Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Fix Computer Problems - Steps You Can Take to Fix Computer Problems Quickly []

Fix Computer Problems - Steps You Can Take to Fix Computer Problems Quickly []

Fixing Basic Problems: Even when well maintained, things go wrong. Here are a few problems you may encounter and some tips on how to fix them. Computer Basics Ch 8 - Fixing Basic Problems

Anyone that uses computers knows that they are a very significant help. Computers can be used for almost anything. If there is software available to handle the task then the computer is able to run it. Sometimes computers run into situations that are not possible to avoid. If you don't have any computer expertise or have little on knowledge on how to fix your unit then you might have to spend money on a technical expert to fix computer problems for you. Here are some simple steps to keep in mind next time your computer is acting up:

One of the most simple tasks you can do to start to get to the root of your problem or a remedy your computer is a simple restart and reboot. Make sure that you've saved any files that you were working on and close all applications before doing so. When your computer restarts itself then look for their messages that may come on the screen. These error messages usually tell you what happened when your computer crash or froze and give you a rundown of diagnoses of the problem. The first thing to note when trying to fix computer problem is that information is key. Jot down everything and anything that can be used in the future. Make sure that everything is properly connected. Make sure all cables and cords are securely adjusted and make sure that there are no liquids or foods surrounding your power supply. You can even run the system restore that comes with the Windows operating system. This is an internal tool you can use to restore your computer back to an earlier state before the problem started to appear. This will go a long way to fix computer problems in the future. You can access this tool by going to Start and then Programs and then going into Accessories and then looking for System Tools. If this does not work for you then you probably have an error in your Windows registry. I have had this problem with my computer and the easiest way to rid your computer system of such an error is to download a Windows registry cleaner. What this does is restore the registry values in your Windows registry back to the same optimal level it was when you first got your computer to have it running like brand-new again.

I have a program that I have downloaded which I would recommend anyone using because of its speed and efficiency. It also runs on autopilot and allows you to create your own maintenance routine schedule which also runs on autopilot so you don't have to keep updating and tending to your system for it to run faster.

Suggest Fix Computer Problems - Steps You Can Take to Fix Computer Problems Quickly Articles

Question by JOH: Why does restarting the computer fix problems? For example, my internet browsers (both Internet Explorer and Firefox) would give an error dialogue (can't remember what it said). The window would not open up. After I restarted the problem was fixed. What happens when the computer restarts? The more specific the better ^^ Thanks! Best answer for Why does restarting the computer fix problems?:

Answer by Nina
It's like your giving it a rest. Like if you are sick and you go to sleep for a long time you usually get better. In some cases your hard drive overheated and it cools down once you restart it. I'm no teck wiz, so sorry if that isn't specific enough :)

Answer by Korosardu
It is like it refresh its own memory Example install anew program and it doesn't work properly - restart pc and everything works smooth hope I helped u :)

Answer by Opiboble
There are 3 different kinds of restarts: Software Restart (exp: Start-Shut Down-Restart) During a Software Restart you are closing out of all running software, and then your OS (Operating System, exp: XP, Vista, OS-X). This allows changes to your system to save and then re-load when your computer starts back up. Installing an anti-virus will usually need to do this so it can load up properly. However this does not empty out your systems RAM or reload your motherboards BIOS. Power Cycle (exp: Start-Shut Down-Shut Down) A Power Cycle restart is the same to a Software Restart on many levels but does one more important step. When doing a Power Cycle you shut the computer down all the way, like you should do when going to bed or to work (I don't lol) and let it sit for 5-10min. What this does is drains all the little battery's (capacitors) in your computer which in turn empties your RAM and clears the BIOS's cache. Now when you start up your computer it will reload your BIOS and then boot your OS, leaving your computer nice and fresh hardware wise. Doing this uusuallyfixes hardware issues, and is required when installing new hardware. Hard Power Cycle (exp: Press and hold power button uuntilcomputer turns off, Pull the battery (laptop) or power cord) A Hard Power Cycle does the same as the first 2 but does not save any files/settings in any open Software or in your OS. This is only advised if something wierd is happening on your computer (exp: not responding/changed a setting and had an ill effect) because it will undo any changes you made to your OS normally, unless you messed around in the registry. Fixes freeze-ups and normally reverts changes made to your desktop icon arangment, and little "wierd" things that happen to your computer. I hope this informed you, I know it is kind of long :P Enjoy! Opi.

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