Saturday, September 1, 2012

Stop Computer-Killing Dust in its Tracks []

Stop Computer-Killing Dust in its Tracks []

Question by CognitoCon: Where can I find a really good i7 computer for 700 bucks and under? I don't mind refurbished products. Best answer for Where can I find a really good i7 computer for 700 bucks and under?:

Answer by Mercuri
Good luck. The i7 processor, motherboard, and RAM by itself is $ 700.

Answer by The man punted Baxter!
This is probably about as close as you'll get - But it comes with a cruddy GPU, so it's not a gaming machine, if that's what you're after. Or anything that requires a nice GPU. You can upgrade to a 4850 for $ 150 more, or buy one at Newegg for $ 100 and it's decent. But i7 and cheap don't mix well.

Answer by Jim
yeah, Mercuri is right. Good luck on that one. The motherboard is $ 350 or so and the processor is around $ 320. Now you need some RAM and that is the more expensive DDR3 type. Refurbished? The i7 is Intel's latest and greatest processor class and its going to be YEARS before anybody is refurbishing i7 computers!

Answer by Seth
at tiger direct refurbed there is a gateway. It also has 3gb of RAM and a ati 4850 video card. It doesn't appear to include a monitor, but it does appear to include a mouse, keyboard, and speakers. It also includes Windows Vista Home Premium 64 bit so you can easily upgrade the RAM if you want without worrying about the operating system. You can build a computer with parts from for about $ 650, but that won't include an operating system, so really you're getting the best deal from the prebuilt system from tigerdirect.

[i7 computer]

Full Spec / Pricing Sheet: Watch the 3.0 build from 2009: The Bitch 4.2 Specs: CPU -- Intel Core i7 980x 3.33 Ghz (Six Core) Video -- NVidia Evga GeForce GTX 580, 1536mb (upgraded in June, 2011) Sound -- Creative Audigy Sound Blaster LS Audio -- Logitech 5.1 550 Speakers Display -- 2 Dell 30" WFP flat-panel monitors, 5120x1600 resolution (Dec '11) Storage -- Seven Internal SATA HDDs (5.9 TB) + three external (1.5 TB) + 1 SSD (128 GB) = 7.5 TB Total RAM -- 12 GB of DDR3 1600 Drives -- 1 DVD Burner, 1 CD Burner Case -- Cooler Master Cosmos Full ATX PSU -- Corsair 750w Motherboard -- Asus P6T Keyboard -- Logitech G19 Mouse -- Logitech G500 OS -- Windows 7 Ultimate - 64 bit Total Cost -- ~ 00 over six years +++++++++++++++++++++++ ~~ Jon's Adventure Vlog ~~ Whenever Jon ventures out into the world to do something exciting, he will take you along for the adventure! New episodes are posted sporadically, often in small bursts immediately following any traveling Jon does, so the schedule depends on when Jon actually goes on an adventure! Born in February 1986, Jonathan Paula is a professional YouTuber and creator of the hit web series, "Is It A Good Idea To Microwave This?". In April 2006 he founded Jogwheel Productions, a new media production company that specializes in web video. Jon graduated from Emerson College in 2008 with a degree in Television Production / Radio Broadcasting. He currently lives in Rockingham, NH with his wife Rebecca. ~~ Links ~~ Main ... My PC -- Intel Core i7 980x and GeForce GTX 480 Build

It includes Ultrabook-class Core i3, i5, and i7 processors, Intel integrated graphics, NFC technology, and either 128GB or 256GB solid-state drives. Despite being a convertible, the computer sacrifices some of its utility as a laptop to be a better ... The PCs of IFA 2012: Hybrid computers for a hybrid operating system

It attacks your computer like the South American army ant. Tiny, harmless looking critters by themselves, in larger numbers they can cover, kill and dissolve a full grown cow in a matter of hours.

Okay, maybe not exactly like that. But, wood shop and machine shop owners are experiencing the devastating effect manufacturing dust can have inside their shop computers. And they are looking for answers.

It doesn't take much to ruin your day, especially, when metallic dust meets sensitive electronic components. Electricity chooses to travel in the shortest route possible, and little bridges of metal dust make great short cuts. Zap! WRRrrrrrr...

