Sunday, August 5, 2012

Computer Parts and Computer Components []

Computer Parts and Computer Components []

Gaming PC Build for 0: Build Tutorial Part One: Build Tutorial Part Two: How to Build a Computer for Gaming (2012) Part Three In this video I give a full tutorial on how to build a computer for gaming. This is my 0 cheap budget gaming PC however this is how to put together almost any computer. In part three of my computer build tutorial I go over wiring and cable management including connecting the motherboard, CPU, fans, hard drive and optical drive. Intel Core i3-2120 CPU: Gigabyte GA-H61M-DS2 Motherboard: Sapphire Radeon HD 7770 Graphics Card: PNY Optima 4GB RAM: Western Digital Caviar Blue 500GB Hard Drive: Cooler Master eXtreme Power Plus 500W Power Supply: Antec Three Hundred Case: Sony DVD Burner: Molex Adapter: Video Gear: Nikon D3200 Camera: Nikon 50mm 1.8G Lens: Nikon 40mm 2.8G Micro Lens: MacBook Ai r 11" 2012: Blue Yeti Microphone: Zoom H1 Microphone: 2400 Watt Softboxes: Manfrotto 701HDV Fluid Video Head: Dolica AX620B100 Tripod: Audio-Technica ATH-M50 Headphones: Corel VideoStudio Pro X5: Subscribe! Merch Store! Channel Link Jailbreaking info Transcript First step is to grab the pair of SATA cables that came with the motherboard. Plug both of these into the connectors on the bottom right of the board. Grab one ... How to Build a Computer for Gaming (2012) Part Three

A computer is a multipart machine made from a mixture of electronic parts. Some components are very vital to ensure that the computer runs properly. There are some parts that the computer system cannot do without.

CPU (Central Processing Unit)

The CPU is the component that helps in the running of all computer applications and programs. You cannot perform major tasks such as booting an operating system (OS), playing videos, music or games or even doing any word processing without the CPU. Therefore a computer must have a CPU.


This is the part where other internal components are attached. It attaches all the internal parts of the system together. In some cases it can be said to be the heart of the system since it links all the major parts of the computer system.

HDD (Hard Disk Drive)

The main function of a hard disk is to store all the computer files or data for a long duration of time. It stores information even when there is no power. It can save program files, operating system or any other data that may be important to the user including videos or mp3s. The hard disk can be used as a temporary storage facility incase the computer is out of RAM.

RAM (Random Access Memory)

A RAM is a temporary storage facility for all information or files wile a computer is running a program or an application. Coupled with CPU, a RAM dictates the speed of the computer. The larger the RAM, the faster the speed despite having an ordinary CPU.

Video Card

Video card helps the computer to put on view all images on the screen of the computer (monitor). It speeds up the display of images on the screen and gives understandable and detailed images.

PSU (Power Supply Unit)

PSU ensures that all computer components are supplied with power. It converts high voltage power from an AC source to lower voltage which is safe for a computer. Without the PSU a computer cannot operate.

More Computer Parts and Computer Components Issues

Question by : How do you handle computer parts such as CPUs and RAM modules without causing ESD Damage to them? This is my very first attempt at building a computer. I've done a lot of research and this is the only thing I don't quite understand. What I'm really not sure about, though, is how can I actually unwrap the parts from their wrappers/containers and be able to have physical contact(holding them) with the parts themselves with causing any ESD Damage to them. Best answer for How do you handle computer parts such as CPUs and RAM modules without causing ESD Damage to them?:

Answer by Jordan D
They sell straps that go around your wrist that you can connect to the body of the computer to keep you grounded during installation of the hardware, or just keep your arm rested against it. Either way works.

Answer by newton3010
Before removing any parts always touch a bare metal part of the computer so that you discharge and static build up. Never touch the gold connecting parts. You can also get an anti-static wrist strap that you can use to permanently ground yourself. or lastly use an anti static mat.

Answer by Seth A
Make sure you ground yourself on something before you handle them but What I do is either wear a static strap (in the shop) or just keep one forarm on the edge of the case while your handling the CPU or ram Home Calls

Answer by The evil tacos Noo
ok if you manage to ESD a part to your cpu you are skilled. I mean common rule if its part of your device don't touch. if its meta l part of case touch. it's really hard to do this i mean i have made computers and work on the daily and i have yet to ESD a single thing yet i do make sure to ground myself before handeling anything that might be zapped.

Answer by Adrian
Newton has the basic answer. I always put any part on the case, touch both the case and the static bag, then open the bag, and always touch the case first before touching the part. Put the part in or partially in with one hand, while touching the case still. You can use your elbow or arm against the case and use two hands. The ESD comes from your body usually, to the ground in the case. As long as you ground yourself to the case first, you are usually safe. In all the years (30+) I've worked with computers, I've seldom used a ESD strap, and have never blown a component with common sense grounding.

[parts of computer]


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