Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Earning Your Computer Science Degree Online: A Computation of the Many Advantages []

Earning Your Computer Science Degree Online: A Computation of the Many Advantages []

Question by maria m: Is a computer science degree (along with a good resume) enough to get a good programming or engineering job? I was reading "The Accidental Billionaries" and one says "Mark (MArk Zuckerberg) was a computer science major. He knew like any good engineer" so does that mean you cna be a software engineer with a computer science degree, or do you need exactly a software engineering degree?ALSO, does that mean to eb a computer programmer you need a degree that exactly states "computer programming" or is computer science enough for that? What is exactly the job of software engeineers and programmers? Best answer for Is a computer science degree (along with a good resume) enough to get a good programming or engineering job?:

Answer by Alex
Computer science and software engineering are very similar. Software engineering will focus more on practical aspects rather than theory, but the skills you learn are very similar. A "computer programming" degree would just be an associate's or 1-year diploma program. It doesn't take 4 years to learn how to program. Lots of people teach it to themselves in their spare time. A software engineer actually designs a program, a programmer would write the code to implement the engineer's design.

Answer by Joseph
I have hired and employed dozens of computer programmers, database engineers, and other IT specialists in my career. The most talented programmer I ever had was a philosophy major. Other great ones had degrees in history, music, and math. The "job" of a software engineer/programmer is more about creativity than most people realize. That's why many are also musicians. Of course, I don't recommend you major in history or philosophy to pursue a career in software or IT. If you like computer science, software, programming, etc. - you should definitely go with a strong technical degree. Just realize that having a degree in computer science does not guarantee that you will be a good programmer. Nor does it mean that you will be a better programmer than the music major in the cube next to you... p.s. I realize many people do not care how they are perceived by others when they post questions here. But if you plan to be a programmer, you should have more attention to detail. Your question has at least 6 typos in it. If you are writing computer code, spelling "can" as "cna" and not putting spaces between words/commands will result in code that doesn't work. The way you get good at being error free is to be conscious of it in everything you do. Just like in sports - good practice yields good results on the playing field. When I see a programmer with typos on his/her resume, I don't hire them. . . .

Answer by Hanna
Software engineering is the study of designing, implementing, and modifying software in order to ensure it is of high quality, affordable, maintainable, and fast to build. It is a systematic approach to software design, involving the application of engineering practices to software. It also deals with the organizing and analyzing software to get the best out of them. It doesn't just deal with the creation or manufacture of new software, but its internal maintenance and arrangement. And also software engineering is one of the many branches of Computer Science

[computer science]

Illustrates the diverse pathways that students pursue after receiving Bachelors degrees in computer science or computer engineering. Pathways in Computer Science (captioned)

Have you always loved to tinker with things? Do you have a compulsion for computing or an addiction to addition? Maybe you have an incurable analytical bent that just won't be straightened short of fully comprehending every conceivable theory, approach and analysis to a given problem or challenge.

Those of you who have conducted thorough analyses and constructed flowcharts for the feasibility of online studies, take note. A comprehensive overview into the strategies and protocol of earning a computer science degree online has commenced. Get out of your mental loop and pause for the real scoop. Class is now in session.

Divisions of degrees

In the field of computer science, a degree is not a degree. That's right, students: computer science entails a variety of subspecialties. Popular concentrations include Computer Programming, Technology Networking, Systems Analysis, Network Administration, and Support Specialist.

You must also d ecide whether to take a hard or soft approach when seeking the best solution for your situation. Some computer science disciplines focus on hardware; others concentrate on the software side. Your particular interests and aptitudes are the main determinants of which tack you should take.

Next, determine what degree level is required for your chosen career. Computer science degrees are available at associate's, bachelor's, and master's levels. Many specialized certifications are also offered. Gather employer-specific data to determine what is required.

A shocking discovery

If you are new to formal computer science education, you may be startled to learn that most degree programs involve very little computer coursework. You may find this difficult to compute, but there is a logical explanation for this phenomenon.

Computer science degrees focus on the theories that underlie computer operations. Strong emphasis on mathematics, data organi zation, and programming are the main centers of attention. Such skills are mandatory to effectively repair, troubleshoot, or develop technological innovations.

Online format adds to the equation

Whether you currently work in the computer science field and desire career advancement, are seeking an entry-level position, or desire a career change - virtual studies supply much-needed flexibility. Thanks to the same technology you seek to undertake the formal study of, you may earn a computer science degree online.

Complete coursework at your convenience on a schedule structured to suit your specific needs. Whether you are eager for educational enhancement and accelerated job advancement, or prefer a more leisurely learning style- online studies are ideal.

Don't forget to factor in the lower costs of distance learning into your calculations. There is no need to physically relocate or interrupt your current income to commence computer scien ce studies. Tuition costs for online computer science degree programs are comparable to those of traditional technological study.

Locate your likeliest source of learning

Start by conducting a basic internet search engine inquiry. Your screen will promptly load with legions of Elearning opportunities. Fine-tune the possibilities by identifying institutions that offer the subspecialty or certification you want.

Next, conduct a comparative analysis. Find a program that best suits your educational, occupational, and lifestyle needs. Be duly advised that the unmatched flexibility of online study it is a double-edged blade.

You must have sufficient self-motivation and discipline to commit the needed time and effort to insure academic success. Use that analytical head of yours for precision scheduling of your daily routine. This should assure allocation of an ample daily allotment of attention to your academic agenda.

Aim high and follow through

Although you may commence your computing career in the technical arena, logical progression into management is easily attainable. As a field that is growing exponentially, the technological territory is wide open for expansion and new development.

In fact, most people who pursue a computer science degree online are already employed in the vast industry of technology. Thus, a popular academic option is advanced study at the master's or doctoral levels. The superior analytical and reasoning skills you already possess will go a long way toward beginning or furthering a computer science career.

You will enjoy enhanced social status; computer science professionals are generally well-respected and held in awe due to their skills. All class "geeks" and "nerds" of the past will finally get the last laugh. Watch your former tormentors turn green with envy at the amount of green you will rake in.

Your chuckling will continue all the way to the bank each pay period. Unless, of course, you discover an error in salary withholdings on your pay stub. The good news is that you'll be smart enough not to just grin and bear it. Class is now officially over.

More Earning Your Computer Science Degree Online: A Computation of the Many Advantages Issues


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