Friday, August 10, 2012

Computer Devices for the Physically Challenged []

Computer Devices for the Physically Challenged []

As we are all aware of the word computer and we are aware of its capabilities, the importance and use of computer technology is increasing day by day on a very large scale. Today computers are being used in every famous field, whether it be in the medical field, education field, agricultural field and so on.

And there is absolutely no denying of the fact that since the birth of computer technology it has changed the way of our life and it has made things adequate and easy enough for all of us.

We have to remember that the people who invented this amazing technology were not all handicapped or going through certain physical problems and that is probably why this technology came out to be a big success. But how is the computer effective for the physically challenged people?

That is question which we normally do not know or even bother asking anyone.

The truth is that various computer devices for the physically challenged have made their life a lot easier and has helped a lot to solve the problems which they seek in the world. Although many people among us are not even aware of certain computer devices which has changed the life of the physically challenged people?

A few years back being physically challenged was considered as a curse that had made life very difficult for the people by making people dependent on others regardless of the fact of their weakness.

But a lot of things have changed dramatically today thanks to the new and advanced achievements of science and technology. One of the truly amazing devices of these people is the "Tongue System", it simply means there is a small magnet which is implanted on the tongue of the user and the then the user has to move his tongue in order to move the cursor because tongue is directly connected to the human brain. Pointing devices which can be controlled by movement of the eyebrows are also famous among people with disabilities.

Other than that t here is also a voice recognition program, which is used to simply write words which the user is telling the computer by the human voice and also it is being done without any mistakes. The latest technology has made things very easier for these kinds of people and has removed all the hurdles in their way. And now as the technology is improving every day, more and more useful devices are being developed for these people so that can they live easily in this competitive world.

And now even the blind or the people who cannot see properly are benefiting from the latest technologies. For such kind of people there are some special keyboards which have big and over size letters on them which helps a lot and solves their problems.

So this is the wonders of computer technology and science has it has proved once again that everyone can benefit out of it.

Recommend Computer Devices for the Physically Challenged Topics

Question by : what are the cheapest computers that can run call of duty? I have a 800$ budget and I really want to keep it close to 600$ .I am not willing to get a desktop. i Just want a computer that can run call of duty black ops at a good frame rate not on lowest graphic setting. If the computer needs a graphics card tell me which one. Best answer for what are the cheapest computers that can run call of duty?:

Answer by Rushikesh
intel core 2 quad q8400- 100-130$ radeon HD 5770 - 100-120$ mobo, cabinet else your choice get 500WPSU,, minimum... will get black ops on good fps

Answer by bill s

[cheapest computers]


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