. Glass tops have broken before, but this is a rare occurrence. Chips and cracks in the glass will weaken the entire structure however, so do keep an eye out for them.

You are also going to want to buy a desk that has rounded edges. The square edged desks can have either sharper metal or glass sticking out on the end. There is nothing worse than getting nicked by your own desk, so if you have the option, go with the rounded edges.

These are just a few of the basic things you should know about this product. If you are in the market for a desk that flashes sophistication and a modern look, these desks are a great option. If you spend a little extra time looking at all of the different models, I'm sure you will be able to find one that finds your needs easily.

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