Saturday, September 29, 2012

Remote Computer Access - Which System is Best? []

Remote Computer Access - Which System is Best? []

If you've been looking into solutions to give yourself remote computer access for any length of time, you've no doubt come across most of the major players in the market -- such as GoToMyPC from Citrix, PCAnywhere from Symantec, PCNow, LogMeIn, as well as some other more minor players.

With all the different options, it can definitely be difficult to try and choose one program over another. I know that when I had to choose among all the different options I had, it certainly did get confusing really fast.

So let's talk about which software package might be the best for you. Hopefully I can help you avoid some of the headache that I had to go through when I was choosing.

First, I just want to talk in general about how these programs work so that you'll have a good grasp on what to look for and what to expect from them.

I had to use one of these products a couple of years ago when my home office was turned into a nursery after my second child was b orn. I was going through a tough time in my business and needed to spend a lot of time in front of the computer.

But because I couldn't get into my home office when I needed to, I needed a solution that would allow me to work on a laptop from other locations in the house -- or even out of the house -- and still allow me to access all of the software and files that are on my main computer.

I was skeptical at first, but after I started using them I really was blown away by how well it worked. And on top of all that, it was a snap to install. I think it probably took me less than 10 minutes from beginning to end to where I was up and running and controlling my home computer from anywhere.

More Remote Computer Access - Which System is Best? Issues

Question by Tony: What are the steps to use microsoft remote computer access to check out problems with my fathers computer? I'm in TX and he's in Georgia. Not exactly sure how to start the process. Please help me help him! Best answer for What are the steps to use microsoft remote computer access to check out problems with my fathers computer?:

Answer by Wendy
You can use TeamViewer : The All-In-One Solution for Remote Access and Support over the Internet. TeamViewer connects to any PC or server around the world within a few seconds. You can remote control your partner's PC as if you were sitting right in front of it. - even through firewalls. All your partner has to do is start a small application, which does not even require installation or administrative rights.

Answer by Charlie Tuna
Use Remote Assistance - You as a helper use an Internet connection to access your father's computer to provide assistance. You see your father's computer screen and communicates through a chat box. If your father gives you permission, you can remotely control your father's computer to resolve a problem. Step by step instructions are here ->

[remote computer access]

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Friday, September 28, 2012

Finding the Best Cheap Gaming Computers []

Finding the Best Cheap Gaming Computers []

There are few things in this world that can equal or surpass the entertainment value that is provided by cheap gaming computers. A good one can provide you and your family with endless hours of enjoyment and can actually draw your family together. Even if you are already living in different places, gaming computers can connect you together since you can play with someone who is in a different state or country.

Cheap gaming computers are incorporated with the best in graphics, technology and sounds. But although they are cheap, it does not mean that you can get by with a crappy computer. You need the right hardware to run digital games. Without them, you will not be able to enjoy online gaming to the fullest. The gaming software is rather specialized and if you are on the market for one, you cannot find what you need in a general store. Although there are computers that are sold in such outlets, they are the types that are for word processing and Internet surfing.

To be able to get the best in gaming computers, you should go to a computer gaming store. Not only do they carry the items you will need, they also have the staff that has the knowledge and experience to advise you on the correct purchase. They can point you to the right graphics cards to buy, power supplies and cooling systems that are essential in gaming computers. Before doing your shopping, though, you should have an idea of the requirements of the game that you want to play. You need hardware that will surpass the specs. If you are going to buy hardware that will just be enough for the requirements, you will have to buy another when a new game that requires better hardware is released. These are available in specialized traditional outlets, but the best cheap gaming computers sources are still online.

Find More Finding the Best Cheap Gaming Computers Issues

Question by themister12: anyone know of any good gaming computers that area also cheap? I want a computer that is cheap but pretty good, that can at least handle starcraft 2 and battlefield 3 to their full settings. Best answer for anyone know of any good gaming computers that area also cheap?:

Answer by ѕυиzÑ"αâ„"
Hi If you are looking for cheap custom build good gaming PC, than this will help you :- Just select items marked "Recommended". You will be able to run all games at high settings and minimal cost :)

[gaming computers cheap]

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Choose Wisely When Buying Computer Peripherals []

Choose Wisely When Buying Computer Peripherals []

SpinChimp - The Professional Spinner

Add an extra monitor to a computer laptop to create more screen space. Hook up a monitor to a laptop with the tips in this free video on computer peripherals from a professional computer hardware trainer. Expert: James MacGregor Contact: Bio: James MacGregor is the training coordinator at InterConnection based out of Seattle, WA. He has been in the computer industry for six years. Filmmaker: Ross Safronoff Computer Peripherals : How to Use a Monitor With a Laptop

Many people now have jobs where they work with computers, for some this can be all day tapping away at a keyboard or clicking with a mouse, if you are in this category or use a computer at home then you will want to ensure you use a mouse and keyboard that are comfortable to you and won't leave your hands feeling sore after using them.

Ergonomics are incredibly important when it comes to using a computer, mice that are awkward to hold or move and keyboards that don't respond well are a key source of frustration for computer users and so there are many different models and designs when it comes to making computer peripherals. There are even bespoke peripherals that are made for specific purposes such as graphics tablets for people who do art or photo editing on a computer or a microscope that connects to your computer.

The most commonly used peripherals though are the mouse and keyboard, the keyboard in particular used to be the only form of input in early c omputers, now people may find that a poor keyboard could be awkward or even painful to use so there are now models available that are ergonomically friendly where they follow the contours and the natural position of your hands. Keyboards now also come with shortcut keys such as volume controls and buttons that quickly open a web browser or email program.

For mice the older ball based models have all but been phased out now, replaced with models that use a laser to determine the direction and speed of your movements, this laser means you won't have to clean the underside as often and get a more accurate control over the mouse as the laser provides more precision compared to rollers used in some older mice.

Some people prefer being able to manipulate a track ball instead of pushing the mouse around the desktop, these are used by pushing a large ball normally around the size of a ping pong ball with buttons on either side. These mice are used by keeping the hand in place so you won't have to move the move and pick it up to continue scrolling or dragging as you can do this by the flick of a finger or thumb which can cut down the risk of any RSI related injuries since your hand will be still.

Many mice and other input devices are shaped to compliment your hand but not all people find the same device as comfortable as each other so it is worthwhile testing a range of different devices before buying to make sure you are going to be happy with using it regularly.

Find More Choose Wisely When Buying Computer Peripherals Articles

Question by Sam: What are the customs rate for bringing sealed computer peripherals in India from the US? I want to buy a new processor,a motherboard,ram and 2 internal hard disk drives.I need to know how much I have to pay for customs in case my friend brings the items to me when he visits India. Best answer for What are the customs rate for bringing sealed computer peripherals in India from the US?:

Answer by Sandeep Sandha
go for ebay. and find a sellar who ships internatinally.

[computer peripherals]

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Understanding Computer Hardware and Components []

Understanding Computer Hardware and Components []

Computer hardware is something that can be confusing enough. We have a rough understanding of what computers are and how they function; however, we do not understand much about the functions of computer hardware and why these are important for use. It is important to note that computer hardware and components are important for our system; the hardware parts are the central part of a computer that allows the machine to carry out the tasks efficiently.

It is known to us that the computer starts working when the hardware power is on. Computer hardware can be defined as plain magnetic or electronic or electric device that carries out various computing functions. Hardware is basically the physical component of computer like the motherboard, RAM, hard disk and microprocessor. There are some additional peripheral devices as well, such as the keyboard, mouse, monitor, speakers, printer etc. The programs running on computer, such as Photoshop, Windows etc are basically th e software components that are equally important.

Computer hardware can also be defined in yet another way. Hardware components are basically devices that act as executors of commands that are being provided by some software applications. For instance, you might want to see what actually happens when you are clicking on the print button of browsing software. You will see that some commands are provided to computer process, which acts as the central part of your computer hardware. Processor would check for the device that is required to carry out the task and get the job done. There would be series of steps involved according to the requirement of the software application and the process through which the hardware has to function.

