Friday, August 31, 2012

Computer Recycling For Environmental Issues []

Computer Recycling For Environmental Issues []

Can't figure out what to do with that old television, air conditioner, computer monitor or toaster oven? The Wynnewood Whole Foods will take your trash for free, at next Saturday's electronic recycling event, to be held Sept. 8 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m ... Recycle Electronics At Whole Foods, Sept. 8

The IT production industry has a Large Carbon footprint, which can be reduced through the re-use and re-deployment of redundant IT equipment namely Computer Recycling.

We're all aware of the impact our use of scarce resources is having on the environment. Two years ago saw a sudden and prolonged increase in the price of steel, copper and gold. These were brought about mainly by the rapid and somewhat unexpected growth in the Chinese economy. Why should this have any effect upon the recycling of computers you might ask? Depletion of non re-newable resources leaves only two options, find a new material (very expensive) or find a way to recycle and extract the old. With the Price of gold hitting $ 400 per troy ounce, it suddenly became extremely viable for recyclers, such as our selves to market our services. There's been a very big boom in computer recycling over the past year.

Most of the environmental concerns with computers lie with the monitor, speci fically its cathode ray tube (CRT). Each color monitor contains, on average, four to five pounds of lead, considered hazardous waste when disposed of. Computers also contain other hazardous materials, including mercury, cadmium (a known carcinogen), and hexavalent chromium (shown to cause high blood pressure, iron-poor blood, liver disease, and nerve and brain damage in animals). Over 314 million computers were thrown away at the end of 2007, containing 1.2 billion pounds of lead, 2 million pounds of cadmium, 1.2 million pounds of hexavalent chromium, and 400,000 pounds of mercury.

Part of the problem computer recycling has is, after upgrading computer systems, most organizations store their old computers, which serve as backup equipment in case newer computers break down. These old computers often sit in storage well beyond their potential useful life. At some point, a decision must be made about disposal of this equipment. Continuing to store it is often not a viable option, it eventually takes up a considerable amount of space. The least desirable option is to throw old computers into the bin. Computer recycling comes to the fore in every scenario possible, not just the effect it has upon the environment, there is also the possibility of someone removing hard drives and recovering sensitive data.

A number of factors have led to an upsurge of interest in people wanting to recycle old computer kit, including growing awareness around environmental issues, as well as the recent introduction in the UK of the Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment (WEEE) directive. (1 - June - 2006)

At the time of first writing this article the BBC News website had an excellent article about identity theft and the disposal / recycling of old computers and I quote from that article "Bank account details belonging to thousands of Britons are being sold in West Africa for less than £20 each, the BBC's Real Story program has found.

It disco vered that fraudsters in Nigeria were able to find internet banking data stored on recycled PCs sent from the UK to Africa."

This drives home the point that you should destroy the data on your hard disk - before getting rid of the computer or hard disk in it. Computer recycling, isn't always about the environment, but of company and national safety importance too.

From an environmental point of view it is far better to recycle your computer at an official recycling center than to dispose of it. It may even be illegal in some countries to dispose of electrical equipment by any other method other than by taking it to an approved computer recycling center or sending it back to the original manufacturer.

Related Computer Recycling For Environmental Issues Topics

Question by erik.ramirez83: Best way to recycle computer parts for profit? I have about 20 old computers that I want to take apart to recycle. What is the best way of seperating the parts and wire separately? Should I chop the wires of the power supply or recycle as a whole? Or open the power supply and take parts from within? Should I take apart the CPU processor for the gold? Can I mix the IDE, SATA and power supply cables? Or seperate them? Mix cd/DVD drives with floppy drives? USB controller, should I chop the cables from it or recycle as a whole? Thanks in advance Best answer for Best way to recycle computer parts for profit?:

Answer by Alex Volfson
Environmentally, you'll probably do the best by finding people, companies or organizations that are in need of a simple computer. Otherwise, I'd say you better find a buyer for all the parts you'll end up with before you even pick-up a pair of scissors. I don't know of *any*.

Answer by J.
First- find a scrap buyer, Second, find out how they want the items. Usually they will sort: CPUs by ceramic, plastic or tin tops. Memory sticks by gold contact or tinned contact. Hard drives separate from the other drives. CD.DVD and floppy drives can usually go together. PCI cards devoid of the metal end plate where feasible. Removable chips get sorted with CPUs with same criteria as above. Remove batteries. Wire is wire- remove the ferites. Connectors have potential if they have gold contacts. Otherwise plated ends can go with wire. Motherboards should have all caps removed- (those can be sold as scrap aluminum.) remove batteries, plastic pieces, and iron/steel attachments where feasible. Most likely you will throw away the plastic. It is not likely you can find a buyer for it these days. The ferrous scraps will not likely amount to enough to get any money- if they take it offf your hands for free- go for it. As for things like the USB ports- remove them from the plates, chop the wires and those with just the connectors go to connectors, those with a board attached go to "B" boards. Gold memory sticks and motherboards go to "A" Dismantle the mice, the keyboards, and other atchments in the same way. The small board is "B" Remove the plastic. Power supplies, chop the wires and stack them separate. Monitors are a different story. Most places you will have to pay for disposal, and no option to remove the internals. If you can dispose of just the CRT's through someone, you break down the monitors the same way as the other stuff- the boards are "B" graded. The yokes need to be broke down to the ferrite and the copper- remove the plastic as well for best price. Otherwise they sell as motor scrap. Depending on the buyer, you might be able to mix the ribbon cables with the regular scrap wire. With just 20 units, don't expect a lot of money for your time and tool investment.. In my area, this how they buy them for best return on effort.

