Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Steps to Increase Replacement Laptop Computer Battery Lifespan []

Steps to Increase Replacement Laptop Computer Battery Lifespan []

A computer's battery is generally found on the motherboard. Switch out a computer's battery with the tips in this free video on computer peripherals from a professional computer hardware trainer. Expert: James MacGregor Contact: Bio: James MacGregor is the training coordinator at InterConnection based out of Seattle, WA. He has been in the computer industry for six years. Filmmaker: Ross Safronoff Computer Peripherals : How to Replace Your PC's Battery

Many times you wonder why your replacement laptop computer battery dies so quickly and if there are any precautions you can take to avoid this problem. If you care for and maintain your batteries properly, you can easily extend the lives of your laptop computer replacement batteries. It can be frustrating when you purchase a replacement battery for your laptop and after a few months the battery life has significantly declined. This is not what you want to happen. Below are some simple steps that can be taken to ensure that your battery lasts for its maximum potential.

If you constantly remove your replacement battery from the laptop and store it away it can ultimately become soiled, and no longer functional at peak capabilities. To alleviate the problem of a soiled battery, take a cotton swab and Isopropyl alcohol to rub down the laptop battery. When cleaning the metal connectors be sure to always use a dry cloth. While cleaning the contacts you should use the Is opropyl alcohol. This will properly clean your replacement laptop battery. Having clean contacts helps maintain a good connection between your battery and notebook computer. The optimal place to store your laptop battery is in a cool, dry place that is away from excessive heat. Make it a point to keep the laptop battery away from any form of extreme heat. Heat is a batteries enemy, so avoiding heat is very advantageous to your batteries lifespan. Also make sure that the battery is not near any metallic objects that can disrupt the batteries charge. It is not uncommon for Lithium-Ion batteries to discharge after extended periods of being stored.

It is a good idea to exercise any replacement laptop batteries at least once every two to three weeks. Exercising a laptop computer battery means using the battery and not leaving it dormant for extended periods of time. If the laptop battery is not used for extended periods of time it is highly recommended to exercise it in-bet ween down times. This will prevent significant battery capacity loss. By following this simple step your laptop battery will be able to store more of a charge than if otherwise left alone. If you do not use the laptop battery frequently then you should exercise it before attempting to use it regularly.

If you are using an AC Adapter to power your computer then it is advisable to remove the good battery from your notebook and replace it with an old, short run-time battery. This is a good practice as the battery in the laptop will continuously be charged and discharged rendering the battery life shorter than ever expected. Excessive charging and recharging of batteries drastically shortens battery life. Thus, it is a good idea to remove that brand new battery from your laptop when it is being powered through the AC Adapter.

Utilizing your laptops power management features prior to use can extend the life of your battery.

Defragmenting your laptop is beneficia l to your computers performance along with its battery life. Having a clean, defragmented notebook ensures that the laptop will run in an efficient manner. Having a laptop computer run efficiently will increase the batteries life span, by not draining it trying to reach programs. All these simple tips can ensure that your replacement laptop computer battery will have an extended lifespan.

More Steps to Increase Replacement Laptop Computer Battery Lifespan Articles

Question by ain't worth crap: CAn you answer a simple question about recharging computer batteries ? how can i get the battery on my computer to recharge. i have an hp i just got two months ago but the battery went completely to zero one day and now it isn't working at all. on hp total care it says my battery is in good health but it just won't charge . is it totally broken or is there something i can do to get it working right again? Best answer for CAn you answer a simple question about recharging computer batteries ?:

Answer by The Shadow
You may have gotten a battery with some bad cells. It would transfer the power from the outlet directly to the computer, which would indicate that it was good, but the cells may be bad and not holding charge. Try leaving the computer off and plugging it in overnight. If it holds no charge after that, the battery is shot. If you have a warranty, that should be covered for a replacement batter seeing as the computer is so young and, from what you said, you did nothing that would have caused this problem.

Answer by AlexAtlanta
Batteries, especially older ones, develop something called "memory". As you might recall from high school physics, batteries work by the attraction of certain elements. When you charge a battery, you are pushing the elements back. When you use a battery, the elements pull to the center. By leaving a battery plugged in all the time, those elements get used to being pushed back and lose the ability to pull to the center. If that happens, the battery is effectively useless. You might try letting a battery sit idle outside of the computer for two days and then see if the charge lasts longer (in effect, removing any push and seeing if the elements begin to move back to the center). But, I doubt that will have much effect. Best bet is to get a replacement if it is still under warranty or order a new battery and ensure that you let it drain every so often (about once a week is best).

[computer batteries]


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