The Social Security Administration recently upgraded computers at the state's Disability Determination Services, a division of the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services. Disability Determination Services then began donating the used ... WWRC students tackling computer repair
How to Choose an Online Computer Repair Service Provider
There are a lot of advantages to hiring someone online to provide computer repair services. With windows pcs constantly having problems, especially when it comes to viruses, it's nice to know that there are solutions that are faster, and more efficient than bringing your computer to one of the big box stores and shelling out hundreds of dollars just to have someone inspect the computer to find out the problem. Worse yet, is that those stores don't operate 24/7, they can only be open for so long. As we all know, regardless of business hours, computers are going to fail or get infected with a virus and the longer you have to wait the worse it can be for you.
By hiring a professional computer repair service technician online, you can get 24 hour access to a professional, with industry experience, who can work with you remotely to help solve your computer issues. The problem we run into, is with all the different companies advertising "instant computer diagnosis and repair" services on TV, it's hard to know who to trust and whether or not you're going to get what you paid for.
When hiring a computer repair service online, it's best to work with a real person, with real customer reviews and a proven track record rather than paying for some automated computer repair/virus removal program that can't guarantee it will fix your problem. And what if it doesn't fix the problem? Will that company send out a tech the next day to handle it in person or are you completely out of luck.
The Benefits of Online Repair Services
When you hire a real computer repair tech online, you are working one on one with someone on the other end who can investigate your computer problems or virus infections and make a diagnosis specifically for your issue. The best part is, if it can't be fixed online, you are left with the option of having the compute r tech come to your home the next day and handling it in person.
Many repair services that offer online computer repair will often offer monthly or yearly support packages, which are not only beneficial to the residential computer user, but can be extremely beneficial to small businesses and people who work from home. When your entire business is run from a computer, it's nice to know that you have a complete IT department waiting for your call, without having to increase expenses by hiring an IT department. You can outsource your computer repairs and IT problems to someone who will be ther 24/7 to ensure your business operations are running smoothly. Don't need a monthly service package? Most repair services that offer online support will offer one time or on demand pricing as well.
While a lot of issues can be corrected with online computer repair, there are many issues that will require a service tech to visit your home or have you bring your computer in. Hard ware problems such as crashed or failed hard drives, mother board failures, overheating or other computer problems will not be able to be fixed online. Anything that is preventing your computer from turning on will also prevent online repair. If you can't turn it on, how will the computer repair technician be able to connect to the computer and take a look?
In conclusion, when you're looking for an online computer repair service, be sure to check all of the available options and ensure that the service you're looking for is offered online. If you have questions, be sure to give the service tech a call and they will be happy to walk you through the process.
More Choosing an Online Computer Repair Service IssuesQuestion by Answer Czar: How much should I charge for computer repair services? I'm pondering the idea to start this computer company. But I don't know the prices that computer guys charge for general services. So I need your help please. Tell me prices and charges that I can charge my customers, thanks very very much guys! Best answer for How much should I charge for computer repair services?:
Answer by
That's a tough one to answer without further information. What does the competition charge? Are there mostly Mom and Pop setups in your area or are they mostly chains like Staples is starting to do? In general, base it off the competition's price and adjust accordingly. For example, if you're offering the same repair service that your competition is but your service has a 60 day warranty, raise your price to compensate for the time you believe you may have to help your customer with the warranty period.
Answer by Justin L
It depends on the kind of repair services you intend to provide. For example, I run an LCD repair shop and charge a flat fee of $ 70 to repair a 15" monitor. This includes parts & labor, but excludes the panel. For a 17-18" monitor, you can charge around $ 100-125 For repairing a notebook or 14" laptop screen a flat fee of $ 115 should be fair to both parties.
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