Answer by Jim
"J." 's pretty much got it down. but second & emphasize where "J." says: "Find a buyer" & find out how they want it, some are quite different.

[computer recycle]

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Connecting the Computer Projector []

Connecting the Computer Projector []

20 when employees arrived for work. One business found a rear window pried open. Six laptops, a computer monitor and a projector were taken. The other business was entered through a door that linked the two, and reported 18 computers, two projectors ... Burglar takes PCs from local businesses

There is just one problem that you will face when you put together the ultimate computer slide show. You should transfer the slide show from the computer to the projector. Otherwise, you have to stand around the workstation in order to see the work. Unless you mind the co-workers invading the personal space and also generally putting the serious crimp in the solitaire playing time, learn the way to connect the computer projector by following these easy steps.

For the first step, you can choose the connection method. Most of computer ready projectors will accept the variety of input sources. You can make the connection based on what cables that you have at hand and also what the computer can support. The easiest connection that can make is from the USB monitor output on the computer to the USB or S-Video input on your projector. The common connection is through the VGA monitor output on the computer to the analog VGA input port on a projector.

For the second step, you can gather the cables that you need to make a connection. If you intend on controlling a projector from the computer, rather than from the remote of the projector, you will need in stringing the second cable from the computer's serial out port to the control input port of the projector. Then, consult the user manual of the projector to see if this is important.

You have to power down everything that includes both of your laptop computer and also the projector as well. You will also need to turn off all peripherals hooked into the laptop. After you power all down, unplug the AC from everything, too.

For the next step, you should make the connections. The most mistakes that are made in hooking up the projector, or any piece of the electronic, is sticking the plug in the wrong port. You need to double check the connections and then make sure that the correct outputs will be linked to the correct inputs.

It is important for you to re-connect a power supply to the computer, the projector and also any peripheral stuff that you have hooked up to the computer. Then, turn on the juice.

For the last step, do not forget to set the input of your computer projector. Usually, it is the simple on-screen menu. After that, look for terms just like COMPUTER, PC or even SVGA. Then, test the connection. Assuming everything that looks great, you can get ready in knocking the presentation out of a park.

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Question by Henry: What are some fairly good Projectors on the market for movies, tv, and computer under 1000 dollars USD? Im looking for a good quality projector with a budget under $ 1000USD, have any suggestions? Best answer for What are some fairly good Projectors on the market for movies, tv, and computer under 1000 dollars USD?:

Answer by steelfixer
I have an Infocus in76. Not sure what it costs in the US (Im in UK) but its great. Fatastic image quality and HD ready

Answer by weeder
The IN76 is an awesome projector, but you won't find one for less than $ 1500 I'm afraid. However, you can go with the ones below that are really good as well for less than $ 1000 if you shop around the net. weeder

Answer by agb90spruce
Have a look at They have lists of recommended projectors for various uses and at duifferent price points. You can also search all available projectors using various criteria including price. Their reviews are pretty informative too. The link below (Optoma Hd-70) was the only projector that met your $ 1000 maximum (although I used 1280x720 resolution and 16:9 aspect ratio). There would be more with lesser resolution and 4:3 aspect. I also came across a reference (see 2nd link) to a new low cost BenQ projector that may be of interest.

[computer projectors]

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How to Build Your Own Desktop - Building Computer and Saving Money! []

How to Build Your Own Desktop - Building Computer and Saving Money! []

A demonstration video that shows how to build your PC. This gave me inspiration. Show you my new PC in a few weeks hopefully. How to build a PC

Would you like to build your own desktop and save a lot of money? Most people do not even think about this as they think it is an extremely difficult task. The truth is, building a computer is not as hard as you think it is! Anyone has the potential to do it; they just have to learn the steps from something useful! Make sure you learn everything before you start your journey!

The first step is researching about the parts. You want to make sure you understand each part of the computer and how they relate to each other. During this step, you should also take the time to understand how all this process works. Knowing how this works will show you how much you can save by doing this!

The next step will require you to find a place where you can purchase your computer parts. You have to make sure that you can get the computer parts cheap at stores that sell only computer parts! Dell, Hp, and etc will not be a place to go when looking for this.

The last step in this is building a computer. This is the part that most people struggle with, but it only takes one quick guide to teach you how to build a desktop. As you can see, building a computer is not an easy task for most of the people at first but with the right guidance and instructions, anyone can learn how to build a desktop fast and easy! If you can get your hands on a guide that teach you EVERYTHING from researching, buying, to building, you will be completely ready!

