Sunday, September 23, 2012

What the Movie "District 9" Says About Human Computer Interfaces With Space Crafts []

What the Movie "District 9" Says About Human Computer Interfaces With Space Crafts []

As you may already be aware, Alienware machines generally are not very plain computers. In fact, the M17x was actually a really pretty machine. For instance, it came in this really nice reddish carry bag that, when removed, revealed a more pretty ... Alienware M17x Laptop

Most UFO-ologists tell stories of space crafts that are operated by extraterrestrial beings or aliens. In the cockpits of these space ships the extraterrestrial or alien actually becomes part of the working system within the spacecraft. In fact, while operating the spacecraft the operator becomes one with the spacecraft; it is like an extension of their bodies and minds. Interestingly enough, we've seen a number of high quality science fiction films that depict the same thing.

In fact, in the Movie District 9, the alien technology worked the same way. Even their weapons systems which were very similar to ours, only they were lasers, de-assimilators, or anti-matter devices, they worked through a combination of alien DNA, and interface with the alien himself. Today, we do have biometric safety devices for our weapons that are used in the battlespace, which prevent the enemy from grabbing a weapon and using them against us or our troops and in this movie they took i t one step further.

The movie also had an armored exoskeleton type contraption that the alien would sit inside, and a device would come over its head so it can be powered by thought, with all the displays in holographic view in front of the operator. The spaceships that the aliens had worked much the same way; and in a way that is very similar to the latest heads-up displays, which are used in the Apache Attack Helicopter.

However, these were next generation technologies or taking the human computer interface one step further, melding the mind, and the operator's bio-system with the alien technology and machine. Indeed, if you watch this movie, I think you will enjoy not only the allegory about humanity that it tells, but also the incredible technologies it foreshadows in our future. Please consider all this.

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Question by gamerkool: what store in canada sells alien ware computers other then best buy? so is there alien ware computer s at future shop all iwant to know is were can i buy them Best answer for what store in canada sells alien ware computers other then best buy?:

Answer by Bob
Future Shop is also owned by Best Buy.

[alien computers]


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