Saturday, September 22, 2012

Computer Technology Education Online []

Computer Technology Education Online []

Question by dirtbiker805: What is the difference between Computer Information Systems and Computer Technology? Under the Computer Science major there are 2 different emphasis: Computer Information Systems and Computer Technology. What is the difference between the 2 and what kind of different jobs do they get? Best answer for What is the difference between Computer Information Systems and Computer Technology?:

Answer by BD
From what I understand .. Information Systems study mainly involves studying things like.. Data Base, Software design, some form of programing in high level language,Human Computer Interaction, AI etc.. Computer Technology will involve studying.. Some form of programing in machine level/binary level languages, hardware design, networking, etc.. In a nut shell, IS == information storage and retreival methodologies and design. CT == Hardware design aspect and physical computer. At least this is what I fond during my studies and working as a tutor at Uni.. Hopes this helps :)

[computer technology]

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Are you looking to study computer technology but are unable to go to a school and take your courses? Taking computer technology courses online is one of the most convenient and best option for you. You are not only able to study almost anything you want on computer technology but you are able to do it at any hour of the day and at your own time. So if you are an adult who has a job or a student who does not want to go to a college, computer technology education online is one of the best choice for you.

If you take up an online distance learning program on computer technology, you will be learning everything about computers, network maintenance and repairs. The online computer technology schools will also teach you about computer programming. You will learn how to troubleshoot computers, install and support networks, hard drives, manage memory, use graphics, control viruses, recover lost data, etc. If you have already received a degree in computer science I would recommend that you continue your education in computer technology as this may open up new career opportunities for you.

When you enroll into an online computer technology school you will be able to choose many different courses that will help you in your career as a professional computer technologist. If you do not want to take courses that lead to your professional certification, you can also choose to get your online degree in computer sciences. You are able to get an associates degree to a masters degree online just as if you were attending colleges.

There are many different factors that change depending on the courses that you do. Some of the factors are the length of the course, the curriculum you do, the price you will pay for tuition, etc. If you are serious about taking courses online you should shop around and look for the best deal.

Once you have graduated you are able to apply for many positions ranging from computer support specialist, system co ordinator, electronics and field technician, and many, many more computer related jobs. With the computer industry on the rise, the need for computer specialists is on the rise too and taking computer technology online courses is something you should definitely consider doing. If you have a basic to advanced knowledge of computers the opportunities in the business world will favor you in many ways. Hence, getting your computer technology education online is something you should seriously consider.

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