Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What is the Computer Registry and How to Maintain it So Your PC Works Great []

What is the Computer Registry and How to Maintain it So Your PC Works Great []

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If you are unfamiliar with how your computer works and you are constantly wondering "what is the computer registry" then you have come to the right place. In this article we are going to tell you exactly what the computer registry is and why you should utilize computer diagnostic software to keep it running in the best possible speed and performance.

Maybe all you know about your computer is how to turn it on and perform the tasks that you do on a daily basis. You do not understand that your computer like almost everything else of value requires some kind of maintenance to keep running its best and to get more value out of it. You do not however have to be a computer genius or a mechanic to properly take care of your PC; as a matter of fact the software that is available to anyone is sufficient and will walk you through the entire process while you just sit back and let take its course.

Okay so what is the computer registry? It is the back bone of y our computer; it is where all the files, software and applications that you have ever downloaded onto your system lie. It is like the file cabinet that you have in your office; everything that you ever needed or put away lies there. The more files that you upload onto your computer causes you the computer registry to expand; and eventually it has expanded to much so it causes your computer to become slower and less efficient.

However you can easily get it running again at its best performance and that is why it is recommended that everyone clean their registry on a regular basis. A good registry program will begin by backing up your registry so that if anything goes wrong it can easily be restored. It will also remove any duplicate files, program fragments, dead drivers, spyware, invalid paths, invalid file types, fonts and much more.

After you clean out the system then you should immediately be able to see a difference in the way your computer performs. Your com puter will stop freezing and crashing and sending you all kinds of error messages. However it is important that you keep it clean on a regular basis and it is wise to invest in computer diagnostic software. Not only will you have them on hand to perform your maintenance; however you will be able to get your computer to last longer and run more efficiently than if you never perform any kind of maintenance.

If you found this article on "what is the computer registry and how to maintain it so your PC works great" helpful; visit our site below. You can easily perform a quick free diagnostic test to ensure that your system is running at its best performance. You will also find one of the most reputable registry cleaners online that will remove all the unwanted clutter from your computer that can be causing the annoying frustrations you are experiencing.

Find More What is the Computer Registry and How to Maintain it So Your PC Works Great Issues

Question by : What is the best thing to upgrade on my computer? Hello! im here to ask what my computer needs most? is it my RAM? PROCESSOR? or do i need to buy an external hard drive? i cant decide -_-" if i buy a 2gb of ram can i merge it to my 2gb ram so it will be 4gb? or what? do i need an i5? Please tell me Core 2 Quad? or what just comment what i need btw i need it for gaming but not planning to do an high end one just to upgrade mine :) my computer is not slow just want to speed it up! :) THANKS!!! ----------------------------------- PROCESSOR: Pentium(R) Dual-Core E5800 @ 3.20 GHz Motherboard: JETWAY - MI5-G41SGMD3 Specs --> RAM: 2GB HARD DRIVE: 1HDD but splitted to two so C: 209GB and D:255GB VIDEO CARD: Inno3d Nvidia Geforce GT440 DDR3 1.5GB 128bit -------------------------- im just a 15 year old boy earning like 20 dollard /500 php a week so yeah XD but i can ask my parents to add lol! Hey Charles! what do you mean SUPER MACHINE? :))) if i buy a 2gb of ram can i merge it to my 2gb ram so it will be 4gb? Thanks Best answer for What is the best thing to upgrade on my computer?:

Answer by Charles
that's a super machine the 2GB of ram should be all u need cost 47 bucks, go to put in ur model & they will look at ur ram tell what u can upgrade to ...... if this has helped pass it on

Answer by rip_mr3
according to your motherboard spec's, you can upgrade to 8GB of ram and a core 2 quad processor. and yes if you buy 2GB of ram you can add it for 4GB of ram, but i would just buy 4-2GB of ram for 8GB as long as your are running a 64 bit system.

Answer by Bringing Salvation
can you give me info on your power supply how much you have is it 400w processor is fine for medium settings gaming heres the ram i would choose you can have 8gb of this 37.00 dollar ram max you can go if you have a 400w power supply ( if dont tell me size of power supply i will find a cheap solution) gt 640 would improve greatly gameplay 128 bit detail slightly better at rendering and less laggy can handle medium ok on some games then there is also 550 ti set at same price but i recomend 450w power supply it also must have 1x6 pin connector if doing this in parts like every now and again keep an eye on this card its out of stock now but its best deal do all that and youll be fine medium with 192 bit detail is better

[what is a computer]


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