Thursday, September 20, 2012

Cleaning Computer Keyboards []

Cleaning Computer Keyboards []

Whether at home or office computer, at any time numerous dust, food debris, Black Silicone Protective Keyboard Cover for Apple Macbook Laptops from

I wonder how many of us are aware that the average computer keyboard is one of the most germ-laden articles in the entire household or office? The germ count of the computer keyboard means that it is dirtier than a toilet seat. Whilst not as germ-ridden as a garbage bin, it comes a close second to its bacteria-covered cousin - the office telephone.

Many a rushed office worker will opt to take lunch breaks and eat snacks at their computer, unaware that they are actually sharing their lunch with disgusting germs from their office space. In fact, when you decide to take a lunch break at your desk remember this - you may as well eat your lunch in the bathroom. Germs and dust fall into the crevices between the keys of one's keyboard, where they have a nice warm environment to grow and crawl about. Germs from coughs, sneezes, crumbs, discarded skin cells and even specks of dandruff falling unnoticed from people around one's workplace have a great place to fall - right into the spaces of your computer keyboard.

Add the multiple germs from under one's fingernails, fingertips and hands on the computer keyboard - and you may begin to understand (perhaps for the first time) what a dirty germ-laden piece of equipment your office computer keyboard actually is.

It is essential therefore to keep the keyboard clean, and here's how:

1. Remove the keyboard plug from the computer. 2. Turn keyboard upside down and give it several good hard taps over a piece of newspaper. Surprised? You should be. You will notice dust particles and crumbs, etc. fall from your keyboard. 3. Now that you have dislodged most of the dirt particles, give your keyboard a thorough going-over with an antibacterial spray (preferably containing alcohol for quick-drying). Ensure that you use an anti-static cloth. 4. You can if you wish, remove each key from the board before cleaning the inside, carefully replacing them afterwards. This is a lengthy pro cess, however, and you need a good memory of your keyboard to replace each key back into its proper position. 5. Whilst removing each key is the most thorough method of cleaning, you may find yourself with a keyboard emptied of every row of essential keys when suddenly your computer is urgently needed. 6. Removing keyboard keys to clean is timeous and best kept to times when you know you are not going to need your computer. You could save time by cleaning your computer simultaneously running de-frag and scan-disc after hours. 7. Don't forget to clean the back of your keyboard.

From now on, give your computer keyboard a good spray of anti-bacterial cleaning fluid before work and if you have been wise enough to keep it, cover that keyboard with the plastic molding it arrived in every evening before you leave the office. Hopefully, you will save yourself a host of sore throats, sinus infections and other bacterial infections by keeping your office space and es pecially the keyboard, nice and clean.

Recommend Cleaning Computer Keyboards Issues

Question by rainbowonka: How do I clean my keyboard and where do I get one of those keyboard covers? The Keyboard is dirty and some keys are being stubron to push. The build-a-bear shop has keyboard covers for their computers. Best answer for How do I clean my keyboard and where do I get one of those keyboard covers?:

Answer by John M
get a can of compressed air and some q-tips and alcohol, shut it down and clean with q tips when done blow out with air

Answer by sashawhitefur
Results 1 - 10 of about 720,000 for keyboard shields

Answer by Linda Lynch
Disconnect the keyboard, turn it upside down and shake it around a lot. This is assuming that you sometimes eat near your keyboard. That will get all of the crumbs out. I have to do this semi-regularly. Then take a rag and some window cleaner. Spray the cleaner on the rag and wipe the keyboard down. Just don't spray the cleaner on the keyboard. I wouldn't bother with the keyboard covers. I hate what they do to the touch and some of them cost as much as the keyboard. I just figure that if it stops working completely, I'll get a new one. There are some new keyboards out that use nanotechnology to prohibit the growth of bacteria. Additionally, they can be run through the dishwasher. In fact, they will even work underwater, although I'm not sure I have ever met anyone who has a use for that feature. It makes a cool demo though! You can check them out at

[computer keyboard covers]


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