Friday, August 17, 2012

Time to Defragment Your Computer []

Time to Defragment Your Computer []

Founded in 2008, Auslogics Software develops a wide range of computer optimization and security tools for personal and business use, including virus and spyware protection, disk cleanup and defragmentation, registry maintenance, Internet speed-up and ... Auslogics Releases BoostSpeed 5.4 with Full Windows 8 Support

Have you ever have the feeling that your computer was fast when you first bought it, and now it has become slow? The virus could be a problem. But it is not only the virus that makes your computer perform slowly but also the fragmentation in your hard disk. It takes longer for the computer to access the files rapidly when the files turn to fragment and scatter around the hard drive. That is why we need a defragmenter to address this fatal problem routinely.

Fragmentation happens when the files are broken into countless pieces and separated around the hard drives. When you save a finished file, your computer will break it up again into slender pieces, or maybe even more pieces. And it has to put all the little pieces back to their original place after it find all the places that it has put them previously. That's the reason why your computer becomes slow.

This is a serious problem that causes poor performance because the system is contributing its time to check on countless places on the hard drive to find the pieces that the user is asking for.

And this happens to all the hard drives and workstations.

What you need is a defragmenter. It is a kind of software that reorganizes the fragments. It helps to improve the computer's performance in a faster way. When the computer is defragmented, the hard drive is where this course takes place. It helps moves the related files closer together so that it is easier for the computer to find them. Defragmentation contributes to the high efficiency and performance of your computer. It would better be done in a routine basis in order to ensure the perfect performance of your computer.

If the size of your hard drive is about 300G, a special designed defragmenter is required.

This kind of advanced defrag program will allow you the usage of free storage spaces and do the defrag job well. You can download these programs easily through the internet. Unlike traditional Microsoft defrag utility, this special designed program does the job much faster. It only takes 5 to 10 minutes to finish the defragmentation for each hard ware volume. Furthermore, these programs embark several other useful features like individual file defrag, file filtration and defrag report. All these features make the course more flexible and the time more favorable, which is also a good option I think.

Time to take action now! Get a defragmenter and defragment your computer right now! You will experience the joy of your high efficient computer performance.

Find More Time to Defragment Your Computer Topics

Question by Grant Watkins: What does defragment meen and what does it do for your computer? When I defragment my computer, what is it doing exactly? How does it help my computer? Best answer for What does defragment meen and what does it do for your computer?:

Answer by John C
Your answer is here:

Answer by Steve

Answer by ElDub
John's answer is correct. Steve ... Pass around what ever ur smokin

Answer by Game V
To make it simple..assume tat you're keepin some books(data) one beside the other in a row ...but you won't need one book'll remove(deleting data) tat from that place s you're gonna place one more BOOK(new data)..but this new book will be stored beside the last book but in EMPTY if you wanna access the last've to travel thru that EMPTY space too..tat's just a waste of DEFRAGMENTING the ROW will fill up those empty space...DEFRAGMENT just restores files in a order for fast access

Answer by cc_of_0z
When a computer works with your documents, it doesn't save in one continous block. It breaks it up in to smaller parts and saves each part to the first available space it can find, and the next one after that and so on. Defragmenting a Hard Drive re-organises all the files on a hard drive so that each one is one continous block of data again. This speeds up the file seeking times because the hard-drive is no longer having to locate each small section of a larger file, which could be located anywhere on the platter. The result of this is that your computer system will run faster and more efficiently. Defragmenting takes a long time. Most users leave it to run overnight. Note: Some computer operatings systems, such as OS X on the Macintosh, optimise the hard-drive as it goes. With these systems you do not need to use a defragmenting program, it happens automatically as files are accessed.

Answer by Lanier
When files are saved and updated on the hard disk drive, they become fragmented over time. What that means is that there are pieces of the file scattered everywhere on the disk. When the file is opened or read from the disk and it is fragmented, the drive spends a lot of time gathering up all the pieces of the file, which slows it down. Defragmenting gathers all the pieces of all the files and puts them together, that is it reads all pieces, and rewrites them as one whole file in one place. When the files are read whole it's very quick.

Answer by ps_rt
Whenever you download lots of files ( or delete them for that matter ) the HDD is likely to get fragmented, which means files are not stored contiguously on the drive. As a result, each time you want to open that file, the HDD has to work even more to gather all the fragments and read it. This is called fragmentation and causes the system to slowdown. The solution is to defrag the HDD as often as depending on the rate at which it gets fragmented. The defragger will put fragmented files back together contiguously improving data access time and speed. Windows comes witha built in defragger but it has its limitations. There are alternative defraggers like Diskeeper which have advanced automatic functions such as automatic background defrag, low free space defrag etc.

Answer by Peacemaker
Windows usually does not necessarily write all the files in a contiguous block to the disk. Instead, it may split up the file into pieces i.e 'fragments' and fit them where ever it finds free space first: some fragments can be in between other files, while the rest are together in some other location on the disk. So, when reading the file, the drive has to do more work picking up these scattered fragments from all over the disk and it takes more time. Because of all this, overall system performance decreases and the PC slows down since the hardrive is usually the slowest component of the PC (it's mechanical) and fragmentation makes it even slower. During defragmentation with software called a 'defragger' these file fragments are collected and rearranged in order in a single contiguous block for each file. A defragmented drive has many benefits: performance is better, drive life is improved, data recovery in case of a drive failure is easier, etc. So keep the drive regularly defragged. Diskeeper 2010 is the best defragger for Windows. Fast, powerful, and fully automatic. It's also the only defragger that actually PREVENTS most of the fragmentation before it occurs. You can download free trial versions from

[defragment computer]


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