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What Kinds of Computer Software Is There? []

What Kinds of Computer Software Is There? []

They're pretty standard, you hold down the blue “FN” key right next to the control button, and on “F” button row you can change your volume, pause, play, skip forward and backward, and put your computer into sleep mode. Considering how the Media ... Review â€" Das Keyboard Professional Model S (Silent Version) W/ Media Keys

There is a large variety of computer software available to computer users that are constantly being modified and created. Here are some examples of types of software and their uses:

- Operating Systems: This is the most important basic type of software that every computer should have. Operating system software manages computer systems and enables the execution of all other computer programs. The most popular examples of operating system software are Windows, Mac and Linux.

- Drivers: Driver software programs enable a computer to communicate with external hardware devices such as printers, scanners and media cards.

- Games: Computer gaming software is one of the most popular forms of entertainment in a media form. Gaming software is available in many genres, including Massive Multilayer Online games (MMOs), first-person shooters, adventure games, role-playing games and action games.

- Media: Computer software that enables media play and media dev elopment is also very popular with the growing availability of music and video on the Internet. This type of software displays media in various forms and creates media files.

- Educational: Computers are becoming more common for their usage as a teaching tool. Educational software programs and games allow both children and adults alike to learn information, analyze facts and memorize data. Education software often employs drills or tools that make learning easier.

- Database: Database computer software is a common form of managing data in digital form. These digital databases can be organized by storing data, creating data, maintaining data and allowing search and access functions.

- Word Processing: There is a wide variety of word processing software available, used for the creation, composition and formatting of printable data. Word processing software can perform a multitude of processing functions, such as batching, specific formatting, editing, image a nd diagram support, access to an internal dictionary or thesaurus, cross-referencing, spell checking and grammar checking.

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How to Speed Up Computer - Everything You Need to Know []

How to Speed Up Computer - Everything You Need to Know []

Question by : How large disk space can speed up computer? How large disk space can speed up computer? I always heard of it and always clean the disk space ...but my curiosity make me wonder about the question..can someone explain it with simple English yet deeply? It will be better if you have analogy for it..thx~ Best answer for How large disk space can speed up computer?:

Answer by Adrian
A large disk space gives large amount of data to be stored. A SATA Harddrive with 7200 RPM Speed can access and read data faster. That is how a computer partly get faster.

Answer by Francois
increase the virtual memory size in the computer properties

Answer by Pulsar
Wrong. for best results you need to keep the free space to just one third larger than the total amount of data required to run the operating system and any installed programs. the hard drive can then be partitioned so you then have a safe place to store your personal files and folders away from the main system. the reason people clean or overwrite the free space is to make deleted data irrecoverable. in other words, to hide whatever they have been doing and have deleted. .

Answer by iamDante
Large disk space does not speed up your computer. The only thing required is that you should have almost 10-15 GB free space in yout hard drive so that the windows can do paging which increases a little performance. Any more free space does not speed up your computer, it just gives you the ability to store more. If you want performance increase from hard disk you should defragment it regularly or use solid state har disk or the new sata 3 hard disks.

Answer by Good Boy
even by defragmentating regularly and clean the disk often, it wont help to speed up your computer that much after the first time. only physical ram can do that

[speed up computer]

Is your computer slowing down? You can do many easy things to speed it up without investing a lot of time or money. Performing some basic maintenance can ensure that your operating system -- Windows or Mac -- stays in top form. â€" -- The easiest tip ... Compute: DIY upgrades can speed up computer

There are various different ways that you can speed up your computer. For example, sometimes registry files can be to blame for your slow computer speeds. Other times, it may mean your computer has a virus or other infection deep in the system core. Whatever may be the case, there are several ways you can speed up your computer with just a few minutes of work.

One of the best things you can do is run a simple virus scan. Most virus scans will tell you if you have a trojan or other virus messing with your computer. Run the entire scan, remove any infections and then restart your computer to continue your journey of increasing your computers speed. The next step in speeding up that computer is to run a malware, adware, spyware scan. AdAware is a great program for this, and can save you plenty of time from having to switch to a different program for each different type of possible infection. These different types of infections can be a real pain to your computer, an d affect core system files including the registry. They also may be stealing passwords and other information typed into your computers keyboard. Removing them will increase your computers speed, remove any annoying ads, as well as allow you to change your internet explorer home page if you were unable to. Make sure to restart your computer once you have finished this step.

Now that you have done a full system sweep for possible infections and wares on your hard drive, you need to remove them from the registry. Sure, the anti-virus will remove most of them, however, some infections can hide deep inside the registry where your anti-virus may not scan. In order to remove them you will need a registry cleaner that can get that deep. Once you have your registry cleaner scan the registry, find the problems, and fix them, you should restart your computer. This step will really increase your computers speed, even if previous steps did not.

Another great way to increase y our computers speed is to check what is in the startup folder. Many people install large numbers of games, and other programs on their computers and then never uninstall them when they never use them. However, by doing this you are starting thousands of extras files and several extra processes during bootup. Not only will this slow down your computer, but it fills up your hard drive with things that you will never use! Check your windows task manager for processes and see if there are some that you never use. If you do not use them, uninstall the programs using the add/remove feature in control panel. While all of these steps will help increase the speed of your computer, you need to speed up computer using a registry editor that has been proven to remove each and every small file that could be polluting your registry. Doing so will help your computer's health improve amazingly fast!

