Question by sherif b: Any Advise , links or Book names , On How to troubleshoot computer hardware failure? Best answer for Any Advise , links or Book names , On How to troubleshoot computer hardware failure?:
Answer by suresh p
If you want any books or softwares or games or anything open this website ok
Answer by afiq fariduddin s
To Troubleshoot Computer hardware failure.. 1) You need to recognize computer parts and their task/function. 2) You need to decide/know the problem is related to computer software or hardware. 3) Sometimes you need to have a good working computer parts for testing purpose. 4) Among the steps to troubleshoot is a suggestion that you substitute a known good replacement for whatever part . 5) Example : If you are questioning whether a printer cable is failed, one way to test is to find a cable that works on another PC and put it in place of the suspect failure cable. If the replacement works, you know the original doesn't. If the replacement cable does not solve the problem you can eliminate the cable as a suspect. -

hope you like it pc hardware troubleshooting
One of the most common problems encountered by desktop computer users is due to software and hardware breakdown. The most basic thing to do when trying to troubleshoot computer errors; the user must be able to recognize the root cause and afterwards apply the best solution or better yet, get an assistance of a technical expert.
When it comes to that, you can rely on DesktopComputerSupports to provide the most comprehensive desktop computer support. Their skilled desktop computer support team detects hardware/software errors accurately. For instance that a computer has been running normally when all of a sudden it crashes. Then it is likely that crucial software must have failed.
Most âcrashâ problems are caused by errors in the software function.
As such, their team of professional desktop computer support team will locate the root of the error and troubleshoot it right away.If due to environmental factors, it is most likely that a computer must have undergone a hardware error. If so, then their desktop computer support specialists will situate the hardware that causes the computer to crash and repair it the soonest possible to reduce downtime.
Their desktop computer support expertsâ primary function is troubleshooting hardware and software errors. Whenever you are experiencing one, do not hesitate and refer to ask their desktop computer support team for assistance. Their desktop computer support professionals will extend their aid to their clients anytime and will certainly do their best in mending any of your computerâs error.
Therefore, there is a huge risk in using the DIY method and it creates additional problems if the fix-it procedures are not performed correctly.
It is best to engage help from desktop computer support who is well versed with PC troubleshoot and solutions.For inquiries on effective and reliable desktop computer support service, call 1-888-216-6589
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