And wood dust makes a great insulating blanket. That's okay if you're lost in a big wood bin and freezing to death, but to a hard working computer it can be bad news. Heat sinks and fans attempt to dissipate the heat from within your computer, but a layer of dust can reduce or prevent this transfer of heat. Als o, computer fans can malfunction when dust and grime are allowed to build up. Things heat up. Computers die. Data is lost. Business suffers.

Okay, what's the answer then? How do you protect your computer from dust?

The actions you are willing and able to take to protect your computer equipment from dust depend on a large number of individual circumstances. Regardless of your situation, I recommend you take a three-front defensive position and optimize for each of the following areas:

o Computer room environment

o Protective computer dust barriers

o Computer maintenance

Let's look at each of these areas individually.

Computer Room Environment

Control the environmental conditions surrounding your computers. The ideal solution would be to keep your computers and monitors in a clean, climate controlled computer room. In other words, take them out of the danger area. Of course, this is unrealistic or undesirab le to many shop owners, who want, or need the computers to operate in the immediate work area.

So what then? Do what you can to control the dust and air pollutants in the shop. Use and maintain dust collectors for woodworking machines and a ventilation system for the shop area. And, if you can't move the computers out of the shop, try to move them across the room, away from welding, grinding or direct contact with billowing sander dust.

Protective Computer Dust Barriers

These include computer dust covers, dust filters, computer dust bags, and computer enclosures. Each has its advantages and limitations as described below. Determine which option is the best solution for you.

Standard computer covers are made by a number of manufacturers. Usually plastic or vinyl, they are cheap, but effective in keeping dust off your computers and monitors. However, they may only be used while your computer equipment is shut down. And, you must re member to put them on. Every day. In other words, they are almost useless in a busy shop.

Computer filters, on the other hand may be used while the computer is running. Also very cheap, these small pieces of loose mesh material are placed over fan air intakes in the computer case to remove dust from incoming air. Some have experimented with using panty hose, BrilloƂ® Pads and other household items with some success. The main drawback with computer filters is their small surface area. They clog up quickly in dusty areas and must be cleaned, or changed frequently to allow the unimpeded flow of cool air into the computer case. Another drawback is that they leave other openings in the computer case unprotected, allowing fine dust to infiltrate the CD ROM drives, floppy drives and other small openings.

Relatively new on the scene, computer dust bags are a combination computer cover and computer filter. Designed for the harsh, dusty and smoky cond itions inherent to wood shops and machine shops, these innovative covers entirely encase the computer processor or monitor at all times, allowing the entire surface of the bag to act as a huge dust filter to remove dust from incoming air. Monitor dust bags have a see-through, anti-static front to allow a clear screen view, and are very effective in keeping dust, wood chips and other debris out of the cooling vents. At around $ 20 or less, the recommended life-span of the computer dust bag is 3-12 months, depending on the level of dust in the shop. A possible drawback to using the computer dust bag is reduced access to CD and floppy drives. However, it is possible to use these drives if you cut a hole in the dust bag and cover it with a door flap, which is included with the bag. You may also have to cut an access slot to use your USB ports.

Finally, computer enclosures are typically metal or wood, box-like cabinets which your computer processor and monitor a re placed in to protect them from the surrounding environment. A variety of fan and filter combinations introduce fresh air into the enclosure. Computer enclosures have the added advantage of protecting your equipment from blunt force trauma, such as a falling 2x4, chemical splashes and other things harmful to your computer. Filters must be changed regularly. Disadvantages include high price, greater amount of space required, and filter maintenance.

Computer Maintenance

Finally, the third part of a sound computer dust protection strategy is computer maintenance. Yes, that means cleaning. Does that scare you? It's easier than you think. You don't have to buy all kinds of expensive tools and cleaning agents, and no heavy scrubbing or complicated disassembly is needed. The most important thing is to maintain a regular computer cleaning schedule. It may be as simple as opening the computer case once every three months to blow out the dust. Educate yourself on the computer cleaning basics and decide the right course of action for yourself. For a copy of the Standard Operating Procedure, "Computer Cleaning and Dust Protection in an Industrial Environment", which you can modify to fit your own requirements go to It's free when you sign up for "The Computer Dust Solutions" newsletter.

Just as numerous insects and animals perish when attacked by the army ant, a great number of computers are killed by dust every day. Don't let it happen to you. Follow the common sense ideas shown here and stop computer-killing dust in its tracks!

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