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Tips For A Fast Computer - Part 2 Of 2 []

Tips For A Fast Computer - Part 2 Of 2 []

SpinChimp - The Professional Spinner - PCPitstop is one of those resources you need, but don't realize it until you need it! These guys have been around for nearly a decade now, and their reputation is rock-solid. They have a feature called "Ask an Expert" - and they've asked me to answer one of the questions. Candace is wondering how she can speed up her computer. If you have an answer to this, please feel free to leave your thoughts in a follow-up comment to this video. - http How to Speed Up Your PC

Companies in the Diversified computer systems industry do appear to be benefiting from growing demand for their products; unluckily, rivalry is also rising fast. Industry players could maintain earnings if they have better dealings with big vendors and ... Diversified Computer Systems Industry Enjoying Demand But, Unluckily, Rivalry ...

Everyone wants a fast computer. Here are a few tips to help you get a fast computer.

There are a few other ways for you to speed up your computer. When you get a new computer, it comes with a bunch of programs on it automatically. Some of these programs might be taking resources and power from your computer. They're called resident programs.

A resident program is a program that runs in your background while you are using other programs on your computer. They also load up automatically when you reboot the computer. However, they usually do things that you want to happen. Some of the things that they might to is to check the status of your disk drive or update your clock.

If you have a lot of these resident programs on the computer though, they are going to take up a lot of resources such as your processing power and your RAM memory. If this happens, then your computer will start to slow down. Make sure when you are installing new programs that you don' t have them start up each time you start your computer, as this is a drain on resources also.

The best way to check to see how many programs you have on your computer to look at your systems tray on the status bar. If you are running Windows, the status bar is where you can find the start menu.

From the status bar you will be able to right-click on these programs and have the option of uninstalling them. Be very careful about uninstalling them, as many of these programs are beneficial to your computer. Most however, have options for you to turn off the ability for them to start automatically when Windows starts.

Buying a new graphics card is a way that most people would not realize that it would help speed up their computer. Most of the new graphics cards you are going to get today, will take over all the video processes on your computer. So not only will it make your games and your images look much better, it will also take over some of the roles that your processor normally handles. What this means to you is that your processor will be free to focus on other related tasks. Essentially giving you more power.

While you'll see more benefit out of getting a graphics card if you are a heavy user on the computer, such as a gamer, you'll still see some difference if you're not.

Related Tips For A Fast Computer - Part 2 Of 2 Articles

Question by TripleG: What makes a computer fast I need a fast computer? Hello, I have a small eBay business but my computer is really slow and conflicts with my success since I cant add many items a day. I would like to know what makes a computer fast? What are the best computers? I need to run atleast 3-4 internet pages at full speed no waiting or freezing time while loading if anyone can help please let me know here my success will grow with your advice thanks Best answer for What makes a computer fast I need a fast computer?:

Answer by puzzlecube
The processor and RAM, you can't really upgrade your processor easily, so I suggest buying RAM. Find out what kind you need though first and how much you want. It costs about $ 40-75 for 1GB of RAM.

Answer by Turk
Fast Processor and decent amount of RAM and decent Internet speed like at least 2 Mb. At least 1 GB of RAM for nice and steady performance.

Answer by Sassifrass13
Your computer's RAM is probably to biggest factor in being able to operate between multiple windows. Regular maintenance (defragmenting and disk clean up) is important to keep your computer running well in the long run.

Answer by Mike O
Get a Dual Core CPU at least 2.0 Ghz each Get a discrete graphics card (not integrated into the board) with dual-link DVI (that way you can run two monitors of it) Look for a card that has 512 mb of it's own memory (takes pressure off the CPU) Get at least 200 Gb Hard Drive Get 3 Meg of RAM Get a 24" monitor (Samsung, preferable, impeccable) or 2 17" if you want to dual monitor. Stay away from the 64 bit Machines, look for 32 bit. Make sure your office internet connection is cable or DSL.

Answer by Meena Bassem
get all as the previous post said better processor and better ram beside that,i suggest using avant browser,u can get it from i tried it and found it faster than IE and firefox,and u can get all pages opened as tabs and all working well it is faster than IE and FF proved by one of my friends who use 33KB modem

Answer by Susan
There is a nice article on slow computer and its solutions. Your computer may be slow due to various reasons, for example virus to spywares and many more. A lot of aspects has been discussed and suggested. Have a look on that it may help you in finding the right solution for your computer

[fast computer]

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What Do You Know About Computer Motherboards? []

What Do You Know About Computer Motherboards? []

I have as close to an apples-to-apples comparison here, between the XIGMATEK Gigas and the Lian Li PC-A04, as I could get with recent test results. Both cases are for micro-ATX motherboards only (or smaller), both are smaller than a regular tower case, ... Xigmatek Gigas uATX Computer Enclosure | Xigmatek,Gigas,uATX,CCC ...

Your systems motherboard plays a pivotal role in your computer systems functionality. The motherboards responsibility is to link all the other components together using its many ports and slots. The motherboard is what all the computer accessories are connected to and is absolutely integral to any computer system. A computer is not a computer without a motherboard.

There are several elements that make up the computer motherboard. It's these elements or components that link together through the aid of the motherboard in order for the computer system to operate. The motherboard is a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) that is made up of many transistors and resistors allowing certain features and functionality.