The microprocessor is the main source of keeping the computer hardware alive. The microprocessor functions exactly light the sun for the solar system. It is considered to be the major component and the mother of all components. It has be en integrated into a chip with all the functions specifically incorporated in it. There are 2 specifications that would determine the efficiency of the microprocessor - the processing speed and the bit rate. The commonly available microprocessors are of 32 and 64 bit. Bit rate of microprocessors measures the efficiency of each processor for carrying out various operations simultaneously.

It is impossible to define computer hardware without talking about the memory types that are used for the same - permanent memory and random access memory or RAM is the two basic memory types that are used. The permanent memory is also called magnetic storage capacity of the hard disk, and is measured as gigabytes. The second one is RAM which can store data once the computer is powered. The memory loses all data once is computer is powered off.

Motherboard is the next most important computer hardware component that one cannot miss when defining the different parts that make a com plete computer system. The motherboard is an electronic circuit designed in the form of a board. It is on this board that all computer components are parts are inserted for functioning. Sound cards, network card, data card, modem and video card are all inserted into the motherboard to complete the entire hardware spectrum.

More Understanding Computer Hardware and Components Issues

Question by elkduckdog20: Anyone into Computer Networking for a Career? Im graduating Highschool in a couple months and I want to go to a college to learn about Networking and make a career out of it. Im currently taking Cisco courses at my HS, and i've also gone through Comptia A+ Core Hardware in computer hardware basics. Some colleges im thinking about are Devry University, ITT Tech, and some others.. Does anyone have some knowledge about this or some helpful tips? Thanks Best answer for Anyone into Computer Networking for a Career?:

Answer by someone... my ex husband went there... he really liked it. It's not just a website... they actually have classes in some cities.. they have an excellent job placement team.

Answer by Jay
I dont know much about DeVry and ITT tech programs or vocation schools in generally but you are heading in a good direction by taking cisco. CCNA is one of the most demanded certifications for networking as well as Network+. If you go to a 4 year college I would suggest you go into MIS or info tech or info systems. This is the path for most people who like business but want technical skills as well. With certifications alone you wont be able to secure a job since most jobs dont even look at you without having some sort of degree.

Answer by Richard L
I had some Devry and ITT tech classmates at a 4 year college and they were surprised to find out none of their technical college coursework would transfer to a regular college so be sure to check that out. I would stick with a traditional 4 year college degree in computer information systems or a similar subject.

[computer hardware basics]

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Repair Computer Remotely - Get Your PC Repaired With the Least Trouble! []

Repair Computer Remotely - Get Your PC Repaired With the Least Trouble! []

There were times when no you had no comfortable means to get a computer repaired. It was all tough - very tough! You had to carry the huge, heavy box to the nearest technical expert shop. And the worse was the situation when you had to carry it all the way in your hand - at times your bent back used to even get stretched. Any technical fault was a nightmare for the owner in those times. Even the technicians on call had self timings. They would reach you whenever they liked and had many reasons for being late.

But now, it's different! Times have changed! Technology has revolutionized the world. Tasks of days are now done in minutes, or even seconds. Distances have vanished and the earth has shrunk in size.

Presently, we have been introduced to the new 'repair computer remotely' service where you remain with your PC where you are, technical experts remain with their expertise where they are and your PC gets repaired. No hassle, no worry and economical as well . Who would not like to use such a service? Just a phone call with a network access grant permission is what you need to do and your computer repair works start. Within minutes, everything is done perfect.

While everything is so simple, some of you might be worrying about the PC's security being breached. That has to be there for you never saw the technician who is to touch your system. It's normal human consent. So, the technology has taken care of that part too. There's a system here, using which, you can view live video of the work being done on your system. Though you grant full access to the computer, you can snatch it back anytime if the video shows something wrong going on.

Tasks that they can accomplish include all kinds of virus and spyware removal, simple to extremely complicated technical troubleshooting, network troubleshoots and all such jobs; on a single call.

And the technicians working for you are experienced geeks with capability to handle all PC related troubles. What could be a better solution for your computer problems than sitting in home and getting everything done through a 'repair computer remotely' service? Speed, comfort, security, economical, and what not - everything that a computer owner would like to have.

Therefore, the next time when you face any complication with your system, get to this most comfortable service available for all.

Related Repair Computer Remotely - Get Your PC Repaired With the Least Trouble! Topics

Question by Sunny: What do I need to repair computer professionally? I have mcp certificate & for long time hardware practice. Now I'm thinking to repair computer professionally. Use my friend's business address & phone number. In this situation what I:ve to do to do this practice legally by ny city/state law? Appreciate your honest answer. Thanks. Best answer for What do I need to repair computer professionally?:

Answer by Arnold Davison
I don't think that there are any permits that you need but i really have almost no knowledge on this field. What I do know is that this is probably the wrong place to research a topic like this, try a different forum

Answer by Karl
If you plan on doing this on the side for extra cash to get your feet wet don't get involved with the "Business" aspect of it yet. If you feel you have the experience to take it on as a full blown business and you are going to have a shop to work out of then you need to find out what the city/state license requirements are. As far as the Federal requirements, you deal with that at the end of the year when you are doing your taxes and file Schedule C. At that point you will have to determine what is expected of you in the way of quarterly payments to offset you taxes for the following year. You should be able to go online and access the city and state business license information for NY.

Answer by George Harry
I suggest you that first of all you can start your business in local area. If you have lots of experience and also facilities to start a new business then its all easy for you. You can also get more help to your friends who are doing this business. If you want to do practice in this business then it is best way to do work in your local area. Because you had not done this work before and it can create problem for you in future. Practice is best way to try this work. :)

[repair computer]

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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Homework Required Before Perusing Laptop Lap Desks []

Homework Required Before Perusing Laptop Lap Desks []

You probably have one. It is something that was barely on the drawing board a decade ago and now is a top seller in computer peripherals. It's the Laptop Lap Desk and economics have dug out a niche for it to reside.

The 4th largest company in contracting for the making of laptops - Inventec in Taiwan - is poised to ship more than 5 million of these this year. That represents an increase of 5 percent from the prior quarter. So, it is simple economics that dictates the increased demand for these Laptop accessories are a direct result of the reemerging of the laptop market.

In short, the laptop market is hot and is bouncing on an economic springboard that could result to healthier numbers. For the past four or five year, sales of desktop computers continue to lag behind laptops for a clear reason: the growth of wireless outlets available throughout the nation. Laptops have become the mainstay in classrooms and businesses as the nation marches into cyberspace.< /p>

Laptop Lap Desks manufacturers have come up with models to please users and those planning to become laptop users. There are styles that control the heat coming from the power source, styles with bare-bones frames and require no assembly, those that espouse basic black, functional styles to the more "homey" wooden designs.

For laptop users on the move manufacturers have come up with a lightweight cart desk similar to suitcase on wheels. California neurologist Dr. Robert Pavy says "No Thanks." He says he has tried it but carrying it up the steps is no easy task because of the weight of his computer. Wheelie cart desks might work better for a lighter laptop.

If you have to work on a laptop, you have to hold it on your lap and it can get hot and uncomfortable. After CNET's lab tested many models of laptop lap desks, it said it had a winner: the "Lapinator". It was lightweight and blocked heat from the power source effectively. The plastic top was durable and s kid proof and seems to reflect the heat off the user's lap. Essential cords were stored away tidily in the back of the stand.

A second test entry was the lightweight LapWorks Laptop Desk that had space for even the largest laptop and mouse, but could be folded for easy carrying in a laptop bag. A rubberized mat on the desk's top will hold the computer securely and can morph into a well-built laptop stand that is strong enough to hold a sizeable computer.

For those who prefer to use an external mouse, the Xbrand Mobile Laptop Lap Desk is a refreshing surprise. It is small enough to carry in a traditional laptop case but has a large desk top made of durable, thick plastic for heavy wear. If you want stability this model is made for you. They feature pads that are made of rubber on bottom of the desk as well as the top. In addition to the regular padding, there are also heavy duty pads on the underside of the laptop lap desk to provide more strength and stability. More Homework Required Before Perusing Laptop Lap Desks Issues

Question by popeadam25000: Can I use a Hewlet Packard Lap Top Hard drive in my Dell's Desk Top computer? I have a old Hewlet Packard lap top computer that will not work no more because the power conectopr to the mother board became to loose and I could not find a suitable repairman to repair it. So I want to use my lap tops hard drive in my desk top computer. What do I need to do to make this happened Best answer for Can I use a Hewlet Packard Lap Top Hard drive in my Dell's Desk Top computer?:

Answer by Rhyled
When you can buy a brand new desktop DVD/CD for < $ 30, it's not worth trying to mount a laptop CD drive in your desktop. They're physically different and don't always use the same interface.

