Thursday, August 23, 2012

How to Get a Fast Computer []

How to Get a Fast Computer []

Question by : What I need to build a really fast computer? I want to build my own computer, I want it to be real fast obviously. Price is not a big factor, I have 1,500 dollars. This computer will probably also be used as a gaming computer, so a video graphics card is a must. I have a general idea of what I need, but if someone could tell me specifics to make sure everything is compatible with the motherboard, CPU, and all that good jazz. If you could tell me all the things that go into the desktop. Thanks it'll be much appreciated =]. Best answer for What I need to build a really fast computer?:

Answer by Muhammed
u've 2 care about processor core2Quad with high cash and least 4Gb of memory VGA Gforce 9500 1Gb MotherBoard GigaByte EP45

Answer by coughgoul
Intel new I5 P55 platform= high performance will give you enough to buy a real great video card and power supply with out the high premium of an I7 and furture proofing.

[fast computer]

IDG News Service - Forget the fastest sail boat; next year's America's Cup could come down to who has the fastest computer. The boats competing on the San Francisco Bay next year will be kitted out from bow to stern with high-tech gear, including ... In America's Cup, Oracle Team USA looks for high tech advantage

So your once trusty and reliable computer that was fast and error-free is now slow and buggy. You turn on your PC and it takes more than 5 minutes for it to boot up. You start Microsoft Word and minutes later it is still loading or your surfing the internet and the screen freezes and stalls forcing you to turn it off and back on again.

Believe it or not, the above is more common than not. AS time goes by, your computer gets full of programs, applications, spyware, malware, and becomes loaded down with software that mostly is not needed. Below are three things that you can do right now to speed up your PC and make it a blazing fast computer!

The first thing you can do is clean out your hard drive. Go through and organize your files, music, media, movies, etc... Just like you clean your office and clutter can make you less efficient. Organize your files and deleting the ones you no longer need can free up dome extra space. For the big files mostly media, stor e them on a separate CD which can save you lots of space.

Then after you organize your files you need to defrag your hard drive. This can be done through the Start Menu >> Accessories >> System tools. Then from there pick disk Defragmenter. Defragging your hard drive will organize your files that are written and group them together to make it easy for your PC to find and use it.

Second you should run weekly spyware and virus scans. Spyware can wreak havoc on your internet speed and viruses can literally disable your computer. Spyware is mostly put on your computer without you even knowing it. When you visit certain websites they will put what is called a 'cookie' on your computer to track what kind of sites you visit and to gather statistics. Every time you close out internet explorer you can delete the cookies and temporary files. This will definitely give you more speed when surfing the internet. There are a handful of free programs to sort out spyw are as well as anti-virus programs to guard your PC from any attacks.

Last, but not least you should periodically clean your registry. Your windows registry is the command center of your computer and everything that runs, first passes through here. A corrupt and bloated registry will make a fast computer a slow one. It can also accumulate corrupt entries and invalid ones. This is often caused by installing programs and uninstalling them. Every time you do this is marks an entry on the registry and then deletes it. Manually trying to clean your registry can be slightly tricky and it is recommended you invest in a good registry cleaner.

There are a handful of registry cleaners out there, but you will want to invest in a solid one. Many offer free scans to show you the potential threats that my affect your computer speed. Take advantage of this and run the free scan. You may be surprised in what you find!

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