Your systems motherboard is responsible for making sure that your computer has video and sound and the necessary special effects, depending on your components. Whenever you add a new program to your system or install a new hardware device, it's your motherboar d that ensures that you're able to interact with it. It communicates with the individual components allowing you to interact with the software using either your mouse or keyboard. Your systems board also has the responsibility of regulating power amongst the different components.

If you have an outdated motherboard, then you'll have to buy a new one if you want to experience the latest enhancements or just faster performances. These boards are relatively cheap and not too difficult to self-install. If you search online you can find many competitively priced boards. If you're interested in buying a new board for your computer system, it's important that you go for one that supports all the latest technologies so that it'll last you an age, justifying the purchase.

Suggest What Do You Know About Computer Motherboards? Topics

Question by mpilgerjr: What type of solder is used on computer motherboards? I am replacing a DC jack on my Dell Inspiron B130 laptop and am wondering if there is a certain type of solder to use? Best answer for What type of solder is used on computer motherboards?:

Answer by Wyatt Earp
Silver solder seems to be more popular. When trying to solder out the DC jack...don't be surprised if it is glued down. I have never seen a defective DC jack ever. The problem is elsewhere!!! Cheers

[computer motherboards]

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Enrich Your Computing Experience With Acer Aspire Timeline Series of Laptops []

Enrich Your Computing Experience With Acer Aspire Timeline Series of Laptops []

A brief history of the computer timeline Computer History Timeline

Acer's Aspire Timeline M5-481TG is one such computer. Acer officially refers to it as an Ultrabook, but its 14" screen and 4.3 pound weight definitely push the limits of the term. That said, the M5 uses the extra size and weight to its advantage ... Trying to have it all: Acer's Timeline M5 gaming Ultrabook

Computers are the lifeline of today's modern world. Every day, computers with higher capacities are introduced into the market. In the new line of laptop computer, Acer has unveiled the new Aspire Timeline series notebook PC available in 13.3-inch (3810T), 14-inch (4810T), and 15-inch (5810T) varieties. The new laptop series from Acer measures as thin as 24 mm and weighs just 1.6 kg.

Features of Acer Aspire Timeline Series: One of the most promising features of Acer Timeline is its balance. They are thin but designed to render a heavy look. These laptops are designed as per the needs of trendy users. Acer Timeline looks stylish by combining the essence of both traditional and modern approaches. The new laptop series from Acer has multi-touch system as well. Energy saving is another great advantage of using Acer Timeline. The laptop can conserve power even when it's using the power adaptor. Attached with Acer Power Smart Adaptor, Acer Timeline notebook can save up to 66% of electricity. The adaptor automatically switches to adaptive charging mode when the battery is fully charged. This special feature stops further power consumption and also reduces the wear and tear of the battery.

The new notebook series from Acer have Wi-Fi, WiMax, and 3G connectivity to give better experience to its users. Aspire Timeline series uses Intel Core 2 Duo ULV SU9400/ Core 2 Solo ULV SU3500 CPU processor and supports up to 8 GB RAM. With Aspire Timeline, enjoy more space while fulfilling your computing needs. The hard drive of Aspire Timeline ranges from 500 GB to 80 GB SSD. Other important features of Acer Timeline are Bluetooth, Intel GMA 4500 MHD video chipset, 8XDVD SuperMulti burner, WWAN GTM382E module for UMTS/HSPA and Quad-ban GSM, 5-in-1 card reader, and LED-backlit TFT LCD monitor.

Aspire Timeline can satisfy your needs if you are looking to buy a new-age computing machine. Get advanced level of computing experience while enjoying enhanced features such as stylish look, light-weight, excellent battery back-up, power-saving adaptor, multi-touch system, video chipset, 5-in-1 card reader and others. Read laptop reviews to know more about the Acer Aspire Timeline Series.

Suggest Enrich Your Computing Experience With Acer Aspire Timeline Series of Laptops Issues

Question by ☼pathtotake♫: Could someone who has lived through the evolution of Computers explain a rough timeline of computer monitors? Like, how the first monitors were like, and how they improved in there late history You could go on to explain other hardware like printers, scanners. Best answer for Could someone who has lived through the evolution of Computers explain a rough timeline of computer monitors?:

Answer by auggiehoo

[computer timeline]

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Brief Account of the Personal Computer History []

Brief Account of the Personal Computer History []

Make your games run faster and smoother Building a Pc - Building a Pc - Graphics Cards

Personal Computer (PC) shipments in Asia Pacific region declined by 2.6% to 30.3 million units in the second quarter of 2012 compared to the same period in the previous calendar year, Gartner said today. The most notable decline came from the China PC ... PC market in Asia Pacific declines 2.6% in Q2 FY12

A couple of technical innovations lead to the creation of what we now refer to as personal computers or PC for short. The integration of IC and microprocessor were the basic reasons why we have a very powerful device now. The computer invention history was believed to have started when the computer-memory circuits' were permitted with the use of integrated circuits and the size was reduced by the so-called microprocessor.

