Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Types Of Computer Memory []

The Types Of Computer Memory []

A computer memory card works by storing the information and processes that are taking place on a computer in present time. Discover how memory cards on computers interact with the CPU using insight from a computer and technology specialist in this free video on computers. Expert: Glenn Pieper Contact: Bio: Glenn Pieper is a senior systems engineer and on the staff of PrismNet Internet Service Provider. Filmmaker: Glenn Pieper Computer Hardware Information : How Does a Computer Memory Card Work?

How can a computer be such an amazing gadget? To many people they just can't be so amazed on how computers have changed the way we live. Computers can now be found in many sizes and shapes. Almost every home appliance seems to have their own mini computer located somewhere. From cars to buildings to almost every gadget there is, most of the time each one has a computer working to make them run and change the very way we live life.

First and foremost, the most important component of the computer is its processor. It is considered the heart of the computer that does all the calculating and processing. But with all that calculating and processing, the computer won't be such a remarkable gadget if not for its amazing memory. Computer memory makes it possible to retain important information on a computer. Such data can be used again and again and retrieved when a certain stored data is needed. Without the computer memory, the processor will have no facility where to s tore its important calculations and processes, thereby making them useless.

There are different types of computer memory tasked to store different types of data. They also have different capabilities and specialties when it comes to storing necessary data inside the computer. The best known computer memory is the RAM, otherwise known as Random Access Memory. It is called random access because any stored data can be accessed directly if you know the exact row and column that intersect a certain memory cell. In this type of computer memory, data can be accessed in any order. RAM's exact opposite is called SAM or Serial Access Memory, which stores data in a series of memory cells that can only be accessed in order. It operates much like a cassette tape where you have to go through other memory cells before accessing the data that you are looking for.

Other types of computer memory include the ROM or Read Only Memory. ROM is an integrated circuit already programmed w ith specific data that cannot be modified or changed, hence the name "Read Only". There is also another type of computer memory called Virtual Memory. This type of memory is a common component in most operating systems and desktops. It helps the computers RAM to be freed up with unused applications to make way for loading current applications being used. It works simply by checking for data stored in RAM not being used recently and have it stored in the computer's hard disk, thereby freeing valuable space in RAM for loading other applications. A virtual memory will make a computer think that it has almost unlimited RAM inside it.

Another type of computer memory that has made computers process tasks faster is what is called cache memory. Cache memory works simply by having current applications, calculations and processes stored in its memory instead of directly to the main storage area. When a certain process is in need of data previously used, it first will try to acce ss the cache memory if such data is stored there before accessing the central memory storage area. This frees up the computer from looking for the data in a larger and bigger memory storage area and makes data extraction faster. Computer memory is in a constant state of development as more and more technologies are being developed. Who knows, maybe in the near future computer memory might also be fit for human consumption.

Suggest The Types Of Computer Memory Topics

Question by matt4999: What does computer memory do for a laptop. Is 448 mb enough for a student. What is saved to ram. ? My laptop is running really slow and I am trying to figure out if I need to upgrade the memory. Is laptop memory expensive. Would it be worth getting more memory for the 5 months before I get another computer. Best answer for What does computer memory do for a laptop. Is 448 mb enough for a student. What is saved to ram. ?:

Answer by Jerry J
It should run OK with XP, adding memory probably will not help

Answer by Mark H
umm RAM is like short term memory. so the mor eu have the easier it is for your processor there for making your laptop faster......500mb isnt very good...i would upgrade but dont worry about it to much

Answer by sosguy
Depends what you are doing with it. If you are doing the normal student stuff such as word processing, email, surfing the net, etc. - then yes it should be. RAM stands for random access memory - think of it as memory used by your computer immediately. Memory that is stored on your hard drive that is permanent until you delete it or format the hard drive. More RAM could make your computer run faster, but I suspect that it is probably full of spyware. First program to download: CCleaner - safely cleans up your hard drive. Download free: Next - download Spybot Search and Destroy:

Answer by brisray
You can get laptop memory for around $ 25 for 1Gb, or $ 40 for 2Gb - It's up to you decide if you want to spend the money before getting a new laptop. 448Mb isn't really enough anymore for anyone, and you should be looking for at least 2GB up to a maximum of 4Gb - most OSs can't use more than that. RAM is where anything in use on your computer is temporarily stored. RAM is volatile, that is, anything in it is lost when the power is removed from it. Generally speaking, adding more RAM is one of the best and most cost effective way of upgrading any computer.

Answer by wartyh0g
Ram is used when you run applications and open documents. 448mb should be enough for word processing, surfing and spreadsheets. It would be slightly low for games and photoshop. All software comes with recommended processing speed and RAM requirements. If your computer is running slow you probably need to do some maintenance on it. Clean the registry, check and defrag the drive. Here is a walk through if your getting a computer in 5 months I wouldn't bother upgrading the ram you have - there are several other things that control speed like CPU, HD and Bus speed. A new laptop will make a big difference - and I recommend getting a 64bit native laptop if you are going to be running Vista. Toshiba makes some very reasonably priced 64 bit satellite laptops.

Answer by wiztek
Simply, your Data is saved to your memory before it's sent or paged to the hard drive. Memory is MUCH faster than a Hard Drive so the more you have to a point, the faster your computer will run. It appears that your Video is using some memory to operate. I like to see 1 gig at minimum of memory to run XP at it's best and at least 2 gigs of memory to run Vista.

[computer memory]


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