Thursday, August 2, 2012

What You Need to Do When Buying a Computer []

What You Need to Do When Buying a Computer []

Question by the ghoul: Any recommendations for computer building magazines? I live in the u.s so anything from the u.k is pointless to me(i know they have a lot of them). a lot of the magazines i have read are always outdated in terms of the tech they cover. the latest one i read was talking about nvidia's gtx 260 as the hottest thing on the market. Ideas? Best answer for Any recommendations for computer building magazines?:

Answer by ex0
Am i the only one that immediately wonders why you haven't bought the latest copy of the magazine you say is outdated? I don't know of any. I'd suggest doing your research online - not really much point wasting money on a magazine when you can look on youtube for a complete video guide on the same thing. If you're after hardware reviews, tomshardware or bit-tech are both pretty good.

Answer by jerry t
Check out It is uptodate and easy to read. Check out their best of the best hardware. Have fun

[computer magazines]

Looking back on game magazines VIDEO GAME MAGAZINES

Computers are just general-purpose machines that become special purpose when running different application software. Ed Roberts, inventor of the Altair 8800, coined the phrase "personal computer" since it was the first computer designed for personal use. Almost every personal computer comes with a variety of applications pre-installed. Furthermore, all computers today come with a variety of installed or integrated expansion cards and their corresponding ports.

So what do you need to know about expansion cards, connectors, and ports when buying a computer? All you need to know is that your computer will come equipped with everything you need to get up and running.

Buying a Personal Computer

When buying a computer you have many choices of where to go, including click-and-order businesses on the web. You can visit web sites and see for yourself what's available at click-and-order portals. You can choose a computer system and compare the prices at the var ious sites for similar systems and compare the RAM available on the system you choose in the packages offered at the different sites. You may need to ask yourself the following questions: What are the return policies of the sites? Do these sites sell software too? Do the sites have any provision for technical support? How about customer support?

When you've got your comparative prices from the click-and-order stores, check them out against local stores in your area. You need to find comparable systems at one or more stores and see if prices differ. If the stores have Web sites, see if there is a difference in the prices there compared to the prices offered to walk-in customers.

Computer Magazines

You've seen those computer magazines all lined up in glossy covers at the local grocer. Well, computer magazines are a great place to learn more about the field of computers. You can visit a local library or bookstore and look through a variety of computer magazine s. As you do, answer the following questions. Is the magazine oriented toward personal computing or business computing? Is there a Web version of the magazine? And does the magazine have ads for computer and equipment sales?

The Internet

When looking to buy a branded unit, it is best to find out their actual value. Some brands are priced way more than they are worth. There are reliable sites online that ensure laptop computer buyers can easily find the facts needed to make a wise purchase decision. If you are planning to buy a laptop computer or any other computer unit at a later time, always make sure to keep updated with the latest models and most recent trends since almost all types and brands are constantly changing and evolving every month.

Keeping track of the most recent product developments seems to be a daunting task. This may take you time to do some research about consumer products magazine or you may need to browse online. Magazines that have co mparative product reviews can help or you can go from one dealer to another if you have much time. But still finding the information you need via the Internet is the most convenient.

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