Friday, August 24, 2012

Computer Repair Problems - How to End Them Forever, No Kidding! []

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This article explains how you can have a fully reliable computing experience, escape all computer repair hassles and expenses forever, and save a ton of money too.

The Problem

You're in the middle of a big project for an important client, with a deadline looming, and your computer starts acting funny. And then it dies. You already know what happens next.

Confusion. Delays. Errands. Stress. Repair technicians. Working on an unfamiliar computer. Embarrassing excuses to the client. And of course, an unexpected and unwelcome repair bill. Geez, what a hassle!

Are you ready to leave this part of your computing life behind, once and for all forever? Are you ready to save some money doing it too?

It's easy, let's go for it!

The Solution

Buy cheap used computers, instead of expensive new ones. Yes, I know, it sounds nuts at first, but it really does work. Here's how. We can buy 3 used computers for significantly less than we'd pay for o ne new computer. Computers depreciate in value dramatically over just a few years, even though they may still be perfectly suitable for most user's routine daily needs.

As example, I'm typing this article on a 10 year old $ 79 used Mac. 79 bucks! It does 98% of everything I want to do to make my living online, and the other 2% doesn't really matter. Because I'm paying only $ 79 for my computer, I can easily afford to buy a couple of them. This is how we leave the land of computer repairs behind forever.

When lightning recently knocked out the network card on the computer I was using, I didn't panic, grind my teeth, or call a repairman. I just set the dead computer aside, and booted up one of the back up machines. Downtime, less than 2 minutes! No sweat, no swearing, still smiling.

The Secret Strategy For Safety

A key part of our safe and reliable computing lifestyle is to keep all of our files on an external hard drive, which is faithfully backed up to a 2nd external hard drive.

When one computer gets sick, we can simply reconnect the external hard drive containing our files to a another computer, and keep right on working. We can afford two external hard drives with the money we won't be spending on a new computer. Or maybe we have a few extra hard drives on hand already.

A Money Saving Solution

What's really cool is that having a stress free computing lifestyle actually costs less than buying a new computer. Buying one new computer costs somewhere between $ 500 and $ 2000. And then we have ONE computer. If something happens to that one computer, we've got problems.

Buying 3 used computers at $ 100 each costs $ 300. Now if something happens to our computer, we don't have a problem. Instead, we have 2 spare computers, sitting right under our desk, ready to go to work for us on a moment's notice.

So the question for us as computer shoppers is: Do we want an unreliable computer setup for $ 500 - $ 2000? Or a fully reliable computer setup for $ 300?

But, Aren't New Computers More Reliable?

I know, that's what I thought for years too. It sounds logical, but it's just not how the computer industry works. Remember, that big impressive brand name company you bought your computer from didn't make your computer. They assembled it, from parts they've bought from all kind of companies you've never heard of, from all over the world.

And the computer makers just don't have the time to test each part installed in each machine. They ship the new machine to you and me, and let us test it. Do you want this job? Is this why you bought a computer? Nope, me neither.

What I've learned after buying dozens of new and used computers over the last 15 years is that there isn't really any difference between new and used computers in terms of reliability. Sometimes we get lucky, and sometimes we don't, no matter what we buy.

How To Buy A Used Compute r

The ideal way to buy a used computer is from a local friend you trust. But, that option isn't always available. The next best option is to buy used computers from companies who specialize in selling used computers, and who offer a 30 day warranty.

Here are some tips on buying from companies who sell used computers.

1) Do some Net research on the company first. If the seller is a bad actor, it shouldn't be hard to find complaints online. Visit forums for the kind of computer you want, and ask for advice.

2) Once you find a seller of used computers who treats you right, be loyal to them. Resist the temptation to shop around because somebody else might be $ 5 cheaper. You're already saving a ton of money by not buying a new computer, be happy with that.

3) Buy the oldest computer that still meets your needs. By "your needs" I don't mean every cool feature you've read about somewhere. Be realistic, how do you actually use your computer on a day t o day basis? Remember, the older the computer you buy, the better of a deal you'll get.

Is This For You?

This strategy won't work for everybody, because some of us really do need the cutting edge features found only on the newest computers. But for most of us, full reliability, a hassle free experience, and saving money, is a more important feature than the latest whiz bang gadget gizmos found on the new machines.

Buy cheap used computers. Once you get used to not having computer problems, you'll never go back.

More Computer Repair Problems - How to End Them Forever, No Kidding! Issues


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