Friday, August 3, 2012

Should I Worry When Someone Calls Me a Computer Geek Or Nerd? []

Should I Worry When Someone Calls Me a Computer Geek Or Nerd? []

Not long ago, I was talking to a young man at the local coffee shop, and we got into a conversation and I asked him what he did for a living, it turns out he works for the Geek Squad, which is actually a division of a company that goes around and fixes people's computers, because folks buy technology which is far more advanced than their ability to use it. Kind of like when you buy a VCR, and never figure out how to use all the features.

And before you laugh about that, did you know that 95% of the people never use all the features on their own cell phone, something they carry around with them everywhere they go, every single day of their life? It's utterly insane when you think about it, and yet, my acquaintance reiterated to me, that is often called a nerd or a geek. And then he said;

"I really hate it when people call my friends and I Computer Geeks."

Well, I had a few things to say about this, because I have thought about it previously, and just y esterday I got an e-mail from another acquaintance of mine who indicated about the same thing. So here are my thoughts in case this has ever happened to you;

I wouldn't worry about it, who cares what people think, provided they actually know "how to think" which is completely debatable at your level of cognitive ability, so you cannot compare, and thus, you shouldn't perhaps, give a crap what they say. After all, they are just being humans. It would be like a troop of chimpanzees making fun of a regular human.

Why would the human even worry about it? So, what? I mean who cares what they think, toss them a banana, and be done with it. That's all the really want, it's a whole different level of cognitive ability, see that point? Well, I hope you will please consider this.

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Question by Andre: How did the computer geeks at Fortune 500 companies get through their interviews? My conception of them is that they are introverted and lack people skills, but please correct me on this. Do you believe that resumes get you the interviews and interviews get you the job? By what standard are computer geeks and techies admitted into large companies making hefty salaries? Is it based on the behavioral interview or based on something completely different? Best answer for How did the computer geeks at Fortune 500 companies get through their interviews?:

Answer by sara l
In some parts i do but on the other hand you as a person has to make a impression also

Answer by Dan
Andre, foremost, your assumption is flawed. "Computer geeks" no longer exist, at least, not in the light you put them. Given today's work environment, many people with technical aptitude have pursued technology oriented careers who might have otherwise pursued different fields. This is largely due to the stability of computer science type positions in the workforce and it's growing demand. As such, a significant portion of large companies "geeks" are not really geeks at all. Rather, they are educated individuals that possess more than merely technical skills. Most companies today prefer well rounded individuals doing their "geek" work since those geeks have to be able to convey information to non-geeks. In addition, those same companies are making their geeks more customer facing and therefore require them to posses a certain level of communication ability as well as business acumen. Granted, there are still those whom are extremely introverted and can't communicate if their life depended upon it. However, tech jobs are increasingly requiring a broader skill set. Yes, I'm a software engineer and one of my greatest attributes is my ability to communicate with any audience, at least so I'm told.

Answer by Paxton
There is a company who for a fee will have a person learn about you and you can send that confident, good looking person on your interview. When you get the job, just act like it was you all along. The interviewer will be to embarssed to actually say "that's not the person I hired." Everybody would think he is crazy.

Answer by Krista
Microsoft never hires people on permanent - everyone must start out as a 'temp' which involves minimal interviewing. Sometimes the employees are temps for years prior to being hired on permanently - therefore proving themselves by performance not social skills.

[computer geeks]


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