Monday, September 10, 2012

Net Book - So, What is it Like After a Break in Period? []

Net Book - So, What is it Like After a Break in Period? []

SpinChimp - The Professional Spinner

Jan. 26 (Bloomberg) -- Edward Eigerman, former senior systems engineer for Apple Inc., talks with Bloomberg's Matt Miller and Deirdre Bolton about the unveiling of Apple's new tablet computer. Eigerman also discusses the internal security measures at the technology company and the potential impact on the employees. (Source: Bloomberg) Eigerman Says Apple Tablet May Combine Netbook, E-Reader: Video

For a computer, though, he carried only a stripped down Netbook that he modified using a trick even James Bond would have admired. He sawed off the end of one of the laptop case screws and mashed a small bit of a crushed Altoids mint into the hole ... How the pros thwart computer spies with James Bond tricks

A Net Book is an interesting device.  A primary feature of this design is mobility in a small computer with ability to connect easily to a network.  If you have made or are in the process of making a decision to acquire a Net Book you have determined the benefit of having a small; network enabled Net Book to take with you when away from the base location.

Many Net Books exist today with some variation as to processor, memory, storage, and screen size.  Determining your needs and the capability of computers in this category to meet those needs will take some foresight.

The primary goals in this article were a Net Book with sizeable storage, 200 gigs plus, a moderately fast processor, good video and above all network connectivity for b/g/n networks.  This simple list developed a large list of potential choices.

The selection for use in this instance was the Acer Aspire One, 250 gig HD, 1 GB memory, and 166 MHz processor.  Before it arrived, a de termination made not to place the heavy work of a desktop computer on the Aspire One.  It would serve as described a capable network interface.  Its primary purpose would allow monitoring certain activity on the network, write articles, update blogs, and view video segments.

The first impression when opening the box was favorable.  It looked good, clean neat and weighed very little.  From past learning mistakes, you must read the quick start notes before doing anything.  After reading comments from other buyers about the shorten battery life it appears they did not take this step. 

The intent here is not to walk through the setup but to comment on the impression of the Aspire One as meeting the needs for a Net Book.  Actual battery life when charged fully will appear to be nine plus hours.  Heavy use will shorten this as well as certain user adjustments but this was a good feature.

Network connectivity was great, found the network immediately, signals was excellent, and worked at max rate for the networks capability.  After completing the setup, connection to the network to transfer files, articles, video up and down the network happens without any problem.  Streaming a video on the network will sometimes stutter.  If working off a "g" network this may occur but if on an "n" network that becomes a non-issue.

Overall reaction after 5 days of use is it hits the target.  The Net Book purpose never intended to as a mini desktop, never planned for it to process heavy graphic files.  It has great storage, is quick and easy to use with great network connection. 

When first starting to consider a Net Book it almost seemed too limited for many uses until defining actual needs.  The fear of it being too small, too slow, too limited moved aside to allow the purchase.  The decision of a Net Book and the Aspire One is good to date.

The computer mentioned in this review is a personal device withou t any monetary support from others.  There is no connection or benefit from Acer or New Egg but can give both a thumbs up on this computer.

Suggest Net Book - So, What is it Like After a Break in Period? Articles

Question by jaimerichards414: What is the difference between a laptop computer, a Notebook and a Net book computer? Anyone can tell me where i can get either of them for a cheap price and what is also cheaper a internet connect card or a net book? Best answer for What is the difference between a laptop computer, a Notebook and a Net book computer?:

Answer by Bassman1
Net Book: is a small basic lap top usually small 10 inch screen, no interanl CD/DVD drive, small key board etc. Note Book: small but full featured lap top usually 13 in. Lap top: 14 to 18 inch inch and larger with full key board, large screen, built in CD/DVD drive, larger hard drive, more ram memory, faster processor and more. Go here and compare features and specifications:

Answer by AWriterWandering
Notebooks and laptops are, at least by the modern definition, the same thing. A netbook is a small and relatively inexpensive class of laptop. They have slow processors, which could not handle things like HD movies or most games made in the last several years, and usually no built-in optical drive (though there is at least one exception). On many, particularly older models, the keyboard can be a little too small to effectively touch type on. Though several more recent ones in the 10-12" range have pretty much addressed this issue. Some netbooks also boast battery life in excess of 9 hours. As a rule of thumb with typical use you can expect around half to two thirds of this (this applies to practically all laptops).

[net book computers]


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