Answer by Jason H
yes you would need a special adapter for it though look for a 2.5" to 3.5" sata adapter, or what i think your best option is, look for a drive enclosure for your drive so you could use it as a portable hardrive. Also as for the power connector try repairing it your self I did mine last week, was scared at first but all is done and laptop is charging again.

Answer by X
Alright unlike a previous answer, if your HP laptop's hard drive is SATA you don't need an adapter to actually connect the hard drive to your desktop, SATA hard drives use the same connector regardless of being 2.5 inch or 3.5 inch, the only thing would be a 2.5 inch drive can't be mounted into 3.5 slots so to get around that you can either just find a spot to rest the hard drive or buy a frame that adapts the size so your 2.5 inch drive fits and can be mounted into a 3.5 inch slot inside your desktop. That being said, how old of a laptop are we talking here and if you could post a model number that would be great, because if the laptop is 5-6 years old and your Dell desktop is any bit modern you'll most likely have a problem with different connection standards being used between computers. In all honesty though, unless your hard drive out of the HP is more than 120GB (and is a SATA hard drive) you can buy a new 160GB 3.5 inch SATA hard drive with a full 3 year warranty for less than $ 50. Now of course this is all assuming your Dell supports SATA, since you didn't post a model for the Dell either I guessing the Dell is newer than the HP and since SATA has been out now for a few years I imagine it has SATA support. Long story short, if you can post some model numbers I can give you a better answer but from your limited description while it might be possible to use the old hard drive, the work and cost to do so is probably not worth it compared to the alternative new product available.

[computer lap desk]

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Computer Store []

Computer Store []

SpinChimp - The Professional Spinner

A modern day remake of the famous "Who's on First" by Abbott and Costello. The Computer Store - Remix

The internet has led to many people being inseparable with their computers. Have you gone on a vacation or on a business trip and your laptop breaks down? or what do you think you would do if your laptop breaks down and you are away from home? Your computer could also get infected with spyware or a virus while you are looking for information online. Just imagine you have taken pictures or videos for your trip and you have downloaded them in your laptop so you can take more only for something to happen to your computer. There are some computer stores that can be of help.

If your laptop can still boot then it could be a virus infection or a software problem and you will only need to request for a technician's appointment from the local computer store to visit your hotel room or residence. Ensure that you explain the problem to the technician so that they can easily understand the situation that caused your problem. Don't fear that by revealing all details, the tech nician will increase the charges because he will eventually know all the problems when troubleshooting. Some technicians tend to underestimate the likely causes of your trouble so that they don't alarm you.

Computer stores location in your holiday destination of choice are an important aspect that is worth knowing especially if you take your laptop with even on vacations. Google search engine is very handy in this regard. Most stores are manned by qualified personnel who can be of great help in your moment of need. They undertake repairs and maintenance on any problem imaginable. If you have to get your machine checked out, it is important that you have a rough idea of the charges of that particular computer store. This will help in avoiding embarrassments and inconveniences.

It is also important to remember that not all repair jobs can be done on site. This is because some of them might require the facilities found in a computer store. Technicians also prefer to carry out repairs in the computer store because this allows for a more in depth analysis which might even reveal some more problems.

Related Computer Store Articles

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3 Tips For Buying a Kids Computer Desk []

3 Tips For Buying a Kids Computer Desk []

Question by Kayleen L: A kids computer game i used to play involving purple creatures trying to get back home? There was a computer game i used to play when i was little about these little purple character or monsters. You had to do little games in order to help them back back to there home. Does any one know what game this is? Best answer for A kids computer game i used to play involving purple creatures trying to get back home?:

Answer by The Oregon Regent
your probably thinking of zombinis

Answer by maali j

[kids computer]

If you're looking for a kids computer desk for your son or daughter then you need to read this article. We're going to look at three things you should consider before buying a desk.

Size of the Desk

The size of the desk is obviously going to be an important factor, but not just the surface space. The height of the desk is important as well.

When working at a computer, ergonomics are an important factor in avoiding eye, neck and wrist strain. If the desk is too high or too low, it can cause problems like neck pain or wrist pain. The trouble is, most desks are built with an adult in mind so it's that much harder to find the proper size for kids.


Most desks offer little or no adjustments to allow for different size users. About the only thing that can be adjusted on some desks is the height of the keyboard tray - everything else it pretty much fixed.

For this reason, you'll want to get your kids a good computer chair that can be adjusted for their height, and continue to be changed as they grow. Having a good chair will allow you to have your children sitting at the proper height, with their wrists at the proper level for the keyboard and the monitor at eye level.


The last thing to consider is the actual working space on top of the desk. Most kids are going to use their desk for homework as well as computer work, so it's important to have enough surface space that they will have room to work, even with the computer set up on the desk.

An L shaped desk is one good option here, because it has two working surfaces. One can be used for the computer equipment, the other for writing and other homework activities.

Suggest 3 Tips For Buying a Kids Computer Desk Issues

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Computer Bags - What's the Best For Your Laptop? []

Computer Bags - What's the Best For Your Laptop? []

Question by LR30AVE: What are the best websites for discount priced designer purses and AUTHENTIC DESIGNER HANDBAGS? Money is really no object for me. My husband has a great job and I do, too. I'm spoiled rotten!!! But there's nothing better fun than the hunt online for a good deal. I am a fashionista and love all the fancy things like Chanel, Gucci, Prada, Burberry, Marc Jacobs, etc. I spend a lot of time on the computer and do almost all my shopping online -- even groceries. It's so cool because the stuff is delivered to my house! I buy a lot of bags/purses lately ESPECIALLY expensive purses and high end authentic designer handbags like Chloe and Hermes. I shop exclusively at just a few sites (I won't mention here), but I want to know other sites selling authentic bags. I want ONLY the names of sites that sell AUTHENTIC merchandise. I HATE FAKES & COUNTERFEIT and I want a good deal. So, price matters for the answer. Any suggestions? Tried the bagborrow place and don't like it. The thought of borrowing a purse makes my stomach flip. I'll try the others and hope to see more suggestions. Thanks Best answer for What are the best websites for discount priced designer purses and AUTHENTIC DESIGNER HANDBAGS?:

Answer by suheilly13

Answer by Lisa C

Answer by LittleMomma
You have got to try It is so cool. You can rent a purse for a month, or buy them directly if you like. They carry all types of REAL designer bags in all price ranges. They are beautiful!

Answer by cutiecouture
why dont you go shopping. like walk because its sad how u do groceries from online. so when u shop you can also exercise so get out there and go to an actual store. you can see the material and look at it before you buy it!

Answer by juun_yukiko
Is this a joke? No, seriously, I'm not trying to be mean. This sounds like a poorly planned out joke. If not, I do know a lot of sites you can go to.

Answer by Handbag Addiction

[designer computer bags]

... stick it in your shoulder bag and take it with you just about anywhere. More than any other gadget, the laptop made computing a ubiquitous, near-indispensable part of everyday life. For that, thank William Moggridge. The British-born industrial ... William Moggridge: In Designing the Laptop Computer, He Was Way Ahead of ...

The computer bag industry is booming, with customers no longer having to stick to the standard black nylon carry case. Computer bags have now become a fashion statement, with an endless selection of style and design. Making the right choice is essential, to ensure a purchase that suits your lifestyle and travel needs and most of all keeps your precious lap-top safe.

Size Really Does Matter! When selecting your computer bag it's essential you get the right size as many of the latest designs don't cater for wide-screens. If you don't know your lap-top size, measure the screen diagonally, it should be between 10 and 20 inches. Once you've narrowed down the correct sized bag, also make sure there's enough space for your cables, files, adapters, pens, paper and phone. The last thing you want is another bag to house all your accessories!

