Computers have become an inseparable part of today's society and as a result computer repair is needed in all aspects of life. Because of the relative newness of this career many different online accredited schools offer certificates and degree programs to become a computer technician. There are a number of things students should know prior to enrolling in an accredited educational training program.
1. Computer repair schools can provide PC training through online courses that study PC fundamentals and quickly advance a students understanding of support basics and computer information technology. Students will be able to work as field technicians who travel on-site to perform repair on computers, fax machines, and other equipment.
2. Online schools provide convenient courses that can lead students to graduate from different types of degree programs. Computer repair schools may provide diplomas, certificates, associates, and bachelors degree programs. Some schools have graduate programs in computer sciences. Dedicated students may be able to complete a degree program in less time than a traditional based campus.
3. A typical price for an individual course could cost around $ 600. A PC service and repair course will aid students in becoming highly efficient in the many areas that make up the field of computer repair. A course of this nature may cover information like hard drives, hard disks, floppy drives, and files. The instruction will help students develop the skills that are necessary to successfully troubleshoot modems, monitors, keyboards, soundboards, and more. After completion of a course like this students will have the knowledge needed to repair complex computers and personal computers.
4. Some online schools may offer a seven-week certification program to prepare students for the professional work force. A program like this may cost around $ 300. Students will go through a different section of a compute r each week. During the weekly lesson the information covered will go through how a section works and why it works. This comprehensive program will introduce students to the knowledge needed to repair computers.
5. Students will finish the course knowing how to run a general diagnostic test to pinpoint system failures. Certificate holders will be able to identify the tools necessary to perform maintenance on computers, repair broken computers, and much more. An important factor to consider when deciding on a degree or certificate program to enroll in is if the courses prepare students adequately for the A+ certification exam.
6. The A+ certification exam demonstrates competency as a computer repair technician. To obtain A+ certification it is recommended that students have obtained 500 hours experience with operating systems, computer hardware, system files, maintenance, networking, configuration of hardware, and troubleshooting. Students enrolled in a certificat ion program or a degree distinction course should have no problems acquiring this knowledge.
Completion of an online accredited program will qualify students to work as computer service technicians and support specialists. Medium annual income recorded in 2008 by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for a computer support specialist is about $ 43,000. Job growth is predicted to rise 14 percent over the next eight years. Gaining an online certificate or degree as a computer repair technician will give students high prospects when searching for a job. Accreditation is provided to schools that offer a quality education. Accrediting organizations such as the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training ( can provide schools and colleges with full accreditation.
Find More Train Online For a Career in Computer Repair IssuesQuestion by Evil Z: What are the differences between computer repair and computer science courses in a vocational highschool? I'm entering a vocational high school but the application provides little information about the courses offered. Can someone tell me what the difference between computer repair and computer science are? I want to learn more about languages like c++, java, etc. So which one would provide more of that? And if you can, please elaborate on what would generally be provided in each of the courses. I'm planning on becoming a computer programmer and/or graphics programmer, hopefully for video games. So which do you think would be better for this path? Thanks. ^^ Best answer for What are the differences between computer repair and computer science courses in a vocational highschool?:
Answer by Confused Without A Cause
hey i attended a vocational highschool. Computer repair deals with hardware issue and actual hardware repair. What you're interested in is computer science. My hs's cs program taught c++, html, asp and integrated web design. Basically in CS you work with learning how to program and applying that to specific areas like web programming, database programming, etc.
Answer by Khan
In your case, computer science courses is the way to go. Pay extra attention to them because if you take computer science at University/college, it would be a great help.
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