Ted Hoff made it possible for thousands of transistors to be compressed in a single silicon chip. It was during his employment that such invention commenced. The so-called microprocessor helps the CPU to function different tasks including calculation and performance of certain logical operations and management of data flow. In 1974, the very first desktop-size personal computer was launched by Micro Instrumentation Telemetry Systems (MITS). It was launched through the help of a known technology magazine that these units were sold. The first name was Altair and they cost roughly $ 400.

After being advertised and launched through the aforementioned magazine, computer history began to flourish. The demand for these gadgets skyrocketed unexpectedly. Other smaller companies responded by creating their own versions of computers themselves. A company called Tandy Corporation or Radio Shock also had its fair share of the first models of the first personal computers. In 1977, the company also released its first ever model. Without batting an eyelash, the sales were overwhelming. Two key features contributed to the success of the company. There was the use of a keyboard and also the presence of a display or what we refer to today is monitor. This personal computer was also programmable and that the user himself has the capability to store pertinent information using a cassette player. These very first computers were the concrete testimony to the computer invention history.

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Question by : How to find the value of a vintage personal computer? I am looking to find the value of a 1983 Nec personal computer. I also have the original box, owners manuel and charger. Best answer for How to find the value of a vintage personal computer?:

Answer by Brent Warkentin
For something that old you're best off looking at Ebay. Unless there was something special about the computer that will make collectors desire it it's probably worthless.

Answer by Fajner1
Computers don't really become more expensive with age. You'd have to be selling one of those huge, room-sized 1960s computers to get a high price.

[personal computer]

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Who Invented the Cell Phone? Dr Martin Cooper Credited for Cell Phone Invention []

Who Invented the Cell Phone? Dr Martin Cooper Credited for Cell Phone Invention []

Question by tun2tar: Who invented Computer bar code system? Who invented computer barcode and how to use it? Can understand it without barcode reader, by looking vertical stripes and numbers? Best answer for Who invented Computer bar code system?:

Answer by mailtopugal
check the link u get information more about the barcode system

Answer by mallimalar_2000
(m) Bar codes were invented by Bernard Silver and Norman Woodland in 1948. Their system used light to read a set of concentric circles, but they had to wait two decades before the advent of computers and lasers made their system practical. (However, the bar code system in use today is the Universal Product Code, introduced by IBM in 1973. The first bar coded item sold was a pack of gum in 1974.)

[who invented computer]

This is an episode of REVOLUTIONARIES, a co-production of the Computer History Museum and KQED television, with major sponsorship by Intel. Recorded: January 27, 2011, originally broadcast on April 2, 2012 One night in the late 1930s, in a bar on the Illinois-Iowa border, John Vincent Atanasoff, a professor of physics at Iowa State University, after a frustrating day performing tedious mathematical calculations in his lab, hit on the idea that the binary number system and electronic switches, combined with an array of capacitors on a moving drum to serve as memory, could yield a computing machine that would make his life and the lives of other similarly burdened scientists easier. Then he went back and built the machine. It worked. The whole world changed. Why don't we know the name of John Atanasoff as well as we know those of Alan Turing and John von Neumann? Atanasoff never secured a patent for his early device, and a number of the concepts he pioneered were incorporated into the breakthrough ENIAC computer that evolved into the legendary UNIVAC. But in 1973 a court declared that the patent on that Sperry Rand device was invalid, opening the intellectual property gates to the computer revolution. Join Pulitzer Prize winning novelist Jane Smiley in a conversation with the Computer History Museum's John Hollar about the fascinating man who beat the world's greatest minds in the quest to develop the first true digital computing machine. Jane Smiley: Who Invented the Computer?

Who invented the cell phone? After World War two the cell phone invention was credited by an engineer of the world- famous Motorola cell phone company, and his name is Dr. Martin Cooper. The son of a Ukrainian descendan, and now a world renounced name, Dr. Cooper received a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from Illinois Institute of Technology. In 1954 he started working for Motorola and at night he studied to get his master's degree. In 1957 he finally graduated with a master's degree.

In 1950, John F. Mitchell also graduated in electrical engineering, and in 1960 he became the chief engineer of Motorola Mobile Communications Projects. Together they became the cell phone invention pioneers. Cooper worked hard in developing the first portable handheld police radio, it was developed in 1967 for the Chicago Police Department. Back then it was all analog, not till recently with the new digital radios now becoming more and more popular.

In 1973 the c reation of the first portable cellular 800 (MHZ) phone was now yearning in its prototype. At the time Motorola's base station was trying to get clearance from the FCC. With cell phones you need frequencies in order to send information over the air. FCC (Federal Communications Commission) they are in charge of all radio signals and frequencies that are sent out over the air. They play a vital role in today's society. Have you ever wondered why you have to turn off your phone on a plane prior to take-off? The reason is because the signals from your phone can interrupt the signals of the planes electronics in which are relayed back to the tower on the air-strip. Remember to always turn off your phone before boarding a plane.

The first cellular phone call was demonstrated in New York on April 3, 1973 near the New York Hilton hotel. Reporters flocked to the scene, the media wanted to know who invented the cell phone. What better place to make history. Especially, in the mid dle of the most populated city in the US. The name of the phone is called a Dyna-Tac handheld cellular phone 800 X, it weighed a whopping 2.5 lb (1.1 kg). At the time only military and big business had access to them.