Some tote style computer bags designed especially for women offer the ultimate handbag all-in-one. With luxurious le ather in fashionable designs, they come equipped with a myriad of pockets and hidden compartments to house everything a woman needs.

Material Matters The cheapest computer bag on the market is a simple rubber lap-top sleeve that will only set you back around 20 bucks. But how easy these are to carry and how much protection they afford your precious lap-top is another matter.

Traditionally computer bags were made from hard-wearing black nylon in a brief case style, which is still a brilliant way to carry your lap-top with plenty of space for accessories and protection for your computer.

Plastic hardshells are also now available in wonderful bright colors. These can be carried alone or placed inside your bag to prevent your lap-top from getting scratched. Hardshells are great for frequent flyers as they protect your computer from bumps and scratches and can also be securely locked.

Printed fabrics are a great fashion statement but be sure to check the quality and edge-stitching for durability. Finally leather provides a computer bag that is professional, fashionable and durable and will last you for decades. Make sure you check the quality and grain of the leather.

How Do You Travel? The final consideration when buying a computer bag is to make sure it suits your travel needs. Do you go to work by train everyday? If so, you'll need some padding for protection. If you travel by car, then you probably won't need such a padded bag. Are you a frequent flyer? Then opt for a hardshelled computer bag or padded backpack. Or if you walk a lot, a computer tote bag might be the latest fashion accessory but is it really going to be comfortable over one shoulder? A bag with adjustable padded straps might not look so hip but could save you painful backache! In the end, if you're still in doubt break out your laptop and look it up on the internet!

Related Computer Bags - What's the Best For Your Laptop? Articles

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10 Reasons Computer Rental is Smart []

10 Reasons Computer Rental is Smart []

Computer rental is a growing trend due to the convenience and affordability of this smart option. Buying a computer just isn't the best choice for everyone. Sometimes your technology needs dictate another solution. To determine whether computer rental might be a better option for you, check out these reasons to rent!

Avoid the Big Price Tag Perhaps the most obvious reason to avoid buying a new computer is the amount of money you need to pay for a new machine. Buying a new laptop or desktop will cost you hundreds of dollars up front, money you could save by renting rather than buying.

Don't Watch Your Investment Depreciate When you invest money in something, you expect that money to pay off. However, most computers last for three to five years, meaning the money you pay for the machine now will be gone for good in no time at all. Why not rent a computer and put your extra money in a savings account?

Maintaining Your Machine When you rent a computer, the maintenance of the equipment is the responsibility of the rental company. However, when you buy computer equipment, you're often stuck paying expensive repair bills and struggling with difficult-to-understand manuals. Keep it simple and rent instead.

Don't Worry About Storage Storing unused computer equipment takes up a lot of valuable space, not to mention the fees for storage rental. Instead of hassling with finding safe storage and watching your investment sit on a shelf, look into rental instead. When you aren't using a machine, you can simply send it back.

No Need for Taxes When you buy computer equipment, you have to pay taxes and licensing fees. For individuals and small businesses, these fees can eat into your bottom line. When you rent a computer, you aren't responsible for licensing fees or taxes, and that can add up to a significant cost savings.

Avoid the Cost of Obsolescence Te chnology is constantly evolving, and as soon as you buy a computer, it is out of date. Why spend good money for something that won't be top of the line in a couple of months? Instead, computer rental offers a great alternative. When you don't own the machine, obsolescence isn't your problem.

Don't Pay for Disposal You're probably heard that you can't just throw a computer in the garbage. These machines contain hazardous materials that can hurt the environment if they are not properly recycled. Fees are charged for this service. If you rent, rather than buy, you avoid this added expense.

Don't Deal with Downtime When equipment breaks down, you can't use it for business. This is one hidden cost of owning your own computer equipment. When you rent a computer, you can simply alert the provider to your problem and have a new computer sent out right away.

Great Technical Support Computer rental makes good sense when you think abou t the technical support you will receive. Owning your own computer means owning your own support issues. When you rent, you have a team of experts standing by to help you understand the ins and outs of the machine. This has a major impact on productivity and dramatically reduces your level of frustration.

Perfect for Temporary Employees Having a lot of temporary employees can make it difficult to predict the number of computer stations you will need. Stocking technical equipment for a fluctuating staff can be a nightmare. Instead, rent work stations for these employees and eliminate the difficult task of predicting needs and stocking equipment.

Suggest 10 Reasons Computer Rental is Smart Issues

Question by Padmaprabhu.B.Nashi N: How to play Bangalore kannada radio stations in my computer from internet? I have got internet connection to my pc I wanted to know, how to play Bangalore kannada i.e S-fm, Radio Mirchi, Radio city etc radio stations in my computer. Reply me..Thanks... Best answer for How to play Bangalore kannada radio stations in my computer from internet?: [computer stations]

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Has the World Wide Web Made Our Planet Greener? []

Has the World Wide Web Made Our Planet Greener? []

SpinChimp - The Professional Spinner

Yaaay my New computer came yaay ======================================================================================================== Computer planet: PC Specs: 700W PSU 500 GB SATA-II HDD 7200 RPM 16MB Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64 BIT 8 GB 1333 MHZ (2x4GB) - (DDR3) Edimax Wireless LAN 150Mbps (PCI) ATI Radeon HD 6770 - 1 GB - (XFX) (PCI-E) Asus M5A78L-M/USB3 (AMD 760G) - VGA AMD FX 4100 (4 x 3.6 GHz) AM3 8MB - Black Edition Samsung 22x DVD Re-Writer/Reader /- RW- Black - (SATA) Mars ATX Gaming Case - Blue - LCD Included New computer unboxing!

Tiny organisms embedded in rocks expelled from other planets that then smashed into Earth could have brought life to the planet, according to researchers presenting computer simulated evidence of such occurrences at the European Planetary Sciences ... Space rocks from other planets brought life to Earth?

Now it's probably obvious but when I say greener I'm not asking whether the web has made our planet a different colour, I am asking if, as the web has evolved into such an influential part of our lives, it has slowly helped us towards a more eco-friendly planet. 

I think that the first subject I should raise are the negative effects the internet has on the planet if any. Well let's think about it, the main negative here is that to use the internet you need a computer or portable device. I don't want to go all eco-freak on you but a lot of these devices are filled with toxic chemicals, carcinogens, heavy metals and plastics most of which will end up in a land fill. But saying that, all of this is improving as most manufacturers are becoming a lot more eco-aware and there are now multiple ways to recycle your computer or device.

Well the most prominent positive point to make next would be that the web has lessened the need for paper, with entire libraries of information, publications, magazines, etc. available online; theoretically a lot less paper should be used. But saying this, people are still printing out web documents daily, so does this cancel out the paper not used because of the internet.

Well let's take a more in depth look, to start off with let's look at magazines, newspapers and other publications. Well we know that these publications still exist as physical paper objects, and although these publications also now exist online, the amount of paper used hasn't changed that much. But saying this, personally I don't ever buy a newspaper, instead I read sky news on my iPhone on a morning, and I will very rarely buy a magazine.

Although all these publications exist both physically and virtually there are now information sites that purely exist online. For example blogs such as Engadget, Gizmodo, Lifehacker, amongst others only exist in the online world and Gizmodo alone get over 5,097,121 US views a month. The question is whether sites such as these will eventually take over? Will the internet take over and newspapers, magazines and books cease to exist? Well there is no sure way of knowing, but with new technological devices such as e-readers and tablet PCs it is very possible, especially if we want a greener planet.

Apart from ridding us the need of physical paper based publications, technology and the internet have got enabled us to access phone bills and bank statements through the web instead of having to have a physical copy sent to you.

The internet must have also made an impact on the carbon footprint by allowing more and more people to work from home by opening a whole new range of jobs, and even more importantly the internet has opened a whole new era of communication.

People no longer send letters to one another, instead e-mail, msn, Facebook, Twitter, Skype, etc. is used to communicate and keep in contact with friends. So mail delivery is used a l ot less in this fashion, but again this could be cancelled out by the fact that more people are shopping and ordering products online and getting them delivered to their houses.

