Friday, August 24, 2012

A Common Analogy For The PC Computer Disk Defragment That You Can Understand []

A Common Analogy For The PC Computer Disk Defragment That You Can Understand []

To begin with, what is a fragmented disk? A fragmented disk is the scattering of parts of a file throughout a disk, as when the operating system breaks up the file and fits it into the spaces left vacant by previously deleted files.

On a Microsoft Windows operating PC there is a hard disk utility that you can run right now that will help enhance your computers performance. It is the disk defragment. The common analogy for disk defragment would be like a standard filing cabinet. The filing cabinet contains folders with documents in those folders. Sometimes documents get placed in the wrong folders. Sometimes the folders get arranged in a haphazard way to where it takes time to find the folder and even more time to find the document in the folders. When you take the time to manually go through each folder ensuring that the right documents are in the proper folders, then organize the folders in the cabinet in some logical fashion to where you can easily find the fol ders with the proper documents in them, you have done what disk defragment does. Fortunately you do not have to exert any physical effort to organize the "filing cabinet" in your computer that is called your hard drive.

By having a properly organized filing cabinet, you save time in searching for the documents you need. The same holds true for your PC. By running a defragment on your disk you organize the files on the disk so that the computer does not expend more effort than necessary in trying to find all the parts of the document you want when you go to get it.

Performing a disk defragment on any Microsoft Windows PC is easy. The Disk Defragment tool is found by going to:

start>all programs>accessories>system tools

A tip that I have learned about using this utility is to run it when you are not going to be using the computer for a while. You might want to run this before you go to bed at night. The reason I recommend this is that if you ha ve not run this in a while, or ever, it may take several hours for the computer to organize the data.

When you run this utility you will have started on a system we call normal computer hygiene. Computer hygiene is preventive maintenance much like changing the oil in your car. If you maintain your car with an oil change service your car will serve you well for many years. If you do not your car may break down sooner than you expect. The same holds true with the computer you have invested your hard-earned money.

More A Common Analogy For The PC Computer Disk Defragment That You Can Understand Topics

Question by gracemartinsen: How often do you defragment your computer? My HP computer is factory set / scheduled to defragment once a week. I kind of thought that was too often. Thank you so much everyone for your answers. Best answer for How often do you defragment your computer?:

Answer by Tony
When to run Disk Defragmenter In addition to running Disk Defragmenter at regular intervalsâ€"monthly is optimalâ€"there are other times you should run it too, such as when: • You add a large number of files. • Your free disk space totals 15 percent or less. • You install new programs or a new version of Windows

Answer by shorty
I defrag mine weekly also. It keeps the computer from slowing down.

Answer by AJ
Mine is setup also to do it weekly, but with my setup, if the fragmentation is less than 5%, it won't run.

Answer by []AL[] in SZ
I never do!!! I use a Solid State Drive (SSD) and they do not need any defragmentation; just a TRIMming once a week. But more seriously, the rule of thumb is once a month. So chose a day: like every 1st day of the month and stick to it. I know that it depends on how much input/ouput on your hard drive, but even if that is low you should defrag anyway; it will just be faster to do so...

[defragment computer]


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