Wednesday, September 19, 2012

3 Things to Consider Before Building a Computer []

3 Things to Consider Before Building a Computer []

When you decide to build a computer there are a few things for you to consider. First what will it be used for second what is your budget. The third thing you should ask your self is will can I buy a similar computer that will function just a well off a shelf?

The first thing you will want to do when building a computer is decide what it will be used for. Will it be used for surfing the internet, checking email, and office applications? Or will you be doing a lot of video editing? Or perhaps you want a machine for playing the latest and greatest games. All of these are questions to ask your self when beginning to build a computer.

Now for the second thing you want to think about your budget. Decide what the most you are willing to spend on a computer is. This will be essential in deciding what parts you use in your computer. A simple computer to browse the internet and check email on can be built for between three hundred and five hundred. For video editing you should probably expect to spend between five and seven hundred. While a gaming computer can cost from six hundred up. Of course these numbers are just estimates and your mileage may vary. These numbers are assuming you have a monitor and full install copy of an operating system.

The third thing doesn't necessarily have to be considered but if you are looking to save money depending on what you want to do it could be more cost effective to buy an off the shelf computer. Most of the time you can build a computer of a higher quality for less money but in some cases such as a computer that is going to be used only for browsing the internet and email it will be just as cheap to buy a pre-built computer. This isn't meant to discourage anyone who wants to build a computer for that purpose it is meant as advice to save you money.

Once you have thought about all of the things mentioned above you are ready to start the exciting process of building your computer. In my next article I will start talking about what parts you will need to build a computer. I will talk about one component at a time and tell you what you should look for in each different component. Thanks for reading.

Related 3 Things to Consider Before Building a Computer Topics

Question by Benny: Do you really need a floppy disk drive when building a computer? I'm building computer and was wondering if I actually need a floppy disk drive as part of the hardware components. In this day and age there's probably no need to because the settings are already set in the CMOS or wherever, but places are still saying you need one. Just after some thoughts Best answer for Do you really need a floppy disk drive when building a computer?:

Answer by Mike S
no ,you dont. most of new models do not come with it.

Answer by dennis.jackson85
No. When i built my computer i ordered one just as an attachment but still haven't used it and its been 3 years. I think the question you need to ask yourself is, what are you using it for, work, home, or other, and do you even own floppy disks.

Answer by rocken_foo1209
i really wouldn't think so. a floppy drive isn't as great as it was 8 years ago. now u can just us a flash drive to put all of your info and files. they store A LOOOOOOT more than a floppy ever would.

Answer by Xenia
In our days the capacity of a floppy disk is a joke....only 1.44mb and this is why floppy drives become legacy hardware.No you don't need one unless you have some old floppy disks that you need to retrieve the data from.

Answer by a.m
since you cant store much info on floppy disks(max=4 mb) then you really dont need one, add another cd or dvd writer

Answer by Gotenks
No, certainly not in these days. though I hv one, just in case.

Answer by dewcoons
I support a site with about 1400 computers. The last time they refreshed the computers, they made the decision to go with PC that lacked floppy drives. After all, nobody uses floppies anymore - right. Then they began to realize how much stuff they had stored that was only on floppies. Or they would get information from vendors on floppy. Or they would want to give a single file to someone else and not want to burn an entire CD for one file. There were also issues with supporting such PCs when they break because without a floppy to boot from, it can be difficult to repair problems. Also, may manufacturers still only release their BIOS updates in a floppy format. The company was finally forced to invest in dozens of USB floppy drives (at a much larger cost then the cost of having purchased the PCs with internal drives.) While floppy drives are becoming obsolete, they are not yet totally to the point. Only you can judge whether there might be a situation were you need one to retrieve old data, data from someone else, or need a floppy drive for recovery or updates of the computer.

Answer by Daniel T
u don't need it but for $ 10 y not, and if your pc has problems u might whant it

[building a computer]


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