So even after all of this change we still seem to end up at the same point, the planet doesn't seem to be getting any greener thanks to the net, but personally I think that if we wanted it to then the internet could become an important tool to creating a greener planet, we have eliminated the need for books, magazines, newspapers, paper bills and statements, etc.; but we still choose to use the paper versions. By no means am I saying that we should completely get rid of all paper, after all there is nothing better than a real copy of your favourite book, but maybe we could cut down the usage of paper thanks to the internet.

But the internet has not only made a change in the above ways, information on any subject is widely available on the internet, more specifically to this subject, the a mount of information on recycling, alternative energy and general eco stuff is tremendous. This has allowed any person with access to the internet to find out anything they like to help make our planet greener in seconds.

Let's have a look at some of the best eco-sites: is a humongous blog/site with articles and information on every eco related subject you could possibly want to know about. From science to fashion treehugger provides some great reading material and also has a couple of pages on 'how to take action'. Apart from all the info available on the site, it is aesthetically a nicely designed blog.

This site has a ton of information on recycling in your area and tips on how you can recycle. Again a great site and a nice design.

This one is a very interesting site, whether or not it actually works is irrelevant, but ba sically it's a Google powered search engine but it uses a black background and white text to supposedly save power, I don't see how it does save power as the monitor and computer will probably still use the same amount of power as when using a normal site. But either way it's worth a look.

I must admit it's not the best looking site in this list, but for what it lacks in looks it makes up for in functionality. The site is based around a simple concept; one man's trash is another man's treasure. Basically if you have something, anything that you no longer want or have the need for you can post details of on here, and if someone wants it you can arrange a collection or send it to them. It's that simple and also works the other way around, if you need or want something you can scour freecycle and if anyone has one you can have it.

As you can see, the internet is changing most of our lives, whether or not it will have a big impac t on our planet or not is yet to be found out. But personally I think that if we wanted it to, the internet and technology in general could help us a lot.

Related Has the World Wide Web Made Our Planet Greener? Issues

Question by : Review on Computer Planet Company PLEASE? Very silly of me, but iv spent £400 on a custom computer from Computer Planet before checking them out, because there website was so professional. I just started reading reviews and are now craping myself that i have brought a useless PC I have been emailed by them saying it started production today at 2:58pm. Im just worried after everyones bad reviews. any help? Best answer for Review on Computer Planet Company PLEASE?:

Answer by Mr. X
Unfortunately you can't do anything about it now, you will have to hope that you get a good machine that works.

[computer planet]

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Computer Monitors []

Computer Monitors []

SpinChimp - The Professional Spinner -- Check out the latest coupons and deals for HP products here. Here's our unboxing of the HP ZR2440w 24 Inch IPS Monitor. Check out for deals and info on the latest technology gadgets. HP ZR2440w 24 Inch IPS Monitor Unboxing

One of the most prominent features of a computer is its monitor. Monitors are the basic requirement for any PC. The sizes of computer monitors vary, of course, according to choice and requirements. The standard size of all monitors is between 14 to 17 inches. It is a peripheral device that is used for viewing video output.

When initially introduced, computer monitors were much like cathode ray television screens - big, bulky and ugly. Now however, as times have changed, monitors have evolved into sleek LCD screens. They are also no longer black and white, but show images in thousands of bright, vivid colors. Essentially, a monitor only uses combinations of 4 to 16 colors, including red, green, cyan and yellow. Modern monitors also support LVDS and TMDS protocols. Another advantage with LCD screens is that an image looks the same from all angles, while in a cathode ray monitor one can view an image only when one's facing the screen.

The working of a computer monitor is quite fascinating. Computers control a video card that is used to format the output to make it appropriately compatible for a computer monitor. This, in turn, displays alphanumeric text characters and symbols such as icons, graphics such as images and video that are comprehensible to the human eye.

LCD monitors are the preferred choice among best computer monitors today. This is because they are able to give a brighter, clearer picture and are not as harmful to the eyes as a rounded screen. They have an inherent misregistration of color planes that leads to subpixeling. A lot of renowned computer manufacturers are incorporation this technology including Apple, Microsoft and XFree86. LCD monitors are digital, which means better and clearer picture quality, so your images will be clearer and your work flow will be smoother and faster.

When you buy a PC, you get a Computer Monitors as part of the package. But if you're looking to assemble your computer, you can include any monitor of your choice. There are plenty of options available, from Samsung, to Hewlett Packard to Compaq - all better than each other.

The good news is that the best computer monitors can now be bought online as well. Many popular online shopping portals offer low price computer monitors from different companies, in every size. You can compare prices and buy computer monitors from a good store and make your PC worthwhile and comfortable to work with.

Related Computer Monitors Topics

Question by Curious Mind wants to know: Where can I recycle a computer monitor in Indianapolis? I have a 10 yr old computer monitor that doesn't work anymore. I don't want to throw it in the trash and don't want to deal with CraigsList. Any ideas where I can take it in the Indianapolis-area? Thanks! Best answer for Where can I recycle a computer monitor in Indianapolis?:

Answer by Emily M
WorkForce Inc. recycles electronics in Indy.

[computer monitor deals]

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Information About Computer Monitors []

Information About Computer Monitors []

The FTC settled a complaint on Tuesday with seven computer rental companies and the software designer over charges they had captured screenshots of personal information, logged computer keystrokes and even took webcam photos of people in their ... Barton 'Dumbfounded' by Computer Spying Case

SpinChimp - The Professional Spinner

In this video i show you how to install Microsoft Lync 2010. This tutorial shows you the full installation of lync 2010 from prerequisites to complete installation of standard edition. Stay tuned for part 2 which is edge server setup. The command line scripts used in this video are listed below: ServerManagerCmd.exe -Install Web-Http-Redirect Web-Scripting-Tools Web-Windows-Auth Web-Client-Auth Web-Asp-Net Web-Log-Libraries Web-Http-Tracing Web-Basic-Auth ________________________________ %systemroot%\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:%windir%\servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-Media-Format-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.1.7600.16385.mum /ignorecheck (if the above script does not work and fails and returns error 3. Dont worry! install desktop experience via server manager under features and reboot that should do it). _________________________________ Microsoft Lync 2010 installation

Computer Monitor also known as computer display or visual display unit. It is a piece of any machine powered by electricity in which it displays images through a device called computer. This monitor consists of display device, circuitry and enclosure. The modern monitors use the display device as TFT-LCD (Thin Film Transistor-Liquid Crystal Display) and the olden monitors make use of CRT (Cathode Ray Tube). So, these are the two types of monitors.

The Computer Monitor uses many hardware technologies to display the output. They are,

• Plasma display,• Video projectors like CRT, LCD, and DLP etc.• FED (Field Emission Display).• Vector displays etc.

The performance of the Computer Monitor can be measured using the parameters like luminance, aspect ratios, display resolution, dot pitch, response time, refresh rate and viewing angle. The various problems that take place in the monitor are dead pixels, stuck pixels, glare, incomplete spectrum etc.

The various features with the Computer Monitor are power saving, touch screen, glossy screen and integrated accessories. The major manufacturers are Acer, Apple Inc, Samsung, Sony, Dell, HP and even more. So, it shows pictures on the screen. It is an electronic device which is used to see the programs on a computer. This has a better resolution than the television and it does not have tuners to change the channels.

The screen size is based on the distance between two opposite screen corners. So, computer display modes are used to know the size of the monitor. The various interfaces are used to communicate with the computer. They are computer terminals, composite signal, digital monitors and TTL monitors. More than one monitor can be attached to the same device. This can be done in two ways and it includes,

• Mirroring or cloning,• Extension.

CRT is the picture tube of the monitor. In this, the screen is coated with the phosphor dots and each dots t ermed as one pixel. The back of CRT is the negatively charged cathode. So, this is important to the monitor to display the images.

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Question by nick: Is Information Technology and Information Computer Systems the same? Im getting my AA drgree in information technology but i want to continue on and get my BA or BS in something Higher can I use my AA In infotech to get a BA orBs in Information Computer Systems ? At Alabama State University? Best answer for Is Information Technology and Information Computer Systems the same?:

Answer by Ronny_Jeremy
Information Technology is much broader than Information Computer Systems. IT deals with all aspects of the Information Technology industry - from programming to network engineering, systems development and so on. Where as Information Computer Systems will be more specialised and focused on the development of Information Systems which solve business problems. For example - Systems Analysis and development.