Dr. Joel S. Engel head of research at Bell Labs was his rival at the time. Both companies were working neck and neck with each other, when the public would ask; "who invented the cell phone" they both wanted to say I did. Guess who received that first cellular phone call? You guessed it Bell Labs! It kind of reminds me of Steve Jobs with Apple Computer and Bill Gates with Microsoft Windows. Both companies are strong competitors in today's markets; you can find them both on the New York Stock Exchange.

Fundamental technology and communication markets had shifted from clunky cell phone invention efforts, to state-of-the-art personal handheld mobile devices. Coopers invention stream-lined from making phones for automobiles to personal handhelds. Having a computer integrated in a phone today to check your e-mails, among other fascinating features isn't uncommon.

For the price of $ 4,000 dollars a phone they were not cheap, by a long shot. By the time Motorola started selling phones to consumers, he decided to leave the company and start his own business. If a successful business of cellular operations couldn't be enough, with his personal success and fortune Dr. Cooper decides to sell his niche, for a phenomenal $ 23 million dollars to Cincinnati Bell. They are in the New York Stock Exchange and thriving with their symbol as (CBB).

In 1987 Dr. Martin Cooper and his wife Arlene Harris started working on a few technological endeavors from cell phone invention to large companies such as SOS Wireless, Array-Comm to Jitter-bug.

To sum it up, I guess a little of Captain Kirk from the hit series Star Trek inspired his efforts in the development of invented cell phone technology, to the latest cell phone inve ntion of the century.

Suggest Who Invented the Cell Phone? Dr Martin Cooper Credited for Cell Phone Invention Issues

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Computer Repair Job []

Computer Repair Job []

Auto-repair educators say they are fighting misconceptions about the profession. They point out that fixing cars has gone high-tech. A laptop computer is becoming as important a repair tool as a set of socket wrenches. And, in a world of job ... Mechanic supply running on E

Are you good with computers? Don't get a computer repair job, start your own computer repair business at home! Maybe you would just like to stop having to pay others every time something goes wrong with your computer. It's no secret that every day the world becomes more and more dependent on computers. Most people have many aspects of their daily lives tied up in their computer, from financial records to calendars and entertainment, practically everything. When someone's computer crashes they need it fixed fast, and are willing to pay for that service. Anyone who has spoken with a foreign-based tech support agent over the phone while trying to remotely fix a computer problem knows how frustrating that experience can be. Many people would rather pay to have somebody just come fix the darn thing. This is why a computer repair job is one of the very best businesses that your can start.

So how does a computer repair business work? Well, there are two basic models. On e way is to open a retail repair shop and hire employees. The advantage of this system is that customers will be able to bring their computers to you and feel safe about doing so. The other ways is to have a home based business and bring your repair services to your clients. The home business model has many advantages. First of all you do not have to pay for a storefront. You also don't need to hire any employees, although you certainly could later on when you get a lot of business.

The general plan is to have a website and advertise through traditional ways, like Craiglist, radio and print advertising. Then when customers notify you that they have a problem, you speak with them on the phone to assess the situation and offer an estimate. When the deal is agreed on you go to the clients residence and repair the computer. In difficult cases where tricky hardware work is involved you might return the computer to your home workshop. I have seen businesses with this model c harging upwards of $ 100 an hour for simple repairs and getting plenty of business!

The business side of doing this is not really all that difficult. There are many good books on how to set up a home-based business that can get you started. This business does not require very much start up cost at all, especially if you run the home business format. Two books that we like specifically on computer repair businesses are:

How to start and run your own computer repair business

Start & Run a Computer Repair Service (Self-Counsel Press Business)

Just don't try to learn the actual repair work from a book, you will you need videos for that.

The real challenge in the computer repair business is how to actually repair the computers. Can you replace a motherboard? How about replace a LCD Screen on a laptop? What kind of tools do you need? Where are the best places to buy wholesale spare parts? You will need to learn how to do all of this and much more .

Suggest Computer Repair Job Issues

Question by CAELESTIS: This program offers training for "computer repair" what types of Jobs can I get with this experience? Do you have to have a liscence to work with computers? If so, what is it called? is it hard to get a job with computers? Like, I want to be able to work behind a desk in a company, and work with computers, computer repair. . etc. . Best answer for This program offers training for "computer repair" what types of Jobs can I get with this experience?:

Answer by pappy12a
Computer repair is going the way of TV repair ,they're so cheap now that most shops will tell you to just get a new one--It's cheaper

Answer by Emily
If you are really interested in working with computers you should go out and get a 4 year degree. No legit company will hire a computer person without one. It is hard to get a job with computers if you have no personal skills.

[computer repair jobs]

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Non-Tech Savvy Guide to How to Buy Cheap Computer Speakers []

Non-Tech Savvy Guide to How to Buy Cheap Computer Speakers []

To install an app, users must first download the Jawbone Updater software onto their PC or Mac. From there, you plug the speaker into your notebook to sync apps and recent driver updates from the MyTalk website. Syncing can take upward of 5 minutes, ... Jawbone Jambox: Full Review

Full Story Here: The UFi UCube - USB Powered Computer Speakers Review

Not everyone has the know-how of can be bothered to be all technical when it comes to choosing computer speakers. This guide shows how to sift through the information unnecessary to the average consumer to come to the right decision.

