Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Things You Should Know About Computer Repair Tools []

Things You Should Know About Computer Repair Tools []

Computers are now being used everywhere. A computer that stops working altogether or executes tasks at a very slow speed is a serious problem for people who are dependent on it. Even if you are not very tech savvy, you can learn a few things about computer repair tools to fix most of the problems by yourself. It will also reduce the chances of paying extra money for repairing services that you could handle yourself.

1. A computer repair tool can be divided into two categories namely hardware and software. Cable cutters, screw drivers and canned air are some of the hardware tools used for computer repair. Anti-virus scanners, memory diagnostic utilities and password recovery software are common examples of software repair tools.

2. Canned air can be used to get rid of dust on the surfaces of mechanical components inside the computer cabinet. Multi-meters can be used to cross check Ethernet connections and power cables to detect possible flaws. An antivirus w ill help you to keep away viruses, Trojans and other malicious programs that can affect the overall performance of your computer. A memory diagnostic tool can help you find the problems with RAM.

3. Computer repair tools of both types offer various features and capabilities to diagnose and repair a fault. You need special screw drivers to work with small sized components in your computer. Similarly, diagnostic software can detect most of the hardware and logical problems with your devices.

4. Use an anti-static wrist strap whenever you open your computer for repair. Static electricity can damage some parts on your computer's motherboard. Instead of treating your computer later on, install a firewall, update your antivirus and use latest BIOS software to prevent the problems.

5. Completely unplug your computer when you open the CPU cabinet to fix some problems. Take a backup of all important data before you begin to wipe out viruses from your computer with a n additional software repair tool.

More Things You Should Know About Computer Repair Tools Articles

Question by AnteSavant: What tools do you computer repair use? What tools do you people use when you fix other peoples computers? I'm creating a set of tools to use so I am more organized when doing it. I do it now and then for people and I'm gathering different resources for myself to save my self the hassle. If someone can give me some applications/programs they use to fix computers (Even application recommendations), please list them. Thank you. Best answer for What tools do you computer repair use?:

Answer by Ben D
Ccleaner, Smart Defrag, Microsoft Security Essentials. All good pc repair programs.

Answer by Anonymous
I was a fan of the following: Hiren's Boot Disc MiniPE XT ~ 2003 / 2005 version. Belarc Advisor / Everest Alcohol 120% mounting tools various bootable OS image discs. Philips-head # 0 / #1 screwdriver (long ~ 12" shaft, non-ratcheting) (similar-sized flathead) On the MiniPE disc you will find the imaging and restoration tools by Acronis to be indispensible, along with some of the tools on the Hiren disc for resetting the Administrator password on a Windows system that's not accessible 'cos the primary user is out of the house / unconscious / dead, etc. Have fun.

Answer by cMo
First get ubcd4win, you can build an XP and Vista bootdisk, this will do many many things check out the website. Eliminating nasty spyware/malware, with combofix and hijackthis make sure you know what your doing first. Spybot Search and Destroy from Combofix from Hijackthis from Follow these up with a good anti-virus product, try panda scan or avg. I use kaspersky There is more stuff out there and each situation will require different software/skills. Usually if you cant fix it real quick its a better use of your time to save what data you can from the drive and start with a fresh install. 3-4 hours fixing vs 1hr regen

Answer by jorell w
a philips screwdriver and some knowlege ( sold separately)

Answer by comtech391
Bootable CDs because you need to get out of the Windows Operating System Environment to do a complete and through job of fixing problems. These also need to be ones that are not hardware dependent. Out of what has been listed I probably use only one of them. You can create a Linux Multi use LiveCD with all the tools you could ever need and use and, this would be usable on a MAC computer, as well as a Windows computer. DrWeb has very useful CDs that can be used to fix computers. For computers with a messed up sector 0 on the hard drive, I have software that formats the hard drive in the oppo site direction. I also use older Norton Utilities Disks, because it has programs that were not included in the newer versions. But in general I use Linux LiveCDs, because it has everything I need to use on one CD or DVD. The best way to decide what to get or use software wise, is make a list of known problems and search for software that deals with these issues. Tool wise, they have computer repair basic tool kits you can buy. You don't need anything special for most PCs, but some computers you may need special tools. A lot depends on how serious you are about fixing computers and if you will carry a spare Modem adapter, Ethernet Card, Video Card, Floppy disk drive, and a spare hard drive, plus external devices when internal things don't work.

[computer repair tools]


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