Answer by mercury
no computer science is harder and include math such calculus

[information on computers]

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Cheap Gaming Computers Online []

Cheap Gaming Computers Online []

Question by budbri7: Gaming Computers? Anyone selling a gaming computers or any websites for cheap gaming computers? Best answer for Gaming Computers?:

Answer by GroundWire
cheap and game computer don't really go together but you can try or

Answer by nukill
Check out they have mass computers for gamers and other pc for every1. I bought my pc from there and it is a barebone kit. Or you can try

Answer by CFS Tech Support
A good company to consider is Carbonfrost Systems. I can speak from experience when I say they have the best warranty and service. They will literally build it to whatever you want while keeping the price low. They have computers in all price ranges so you should be able to find one. Or if you want total custom, then give them your limit and you will get the best computer out of it. Not even newegg or anything can beat it and you would have to hook and install everything up. Plus they use the best name brand parts and the service and warranty is unbeatable. Carbonfrost Systems: Free Email Support To All

Answer by ace c
There isn't really cheap gaming computer. In Maximum PC there's a guide that shows you how to make a good pretty good gaming pc for $ 1500. Parts list, price and where to buy as follows. Videocard - BFG GeForce 8800GTS - $ 450 - Motherboard - EVGA nForce 680i SLI - $ 250 - CPU - Intel Core 2 Duo E6300 - $ 182 - Memory - 1GB Corsair TwinX DDR2/800 - $ 150 - Case - Antec Nine Hundred - $ 140 - Power Supply - Antec TruePower Trio 650 - $ 125 - Operating System - Windows XP Professional OEM - $ 99 - Hard Drive - 250GB Maxtor DiamondMax 9 - $ 70 - Optical Drive - Lite-On it Super Allwrite SHM-165H6S - 35$ - Total = $ 1501 Things you could add is a second gigabyte of memory. Second 250gb Hard Drive. You can find the how-to in the Feburary 2007 edition of Maximum PC. If you plan to upgrade to Windows Vista you will want to add a second gigabyte of memory for sure to make it run smoother.

Answer by nottellin, Craiglists

[gaming computers cheap]

We took our measly 0 budget and made a gaming monster. Check out one of cheapest fully functional Gaming PCs ever built... You will definitely scratch your head wondering why you spent this much on you motherboard. SPECS: E7300 2.66GHZ CPU P5N-E SLI Motherboard 4GB Corair DDR2 800 Ram EVGA 9800 GTX SSC Edition Dell 2350 Case, modified 80GB Western Digital Caviar Hard Drive Sunbeam 580W Power Supply FREE Windows XP SP3 PC Gaming has never been so cheap Hardcore Gaming PC for 0 2009 Edition

So you want to play the best games available, but you don't have a lot of money to spend. That is why you are looking for cheap gaming computers. The PlayStations, Wiis, and Xboxs are not for you - after all, you still have a little bit of geek in you. Well, you have come to the right place. Here we have reviewed the most popular gaming PCs on the web, and we give you a quick review of each so you can buy your gaming computer online today!

This Systemax X58 Gamer is one of the most powerful gaming computers on the market. It comes pre-loaded with 64-bit Windows 7 and has a black NZXT Apollo case with no screws. It is very quit even with all of its gaming power because of the very silent fans. It has the Intel X58 chipset motherboard and a 1 TB SATA hard drive. It also comes with a DVDRW, media card reader, and optical keyboard and mouse.

Of course, with gaming PCs the graphics card is very important. That is why this Systemax X58 gaming PC has the GeForce G TX 260 graphics card that provides extremely quick refresh rates and HD resolutions. The card comes with its own Graphics Processing Unit to ease the burden on your Intel 2.66 GHz CPU. This graphics card not only performs perfectly on today's games, but with this machine, you have the power to take on tomorrow's games as well.

Want a bonus? Good, because you get one. A free copy download of Batman: Arkham Asylum is yours if you purchase this computer today.

So you want practically the best gaming PC for a lot less? Then take a look at this iBUYPOWER Gamer Battle Gear X3 system. You get an Intel 2.5 GHz processor and 8 GB of memory. It comes with the GeForce 9600GT 1 GB video card. One thing about this iBUYPOWER gaming computer is that it offers tons of room on the inside. This is perfect if you don't want to spend a lot to get started but want the option to beef up later on. You will get 64-bit Windows Vista on this PC which gives you access to the DirectX 10 gra phics technology.

This is a good computer for the newbie. It works right out of the box and can handle any game as is. This computer ranks very high in value when comparing the amount of power for your dollar. It also comes with a 12-month part and labor warranty supplied by the manufacturer, so there is 0 risk to give this awesome gaming machine a try. And you want cheap? Good news - this one is about half the price of the top of the line options with almost the same features.

All right. So enough fooling. You aren't made of money and you want a decent gaming computer for less than $ 500. Then the Cybertron PC X-PLORER is the one you are after. This PC has an Athlon 2.6 GHz processor which is just as fast as the ones mentioned above. You won't get as much memory (2GB) or as large a hard drive (160 GB). It also has an onboard graphics (located on the motherboard) rather than an individual card.

But don't fear. This is a good gaming PC for someone that want s to play games without breaking the bank. You will be able to play any game that exists. It also comes with a 1-year warranty on parts and labor.

If you want to take your games with you no matter where you go, you will definitely want to investigate these awesome gaming laptops. You can get some amazing gaming laptops if you don't mind spending a little. For example, here is an ASUS 15.6" laptop that has a 2.0 GHz processor and 4 GB of RAM. It comes with a dedicated 1GB graphics card and a 640 GB hard drive. This puppy has all of the power of the gaming desktops and a ton more portability. You get a gaming backpack, mouse, and 9 free games just for buying!

Now we have been talking a bunch about the starts on these computers you can buy cheap, but what exactly should you be looking for to decide which one is the best for you? Here are some basic tips.

The CPU - this processor is the heart of your PC and controls how quickly it can process information. Games are very heavy in the processing department and you need nothing less than a 2 GHz processor.

The graphics card - when you are playing your game, you want it to look and feel real, right? Then you need a good graphics card. You need a dedicated card (not an onboard card that is built into the motherboard). This independent graphics card will have the horsepower you need for the best gaming experience.

RAM - this determines how fast your computer can move information. It is a bit different from the CPU. The CPU does the calculations, but the RAM gives the results back to you. Nothing less than 4GB will do.

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What is the Computer Registry and How to Maintain it So Your PC Works Great []

What is the Computer Registry and How to Maintain it So Your PC Works Great []

LEARN MORE and, in order of appearence: Watch Molly dance! Javier: Loka: Great web exhibit on the causes of color: "color" vs "colour": Study on mirror color: Bad Astronomy on Mirror-color: Great series of mirror tunnels: Origins of color terms: Origin of "black": xkcd's color survey: Tyndall Effect: More on scattering: A CRAZY bird that uses interference on its feathers to look awesome: Peacocks also use interference: Fantastic Radio Lab about color terms: Straight Dope on the history of color terms: Mirror GIF: my favorite color illusion: *************** www.Faceboo k. Vsauce Tshirts: music by: What Color Is A Mirror?

DMX proves that he has never used a computer after he was completely confused when being asked to Google his own name on a computer. We've heard it multiple times from DMX's reps that X has never used a computer a day in his life, and now we can ... DMX Proves He's Never Used A Computer In Hilarious Google Video

If you are unfamiliar with how your computer works and you are constantly wondering "what is the computer registry" then you have come to the right place. In this article we are going to tell you exactly what the computer registry is and why you should utilize computer diagnostic software to keep it running in the best possible speed and performance.

Maybe all you know about your computer is how to turn it on and perform the tasks that you do on a daily basis. You do not understand that your computer like almost everything else of value requires some kind of maintenance to keep running its best and to get more value out of it. You do not however have to be a computer genius or a mechanic to properly take care of your PC; as a matter of fact the software that is available to anyone is sufficient and will walk you through the entire process while you just sit back and let take its course.

Okay so what is the computer registry? It is the back bone of y our computer; it is where all the files, software and applications that you have ever downloaded onto your system lie. It is like the file cabinet that you have in your office; everything that you ever needed or put away lies there. The more files that you upload onto your computer causes you the computer registry to expand; and eventually it has expanded to much so it causes your computer to become slower and less efficient.

