Monday, September 10, 2012

Should Computer Manufacturers Be Answering "The Big Brain Question" For Consumers? []

Should Computer Manufacturers Be Answering "The Big Brain Question" For Consumers? []

Computer manufacturers want us to buy their products and many go out of their way to continually update the software in their products to fix flaws, and fix errors or conflicts often caused by other software which the consumer may or may not have loaded on their computers, notebooks, laptops, iPads, or smart phones. The manufacturers do this because they want happy customers, and repeat customers - and all the referrals which go along with that too.

So, one has to inquire; are computer manufacturers answering the Big Brain Question for consumers with a resounding yes? What is the Big Brain Question you ask? Well, it is a phrase coined by psychologists, something that all children ask and a question that most people ask throughout their lives with then meet new people, have relationships, or interact in their daily lives. The Big Brain Question is; "Will You Be There for Me?"

You can understand why this is such an important question for children to ask, and why those in a relationship often ask it. If the answer is YES, then there is trust in the relationship, but if the answer is NO, there is doubt on trust, and that's where the problems begin, psychologically speaking that is. Today, participants of social networks wonder; will the company be there for me, to back up my privacy? Will my "friends" be there for me to back-me-up if others trash my reputation? Will the social network still be there in 5-years, what about my information, will it disappear?

See why the Biggy Brainy Question is of consideration in all aspects of life for humans? Okay so, lets move forward and speak of computer warranties and updating services. We know that HP is there for its customers, and Microsoft often constantly updates, so too do the computer virus protection software services. By doing this they are answering that big question with a Big Yes, and by doing that, they win the hearts and minds of their consumers.

Is it all a psycholo gical trick? Is it a planned event, is it false trust or pretend promises? Hard to say, but if this strategy is a employed carefully and diligently the consumer will always believe that the company they bought their products from is there to back-them-up, that they are there for them, and folks let me tell you there is probably no way to develop brand and customer loyalty (long-term trust) than that. So, please consider all this.

Recommend Should Computer Manufacturers Be Answering "The Big Brain Question" For Consumers? Issues

Question by : Why do computer manufacturers not create their own operating system? Why do PCs have to come with the same operating system, Windows? Why don't manufacturers create their own operating system? Why do they need Microsoft? Don't they know how? But how come? They can create a computer but not an OS??? Does someone who knows how to make a computer might not know how to make an operating system? I don't understand. Please explain. Thank you! Best answer for Why do computer manufacturers not create their own operating system?:

Answer by cokecollector08
Because who would buy a machine knowing that it has a different OS than every other machine, when software programs are made to run on a specific OS. Understand?

Answer by Stinky Felix
a computer and o/s is pretty useless if there are no applications to run on it. applications take a lot of effort to write and perfect, and many users to debug and test all possible situations. windows has a huge 3rd party application environment. mac is much smaller. linux is even more so.

Answer by Yash
One who knows software won't necessarily know hardware, and vice-versa. There is Apple who makes its own hardware and OS. If today some company took the initiative, it will need to produce an OS that is compatible with the current OSes and applications, and they will need to make it so great that people are willing to give up Windows and buy it instead. and cokecollector08 already noted the most important point: compatibility. If every other computer will run a different OS, you will need to carry your computer everywhere with you because other computers won't cope with the files in your flash drive.

[computer manufacturers]


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