Saturday, July 28, 2012

How to Keep Yourself Healthy at a Computer Screen []

How to Keep Yourself Healthy at a Computer Screen []

Question by : How do I black out one of two projector screens connected to the same computer? I have two computer screens, one is what I control, the primary, and the other, the secondary, controls two projector screens. How do I cut just one of them off from the computer, and back on later? Thanks. Best answer for How do I black out one of two projector screens connected to the same computer?:

Answer by BinDanĂ«‹˜
Sub-line is not a problem, or not set

[computer screens]

Library officials told the New York Times they plan on posting warnings on every one of their 240 computer screens urging users to be respectful of other visitors when deciding which websites to view. "It's for their privacy, and for ours," library ... San Francisco Library Porn Shield Lets Patrons View Adult Content In Private ...

Probably you enjoy reading this article on your LCD screen that is supposed to be a flicker- and radiation- free alternative to a bulky and power-consuming CRT monitor. But do not think that LCD screen which most people use these days is much better for your eyes and you can stare at longer hours. At present as it was in the past, computer users often suffer eyestrain, headache, fatigue, eyes burn or ache; what is called Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). This health issue can be caused by the computer screen itself and the conditions surrounding the computer screen (a pre-existing eye problem may be the cause too). The following simple steps can help you to minimize your eye-problems while working on your computer.

Optimize your monitor refresh rate. Higher refresh rates are less likely to cause eyestrain. Check what are the optimal and maximum possible refresh rate for your monitor. Use Control Panel > Display Settings > Advanced > Monitor and set up "Scr een refresh rate" (frequency) to a maximum possible. According to the eye experts refresh rate should be 70 Hz or higher.

Adjust the contrast control of your monitor so that the characters on the background are easily read. The best contrast ratio setting is the one that allows you to see all the details but does not hide any shadow. This setting can be found by increasing contrast ration until all the details are well-visible and then back down to just before the details disappear. If you work on desktop, switch to digital connection (DVI) if it is possible. It decreases noise and displays images smoother than with VGA.

Optimize your screen resolution. Make sure that the text size is optimized for the most comfort. A higher screen resolution reduces the size of items on your screen and increases the relative space on your desktop. But on the other hand, you may feel uncomfortable if fonts are too small to read a text. To change your screen resolution in Windows OS, open Display in Control Panel. On the Settings tab, under Screen resolution, drag the slider, and then click Apply. When prompted to apply the settings, click OK. Your screen will turn black for a moment. Once your screen resolution changes, you have 15 seconds to confirm the change. Click Yes to confirm the change; click No or do nothing to revert to your previous setting. Be aware that using a non-native low resolution on LCD may result in a poorer image (may appear blurred). In most cases using native resolution of LCD screen is better.

Adjust the brightness of the monitor to an intensity that is comfortable to your eyes; not to bright and not to dim. Avoid excessively bright light coming from your monitor. Turn off any color enhancement features (if your monitor has any). Normally the brightness of the screen should be about the same as your work environment.

Take care of surrounding lighting. It should be indirect, soft, and non-interfering. Avoid glare, bright light, or shadows caused by nearby windows. The best position is where windows are to the side of your screen. Use shades, blinds, or curtains to avoid reflections. Make sure that a desk lamp does not shine into your eyes or onto the computer screen.

Blink often. It is very important when working at a computer. It moistens your eyes and helps reduce eyes dryness and irritation. The normal blink rate is around 10-12 times per minute. Avoid the flow of air in front of your eyes.

Optimize the distance and position of your monitor. Place your computer monitor 40-70 cm from your eyes. In vertical dimension, the computer screen should be placed slightly below eye level.

Regularly exercise your eyes by looking away from your computer screen every 20-30 minutes and focusing for 10-20 seconds on a distant object (at least 6 meters from your eyes). Move your eyes and change your position. Take a 10-minute break every hour to rest your eyes and reduce eyestrai n problems - stand up, move, exercise arms, legs, back, neck, and shoulders. Make sure you get enough sleep - approximately 8 hours per night.

Try to turn on ClearType if you use Microsoft Windows. It improves readability on color LCD displays with a digital interface, such as those in laptops and high-quality flat panel displays. You may see better and clearer with reduced eyestrain. Visit Microsoft.Com and read step-by-step articles how to enable ClearType tuner.

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