However you can easily get it running again at its best performance and that is why it is recommended that everyone clean their registry on a regular basis. A good registry program will begin by backing up your registry so that if anything goes wrong it can easily be restored. It will also remove any duplicate files, program fragments, dead drivers, spyware, invalid paths, invalid file types, fonts and much more.

After you clean out the system then you should immediately be able to see a difference in the way your computer performs. Your com puter will stop freezing and crashing and sending you all kinds of error messages. However it is important that you keep it clean on a regular basis and it is wise to invest in computer diagnostic software. Not only will you have them on hand to perform your maintenance; however you will be able to get your computer to last longer and run more efficiently than if you never perform any kind of maintenance.

If you found this article on "what is the computer registry and how to maintain it so your PC works great" helpful; visit our site below. You can easily perform a quick free diagnostic test to ensure that your system is running at its best performance. You will also find one of the most reputable registry cleaners online that will remove all the unwanted clutter from your computer that can be causing the annoying frustrations you are experiencing.

Find More What is the Computer Registry and How to Maintain it So Your PC Works Great Issues

Question by : What is the best thing to upgrade on my computer? Hello! im here to ask what my computer needs most? is it my RAM? PROCESSOR? or do i need to buy an external hard drive? i cant decide -_-" if i buy a 2gb of ram can i merge it to my 2gb ram so it will be 4gb? or what? do i need an i5? Please tell me Core 2 Quad? or what just comment what i need btw i need it for gaming but not planning to do an high end one just to upgrade mine :) my computer is not slow just want to speed it up! :) THANKS!!! ----------------------------------- PROCESSOR: Pentium(R) Dual-Core E5800 @ 3.20 GHz Motherboard: JETWAY - MI5-G41SGMD3 Specs --> RAM: 2GB HARD DRIVE: 1HDD but splitted to two so C: 209GB and D:255GB VIDEO CARD: Inno3d Nvidia Geforce GT440 DDR3 1.5GB 128bit -------------------------- im just a 15 year old boy earning like 20 dollard /500 php a week so yeah XD but i can ask my parents to add lol! Hey Charles! what do you mean SUPER MACHINE? :))) if i buy a 2gb of ram can i merge it to my 2gb ram so it will be 4gb? Thanks Best answer for What is the best thing to upgrade on my computer?:

Answer by Charles
that's a super machine the 2GB of ram should be all u need cost 47 bucks, go to put in ur model & they will look at ur ram tell what u can upgrade to ...... if this has helped pass it on

Answer by rip_mr3
according to your motherboard spec's, you can upgrade to 8GB of ram and a core 2 quad processor. and yes if you buy 2GB of ram you can add it for 4GB of ram, but i would just buy 4-2GB of ram for 8GB as long as your are running a 64 bit system.

Answer by Bringing Salvation
can you give me info on your power supply how much you have is it 400w processor is fine for medium settings gaming heres the ram i would choose you can have 8gb of this 37.00 dollar ram max you can go if you have a 400w power supply ( if dont tell me size of power supply i will find a cheap solution) gt 640 would improve greatly gameplay 128 bit detail slightly better at rendering and less laggy can handle medium ok on some games then there is also 550 ti set at same price but i recomend 450w power supply it also must have 1x6 pin connector if doing this in parts like every now and again keep an eye on this card its out of stock now but its best deal do all that and youll be fine medium with 192 bit detail is better

[what is a computer]

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Fix Slow Computer Today For FREE! []

Fix Slow Computer Today For FREE! []

“After I lost my job I tried to secure further employment every day…but with no real luck whatsoever. My local Job Centre then told me about a seminar explaining the possibilities of franchising, which was being held by FranchisingWorks, an ... Computer Repair PC Pal Franchise Expands to South Manchester

The performance of your computer can make or unmake your day. Get a new computer and experience a stress-free use, but as soon as your computer gets a few years under its belt, it is bound to slow down. This marked slowdown comes with age and with the accumulation of unwanted programs. When it happens, you have to make sure that all the right steps are taken. It's easy to find the right fix. Slow computer or a poorly performing computer can be readily addressed by taking in the suggestions of most techie people and technical support representatives out there.

Listed here are some of the steps that can offer you the fix slow computer should undergo a defragging. You can use the defragmentation tool that is on your computer. Why use defragging as a way to fix slow computer? Just remember that the hard drive of the computer has hundreds of sectors and these are then broken into clusters and more allocations. And when the computer used the files and accessed, these f iles are often not returned to their respective sectors and allocations. With that, the hard drive gets 'fragmented'. You can use this tool by clicking on the Start bar and by selecting Programs. Check Accessories, System Tools and finally select the Defragmentation Tool. Using this tool may not bring about change in seconds since it takes several hours to properly defrag the computer's hard drive. But the time you spent waiting will be all worth it since the resulting gain will be a speedier computer.

To fix slow computers you need also to use the registry programs in order to fix programs. Registry is the term that is used to refer to the database that contains all the settings and the options for the 32 bit versions of many Microsoft Windows operating systems. Whatever changes you made on the file associations, system policies or the Control Panel systems, these will then be reflected on the computer's registry. When a registry error occur then the files or the data will no longer be accessible. If two or more registry errors happen, then a registry fix is suggested. This kind of fix will get the data back and can be made accessible. And this can also allow the computer to respond in a faster manner as well.

A slow computer is also a function of the memory available on the computer. So if you want to improve the overall speed of the pc, then adding more RAM can do the trick. Increasing the available RAM or the random access memory is an important investment that you can make on your computer. If browsing some internet sites is the problem, then you need to access the Internet Tools on the browser that you are using. Just clear the Internet cache and the temporary internet files and make sure that you delete the files. Scan for viruses as well and for Trojans. Most of the time, viruses are the ones that help slows down the computer. Knowing these important steps will help you understand a slow computer and allows you to fix slow c omputer.

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Computer Repair Services - You Get What You Pay For []

Computer Repair Services - You Get What You Pay For []

Q: My computer CD drive was missed from my XP computer so I had it reinstalled by computer repair shop about four month ago. I just realized that I cannot copy to the CD from my picture folder but if I put in a CD and play it will work. The pop up ... User wants to copy files to a CD drive

It's a dreaded event for many computer owners - the day their computer conks out, refuses to work normally or simply resigns. Not only is this a huge inconvenience and a cause for concern due to the potential loss of data (imagine all that hard work gone in an instant), having a computer fixed can cost money. If you're worried about how much you'll pay in case you need computer repair services, here is a short guide to help give you an idea about the kind of cost you can expect:

In most cases, expect to be charged hourly rates. Some computer repair services charge a fee based on the type of work done. In general, though, you will probably be charged by the hour. It will also be the technician who will determine the number of hours it will take to fix your computer.

So if he charges $ 30 an hour for a 2-hour repair, you'll have to shell out $ 60 - that is, as long as the job gets done in 2 hours. Just in case it takes him far longer than that, y ou'll have no choice but to pay more. If there are software or hardware to be installed, you might also have to pay additional charges for these.

To avoid getting overcharged by a slow-moving technician, always ask if what they're charging is the full cost for your computer's repair. It's also wise to ask for guarantees. This will provide you a measure of protection after the repair has been completed. It will also help if the computer repair service offers a no-fix-no-fee guarantee. That way, if they fail at fixing your computer's problem, you don't have to pay for anything.

Consider computer repair services by remote. There are companies that can fix your computer by hooking up to it online. They can fix your problems by remote and you can even monitor the progress in real time. These services can be very helpful only if your computer problems are software-related. They're also quite affordable, charging fees that start from around $ 39.

So me repairs are costlier than others. When it comes to computer repairs, the cost can be relative. It will depend on the extent of the repair required for the job, how many hours it would take to complete it, what types of hardware or software will be needed and to some extent, who does the fixing.

Simple checkups, diagnostics, installation and/or reinstallation, for example, can cost from a measly $ 25 to about $ 150 per hour. The low-end figure is usually for the most basic work done while higher figures are for more extensive repairs.

