Friday, August 3, 2012

The Popularity of Handheld Computers []

The Popularity of Handheld Computers []

SpinChimp - The Professional Spinner

HTC ONE X Tegra 3 Quad Core HTC Sense 4.0 MWC HTC ONE X Tegra 3 Quad Core HTC Sense 4.0 MWC 2012 by HDblog

Evans & Sutherland Computer Corporation (E&S) (OTCPK: ESCC) today reported financial results in its Form 10-Q filing for the second quarter and six months ended June 29, 2012. Sales for the second quarter were $ 4.7 million, compared to sales of $ 6.6 ... Evans & Sutherland Reports Second Quarter 2012 Results

The handheld PC can be a mobile phone, an organizer or calculator. It is much smaller than a standard laptop and uses its own apps, unlike the laptop that uses the same apps as the desktop computer.

In the latter part of the 80's early 90's, those handheld devices were referred to as Palmtop and they were compatible with the IBM personal computers. This device was called the Atari Portfolio, built in 1989. Other PC manufacturers came up with their own handheld personal computer devices, such as Hewlett Packard who came out with its HP 95LX, built in 1991 and Poqet Computer Corporation came out with its Poqet PC, which was a mini notebook. All these handheld personal computers were compatible to MS-DOS operating system.

The early 90's handheld computers, apart from the pocket calculator, were shunned by the market, except for me, who always wanted a PDA or a PalmPilot. But seriously though, those devices were cool, excepted that they had limited functionalit y, due to the lack of apps on them. They were good organizer. But lack compatibility with the desktop personal computer.

The only handheld device at that time that gained some amount of traction in the market was the Apple Newton. This was a tablet PC that was developed by the Apple Inc. in 1993 but suffered the same fate as the others, due to hardware problems. If Steve Jobs were there, he would have sorted out those issues. However, he returned to Apple three years later, in 1996, when they purchased neXT from him.

Steve Jobs returned to Silicon Valley was to mark a new resurgence in the way the world looked at handheld devices. But first, He had to resuscitate the flagging Apple brand. And by extension, Apple's Inc. from the brink of collapsed to one of the most successful and cash rich companies in Silicon Valley.

Steve Jobs first creation, when he returned to Apple Inc., was the iPod, which was a portable media layer that came out in 2001. Back then, t he first iPod could not be classified as a handheld computer but iPod line, such as the iTouch could be classified as a handheld computer. This was due to its multiple functionality and compatibility with other computer devices.


The smart phone is a mobile phone with an advance technological capabilities and connectivity than an ordinary mobile phone. These phones come with PDA and media player capabilities, along with built in camera, touch screen, web browsing functionality and GPS navigation and mobile broadband access.

Apple Inc. was able to corner the market with its iPhone that was launched in 2007 by Steve Jobs. It is popular phone in the market, due to its extra feature, such as video camera, visual voicemail, virtual keyboard and both 3G and Wi-Fi connectivity. Many other smart phones on the market are doing well, such as blackberry, with a little setback in its functionality, have done well in the past and no doubt wil l continue to do well the future. Google's Android, Samsung Galaxy and Sony Ericsson are holding their own in the smart phone market.

Tablet Personal computer

The evolution of the tablet PC came into existence with Microsoft Tablet PC; in fact the term tablet PC was coined by Bill Gates led Microsoft Corp. in early 2000. The tablet is between a smart phone and a laptop computer and it can be akin to the slate, which is a complete mobile PC. The present day tablets are more high tech with touch screen and virtual keyboard features along with myriad of other functionality.

Steve Job scored big in the tablet market, when Apple inc. launched the iPad tablet in 2010. The tablet is able to function as an audio-visual media and has multitouch screen capabilities that run on the iOS operating system. Since then, a plethora of tablets have entered the market in an attempt to steal the spot light but to no avail, Apple's handheld devices still domina te market share.

Finally, handheld computer now has more features than a desktop computer. The desktop computer is virtually obsolete except in the corporate world, where the desktop is still needed for its capabilities in performing large volume of work.

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Question by : How can I check if my corporation monitors my computer usage? Pure curiosity has me wondering how to check if my company is monitoring my computer usage. I know they are, but I would like to know how to find out. I was in the IT office and noticed several computers being loaded with Ghost, and some other security measures. Which sparked this question. Let me state that I know that my company monitors usage, and am not using my work computer for malicious or personal uses. This message was not typed out on my work computer - ha. Best answer for How can I check if my corporation monitors my computer usage?:

Answer by SurfUp
I would check Craigslist Computer Discussion Forum. There are a couple of IT-Tech's who frequent there...

Answer by The Internet Is Yours
I work in IT..I'm actually a net/sys admin. I can assure you there are programs that run in stealth mode that you simply won't be able to find in programs..etc(maybe registry..but masked). Especially if you don't have power user or admin permissions on that system. Not to mention your temp logs, history, cache..etc can be logged without even using any monitoring software (if you are on a server client setup) matter how much you clear your history, temp..etc...we already have our copy...this is if they log it. You don't want to go digging around....this brings "attention" to "you" actually. To be honest, we don't even have the time to be monitoring people or even check the logs....sure we have the monitoring capabilities but they might be turned off. We only monitor folks when there is a "reason" like somebody snooping around bringing attention to themselves either by surfing the web too much, downloading crap, getting viruses like crazy, trying to access files they know they can't....etc HR or a top manager gives us a call and then we have no choice but to monitor that individual even HARDER...don't be that person. LOL...seriously...we don't like to bust folks but we will if they are just asking for it. Later

Answer by Dr Who
Ghost is by Symantec. I worked in a room with 150 Dells of the same model and about a dozen monitors. Staff could walk up to their computer. The hard drives were installed in one of the cd drive bays. You should just pull out a harddrive with Win XP Korean and insert a hard drive with Win XP German. This was done for testing purposes. We used Ghost to place a standard operating system setup in a given operating system for a certain language. Ghost helped to standardize our systems so our tests would be consistent. Like the other guy said, just assume they are monitoring your computer usage. We had a guy that was constantly instant messaging to personal friends throughout the day. He would delegate his work to anyone that would accept work from him. My first day, he tried to give me a bunch of work. I told him I had to clear it with my lead. He got quite angry with me in front of everybody. I stood up and flat out told him that I was introduced to my new boss and stated her name (same as his). And she introduced me to my lead (not in his area). And I will be checking with my lead on all of this work you are handing me. The rest of the staff started giggling. At the time I thought they might be laughing at me but I follow the chain of command. They all loved it. The manager found out and decided a couple weeks with budget support from upper management to give that guy his own worker that he can dump his workload onto. It took the new one three months to learn everything he d id. Along the way they were documenting his computer usage in case he attempted to sue. One day the IT folkes went into his computer after he went home for the day. Uninstalled his instant messaging software, removed his browser, fixed it so he could not install any software. Next day he came in and within an hour he was screaming at the IT guy to return his system to normal. Two plain clothes officers where already there to escort him out of the building. It did not disrupt our workflow because he did such a fine job training someone in on all of his work. Just assume they can monitor you at anytime. Assume they can look at your computer screen from elsewhere in the building at anytime. Do not draw attention to yourself.

[computer corporation]


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