Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Choosing Between Laptop And Desktop Computer [aboutcomputer99.blogspot.com]

Choosing Between Laptop And Desktop Computer [aboutcomputer99.blogspot.com]

If you will be choosing between laptop and desktop computer, what will you choose? Many of us usually have their own computer, but of course each individual do have their own preferences which will give them more convenience.

A lot of people love using laptop and consider it because it is handy. For most businessmen who travel a lot laptop can really be very helpful in many ways, you can always connect to the internet. There are many ways a laptop can connect to the internet, it can be wired or wireless, but of course laptop is known to its wireless feature and can connect to the internet as long as there is a wireless connection in the area. There are also device that can be plug in to the laptop and give the laptop the ability to connect to the internet if wireless connection is not available in the area. The main disadvantage of a laptop is low battery, it is also hard to upgrade laptops, and if you have old laptop it will be hard to install new programs that require higher specification.

For desktop computer, there are also good things in using a desktop computer.

Well aside from the comfort of using desktop computer, there are many things that you can do with desktop computer. Many people usually consider desktop computer due to its simplicity and not complicated unlike with other laptops. For those who work in an office they usually consider desktop computer due to its ease and a lot of them are use to its functions and features, the keys are not complicated unlike with laptop wherein some characters need to be combined with other keys before using it.

You can upgrade a desktop computer; you can replace faster processor, memory and more hard disk space easily and cheaper than laptop computers.

Suggest Choosing Between Laptop And Desktop Computer Issues

Question by Sexy Momma! =]: What's the difference between laptops, desktops, and notebooks? I really don't know and it really confuses me!!!!!!!!!!! Best answer for What's the difference between laptops, desktops, and notebooks?:

Answer by legolas
go to www.whatis.com and read all details

Answer by mojo2093@sbcglobal.net
laptops and notebooks are the same. They are the portable ones that fold up. The desktops sit on top of desks and aren't quite portable and have towers and separate screens.

Answer by Calvin
Laptops and Notebooks are the same things....the things you see people in airplanes. The other ones with the seperate monitor and keyboards...Those are desktops. :)

Answer by b
a laptop and a notebook are the same thing; they are those portable computers you see everyone using at school, and in coffee shops. a desktop is the BIG box thing called a computer, it usually sit on a a desktop(hence the name DESKTOP) or beneath the desk.

Answer by Bowen
Laptops and notebooks are the same thing; computers that you can sit on your lap and take anywhere. A desktop is a computer that consists of a moniter, tower, and keyboar d and mouse; they are usually for a house or somwhere that the computer stays.

Answer by frost_mourne13
laptops and notebooks are the same thing, laptops being an older term. They are essentially smaller more mobile personal computers. A desktop is what most people call their computers, because it is designed to be used in a home, or home office. they generally have a tower case and peripheral devices plug into it (mouse, keyboard, monitor, etc)

Answer by mcsnyl
ok ill give you their true definitions and then what i think. labtop - a portable, usu. battery-powered microcomputer small enough to rest on the user's lap. desktop - small or compact enough to fit or be used on a desk: a desktop computer. notebook - A light, portable computer that is generally thinner than a laptop. Basically they all are the same thing, all are computers. However, desktops are not portable and are computers you have in you office or you home computer and they are bigger than labtops or notebooks. Laptops are portable and so are notebooks. To tell you the truth it doesnt matter what you call them, you can call portable computers laptops or notebooks. It just seems to me like notebooks are the new way to call them especially how they are taking the place of them and how they are basically becoming notebook size.

Answer by Pit
desktops is the one with a tower and monitor, the laptop and notebooks are the portable computers. :> peace .

[laptops and desktops]


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