Tuesday, August 7, 2012

What Computer Components Do I Need in My PC? [aboutcomputer99.blogspot.com]

What Computer Components Do I Need in My PC? [aboutcomputer99.blogspot.com]

Depending on how you will be using your personal computer (PC) will ultimately determine which computer components you will need. If you just use your PC for email, banking transactions and searching the internet then a basic computer system with internet capability should satisfy your requirements. On the other hand if you are someone who plays internet or standalone games through your PC, then you will need a robust system to handle all the special graphics, images and sounds that go along with the intense games.

The computer components necessary for someone involved with internet and standalone games will require the system to have a fast and powerful central processing unit (CPU) and large amounts of random access memory (RAM) and hard disk storage space. The motherboard should also be able to handle the load and additional high powered video and sound cards.

Video cards are used to handle multimedia applications and graphics on web sites. They free up the central processing unit (CPU) to speed up the PC and enabling faster display of graphics. Video cards now have RAM included on the card to increase the speed of graphics displays which the internet and standalone games require. These computer components provide vivid images through a monitor or video display unit. Today's monitors are flat screen LCD or liquid crystal displays for an enhanced visual experience.

Sound cards and speakers are important computer components for those playing games. The latest sound cards are built to produce high quality sound for playing through powerful speakers. Today's speakers used on PCs produce stereo and surround sound, some even come with sub-woofers for enhanced bass and sound effects. This enhances the experience of someone playing internet or standalone video games through their personal computer.

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Question by : What can I do to get a computer pc/Mac doesn't matter for free? Hello to anybody who reads this, I have just moved from WI to NC just outside of Raleigh. Due to the move being so far away I wasn't able to pay for storage/moving costs. If anyone can help me I will be very grateful. I have very little money (barely enough to eat and pay rent, so of you can help thanks Best answer for What can I do to get a computer pc/Mac doesn't matter for free?:

Answer by Charles
when u find out let us know

Answer by SilverTonguedDevil
No one gives away anything except grocery store sample bites. I suggest you get as many of those as you can. Did you really think someone would give you a new computer? Sometimes you can get a fair computer at a garage sale for $ 50. In your financial condition (about 1.5 on a scale of 10), you should be using the computer at the local library, especially the job postings. NC has food stamps. Apply.

Answer by Robert Greene
Yes, there are several places where you can find free computers. It will take a little legwork on your part though. Schools and companies regularly upgrade and are more than happy to get rid of the old systems. Check with the local schools/colleges. Also check with any larger corporations, and hospitals (specifically the hospital's IT department). You can also ask around at local churches, as anyone who might be buying a new computer doesn't want to deal with the hassle of getting rid of the old one.

[what computer]


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