A caveat: there is a saying that holds true in computer repair services - at least, most of the time: 'You get what you pay for'. Computer repair technicians are well-trained individuals. Not only that, they also run a business and that business often requires that they buy insurance, not just as a protection for themselves but also for their clients.

This is why you get computer repair services that don't charge m uch and computer repair services that charge quite a bit. Frequently, the higher-end service is the one that is insured and offers an accompanying guarantee. Check the cheaper repair services and you'll find that they offer neither insurance nor guarantee.

If you're worried about how much to pay when looking for computer repair services, take these things into consideration. That way, you'll be better able to make the right decision.

More Computer Repair Services - You Get What You Pay For Articles

Question by : How can I learn more about computer repair? I am currently enrolled in a 21 lesson course covering basic computer repair, but I want to learn more. Where can I learn intermediate computer repair online for free, and advanced computer repair subsequently? I am very interested in this kind of stuff, and I have a lot of fun working with computers (in and out of the case), and eventually I want to make a little spending money by fixing people's computers for them. I'm 17 (until next month) if it matters. Thanks. Best answer for How can I learn more about computer repair?:

Answer by Colinc
On line training for computer repairs is almost a total waste of time. You need experience hands on, which means you need to have access to machines to work on. You are better trying to get some time in a repair shop. Offer as a weekend volunteer maybe at some local sop.

Answer by ?
Their are two sides to computer repair, the hardware and the software. Hardware is the easy bit. It involves mainly simple substitution of parts or sometimes the act of pulling out and refitting will do the job (in effect this cleans the contacts. Experience is the key but the web can supply a lot of answers. Software is the major part of computer repair. On the Whole it's a thankless task. People seem to think all you do is press a couple of keys and "Hey Presto" it's fixed. It will take many years for you to grasp the software side so be patient. Biggest problem is people do not know or more often will not tell you what they have done to cause the problem. Poppa

Answer by Rachna Singhania
I can recommend you to visit Computer Education

[computer repair]

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Earning Your Computer Science Degree Online: A Computation of the Many Advantages []

Earning Your Computer Science Degree Online: A Computation of the Many Advantages []

Question by maria m: Is a computer science degree (along with a good resume) enough to get a good programming or engineering job? I was reading "The Accidental Billionaries" and one says "Mark (MArk Zuckerberg) was a computer science major. He knew like any good engineer" so does that mean you cna be a software engineer with a computer science degree, or do you need exactly a software engineering degree?ALSO, does that mean to eb a computer programmer you need a degree that exactly states "computer programming" or is computer science enough for that? What is exactly the job of software engeineers and programmers? Best answer for Is a computer science degree (along with a good resume) enough to get a good programming or engineering job?:

Answer by Alex
Computer science and software engineering are very similar. Software engineering will focus more on practical aspects rather than theory, but the skills you learn are very similar. A "computer programming" degree would just be an associate's or 1-year diploma program. It doesn't take 4 years to learn how to program. Lots of people teach it to themselves in their spare time. A software engineer actually designs a program, a programmer would write the code to implement the engineer's design.

Answer by Joseph
I have hired and employed dozens of computer programmers, database engineers, and other IT specialists in my career. The most talented programmer I ever had was a philosophy major. Other great ones had degrees in history, music, and math. The "job" of a software engineer/programmer is more about creativity than most people realize. That's why many are also musicians. Of course, I don't recommend you major in history or philosophy to pursue a career in software or IT. If you like computer science, software, programming, etc. - you should definitely go with a strong technical degree. Just realize that having a degree in computer science does not guarantee that you will be a good programmer. Nor does it mean that you will be a better programmer than the music major in the cube next to you... p.s. I realize many people do not care how they are perceived by others when they post questions here. But if you plan to be a programmer, you should have more attention to detail. Your question has at least 6 typos in it. If you are writing computer code, spelling "can" as "cna" and not putting spaces between words/commands will result in code that doesn't work. The way you get good at being error free is to be conscious of it in everything you do. Just like in sports - good practice yields good results on the playing field. When I see a programmer with typos on his/her resume, I don't hire them. . . .

Answer by Hanna
Software engineering is the study of designing, implementing, and modifying software in order to ensure it is of high quality, affordable, maintainable, and fast to build. It is a systematic approach to software design, involving the application of engineering practices to software. It also deals with the organizing and analyzing software to get the best out of them. It doesn't just deal with the creation or manufacture of new software, but its internal maintenance and arrangement. And also software engineering is one of the many branches of Computer Science

[computer science]

Illustrates the diverse pathways that students pursue after receiving Bachelors degrees in computer science or computer engineering. Pathways in Computer Science (captioned)

Have you always loved to tinker with things? Do you have a compulsion for computing or an addiction to addition? Maybe you have an incurable analytical bent that just won't be straightened short of fully comprehending every conceivable theory, approach and analysis to a given problem or challenge.

Those of you who have conducted thorough analyses and constructed flowcharts for the feasibility of online studies, take note. A comprehensive overview into the strategies and protocol of earning a computer science degree online has commenced. Get out of your mental loop and pause for the real scoop. Class is now in session.

Divisions of degrees

In the field of computer science, a degree is not a degree. That's right, students: computer science entails a variety of subspecialties. Popular concentrations include Computer Programming, Technology Networking, Systems Analysis, Network Administration, and Support Specialist.

You must also d ecide whether to take a hard or soft approach when seeking the best solution for your situation. Some computer science disciplines focus on hardware; others concentrate on the software side. Your particular interests and aptitudes are the main determinants of which tack you should take.

Next, determine what degree level is required for your chosen career. Computer science degrees are available at associate's, bachelor's, and master's levels. Many specialized certifications are also offered. Gather employer-specific data to determine what is required.

A shocking discovery

If you are new to formal computer science education, you may be startled to learn that most degree programs involve very little computer coursework. You may find this difficult to compute, but there is a logical explanation for this phenomenon.

Computer science degrees focus on the theories that underlie computer operations. Strong emphasis on mathematics, data organi zation, and programming are the main centers of attention. Such skills are mandatory to effectively repair, troubleshoot, or develop technological innovations.

Online format adds to the equation

Whether you currently work in the computer science field and desire career advancement, are seeking an entry-level position, or desire a career change - virtual studies supply much-needed flexibility. Thanks to the same technology you seek to undertake the formal study of, you may earn a computer science degree online.

Complete coursework at your convenience on a schedule structured to suit your specific needs. Whether you are eager for educational enhancement and accelerated job advancement, or prefer a more leisurely learning style- online studies are ideal.

Don't forget to factor in the lower costs of distance learning into your calculations. There is no need to physically relocate or interrupt your current income to commence computer scien ce studies. Tuition costs for online computer science degree programs are comparable to those of traditional technological study.

Locate your likeliest source of learning

Start by conducting a basic internet search engine inquiry. Your screen will promptly load with legions of Elearning opportunities. Fine-tune the possibilities by identifying institutions that offer the subspecialty or certification you want.

Next, conduct a comparative analysis. Find a program that best suits your educational, occupational, and lifestyle needs. Be duly advised that the unmatched flexibility of online study it is a double-edged blade.

You must have sufficient self-motivation and discipline to commit the needed time and effort to insure academic success. Use that analytical head of yours for precision scheduling of your daily routine. This should assure allocation of an ample daily allotment of attention to your academic agenda.

Aim high and follow through

Although you may commence your computing career in the technical arena, logical progression into management is easily attainable. As a field that is growing exponentially, the technological territory is wide open for expansion and new development.

In fact, most people who pursue a computer science degree online are already employed in the vast industry of technology. Thus, a popular academic option is advanced study at the master's or doctoral levels. The superior analytical and reasoning skills you already possess will go a long way toward beginning or furthering a computer science career.

You will enjoy enhanced social status; computer science professionals are generally well-respected and held in awe due to their skills. All class "geeks" and "nerds" of the past will finally get the last laugh. Watch your former tormentors turn green with envy at the amount of green you will rake in.

Your chuckling will continue all the way to the bank each pay period. Unless, of course, you discover an error in salary withholdings on your pay stub. The good news is that you'll be smart enough not to just grin and bear it. Class is now officially over.

More Earning Your Computer Science Degree Online: A Computation of the Many Advantages Issues

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