Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Computer Reviews - Smart Shopper Or Not So Smart Shopper []

Computer Reviews - Smart Shopper Or Not So Smart Shopper []

SpinChimp - The Professional Spinner

First-look review of CVS's amazing wireless Windows CE netbook computer. According to the receipt, you have 60 days to return it, so what could you possibly lose? I'll tell ya: two months of your life, spent fiddling with it! CVS Sylvania Netbook Computer - REVIEW!!

What's the scoop on computer reviews?

Have you ever wondered if computer reviews from smaller tech sources are as credible as some of the big players? What about if the opinion of only one reviewer can be trusted before concluding a laptop or desktop computer purchasing decision?

As a first stop we know many of you researching a new laptop or desktop computer will often surf directly to a big name tech website to scour over reviews. While this is a fine and dandy first stop, don't run directly over to the local retailer or your favorite E-tailer and spend your hard earned paycheck just yet. While we agree that many big name tech sites offer great resources, also remember that they are still in fact only one source.

One opinion however credible should never be your only source to base a computer purchasing decision on. So when you do research a new laptop or desktop computer absolutely never expect one review to answer all your questions regard less of its claimed credibility. This advice is golden when shopping for a computer, so we advise you keep this insight handy and always be sure to expose yourself to multiple computer rating sources before forking out your greenbacks.

Are you the smart shopper or the not so smart shopper?

In today's high-tech world many on and offline shoppers are what we call smart shoppers, while others are what we simply like to call semi-smart shoppers, and well the rest are in our opinion gambling shoppers or the not so smart shopper respectively.

Smart shoppers are those who do extensive research from not only multiple big name computer review sources but also multiple smaller review sources. They also typically use other sources such as word of mouth from everyday people such as friends and colleagues and websites such as where actual people like you also speak about their own personal experience with a product.

Semi-smart shoppers are typi cally those who use only one or a maybe a few sources for advice, and typically big name tech websites are their advisor of choice. Semi-smart shoppers are already on the right track by doing research in the first place, so usually bumping their smart shopping skills up a notch by mixing and matching their big name review sources with smaller review sources, and also actual laptop owner's opinions is enough for them to graduate to a full fledged smart shopper.

While many semi-smart shoppers have in fact made satisfying computer purchases based off the opinion of only one or a few fairly credible review sources, we honestly feel these so called satisfying purchases were still maybe eighty percent brain and twenty percent luck. As we said earlier, no matter how credible the source, do not trust the advice of them and them only. This small percentage of brain unused can honestly make or break a good deal.

Everyone else who does not do any research at all but jumps into a laptop computer or other purchase is only asking for trouble. No matter who you are, remember that you have the World Wide Web at your fingertips to extensively research everything from laptops, cars, to movies, and well the list goes on and on. So be sure to use the tools and you will make all the rules when it comes to being in control of your computer purchase.

More Computer Reviews - Smart Shopper Or Not So Smart Shopper Articles


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