Hopefully you've read my previous entry on what to do before you even start looking for speakers. Narrowing down your choices will make things a lot easier. Having your core needs pre-determined makes the selection process more about fulfilling supplementary criteria, rather than the basic requirements. Furthermore, you don't want to spend your precious money on a set of fancy speakers only to find you don't need all that power. I mean, that's why we're looking for CHEAP computer speakers here aren't we? That said, at this point you would probably start comparison shopping; that is, searching at different online retail outlets for the best deals on the best products based on prices and consumer reviews. This is a fairly extensive pro cess that can be quite time consuming and overwhelming.

The SMART way of looking for your ideal product online only consists of one step: compare reviews and opinions. That's about it. If you're just a casual user, you shouldn't have to know too much technological jargon involving S/N ratios, frequency responses, drivers or even power supply wattages. Think about it, if people feel qualified enough to post a review, chances are they'd already know enough about all these. Even if they're not, you're getting an honest review from a layman just like most of us. Sure, there are bound to be some dissenters who only put extreme scores due to a personal experiences but it's easy to weed these out.

A good way of starting would be to post in an audio or computer-based forum like Audio Forum for opinions, or browse through existing threads. Look through recommendations and search them at review sites like CNET and Test Freaks for professional and user reviews. Narrow your options further, and pick out the ideal one. Of course, this site also does all that, without the hassle of combing through a million other web pages, but it's good to keep your options open.

If you want to be more specific about it, there are other things to look out for when searching online. It is still most efficient to read through reviews when taking these into account, however. Without getting into technical specifics, I'll try to break down what else you should be searching for when browsing through your options:

1. Brand

No one wants to be labeled a brand-whore, but in the case of electronics it is often prudent to go with trustworthy brands. There's no guarantee that they'll be any better than no-name alternatives but in general this is true. Electronic brands build their image over years of high performance, so if it has a good reputation you can be certain it won't be a bad product. Also important is that good brands often offer much better cust omer support, both in terms of warranties and servicing issues. With electronics, it would be preferable to get at least a year warranty on products in case of faulty wiring or parts, and support centres should be easily contactable. In addition, if it is a well-known brand/model, you can easily post a question online if you have a problem and people would be able to help you more easily as some might have encountered them before and may help in resolving the issue.

Examples of common, established brands for computer speakers are Creative Labs/Creative Technology, Logitech, Altec Lansing, Cyber Acoustics, and JBL.

2. Looks

Some people consider this an excessive superficiality, while other consider it the crux of their choice. If your entire room and/or computer setup is color-coordinated or themed, it might be crucial that your speakers fit in. For better or worse, most speakers are almost always entirely black, perhaps with matte silver accents. In fact it 's often the better choice when it comes to cheap speakers, as the really cheap, lousy ones tend to be this off-white, greyish shade that ages into a disgusting yellowish-brown tinge over time. Trust me, black is safe and timeless. Besides the color, some speakers are uniquely shaped, like domes or phalluses or otherwise. If that's your thing, it would probably severely limit your choices but they do exist.

3. Controls/Peripherals

This is a bit more important. Most speakers come with a power switch and volume control, but you may need more utility controls on the speaker set itself. These may include basic EQ adjustments like bass and treble, central/surround volume control, a manual subwoofer control (very important in my opinion) and left/right balance. If you're in a situation where you need to constantly switch between headphones and speakers, it would also be useful to have an audio-out/headphone jack so you don't have to inconveniently reach around behind y our PC to unplug your speaker's cables. Many speakers these days also have an audio-in or MP3 jack for your headsets and MP3 players respectively.

4. Audio Quality Testing (optional?)

Now, what I mean here is if you intend to go to retail outlets and test speakers out. While this may seem like a good idea, the fact is most computer/electronics stores that sell computer speakers aren't always the most conducive environments for sampling audio. The speaker positioning is weird, the acoustics are bad, the surroundings are noisy, you can't concentrate and most importantly, it's not a good representation of where the speakers are going to be after you purchase them. Still, it may be good if you're narrowed down to a couple of choices and you just want to decide based on your physical exposures to them.

If you do get the chance to test them out in decent conditions, or if you just want to test your speakers after purchasing, these are what to look out for:

- Firstly, be sure to try them out with different types of audio; this means different genres of music, movies, games etc.

- Make sure there isn't any distortion or noise produced.

- Highs should come out crisp but not annoying. They should not be weak and tinny.

- Mids should be clear, smooth and pronounced. The majority of the sounds produced in music tend to come out in the mids.

- Lows should be tight and punchy, not overly muffled and boomy. If you have a subwoofer, make sure they don't sound too separated from the satellites, and should be the sole providers of the low end rather than involving the satellites. Cheap subwoofers tend to sound muddy and undefined. If you're just using a 2 speaker setup, make sure you can still head the bass clearly as cheap 2.0 speakers most obvsiouly lack in this area; you should feel the lows 'hitting' you in the chest.

- The sounds should meld together without any overpowering elements. Especially importan t with subwoofers. If they feel a bit off hopefully there is an EQ setting in the speakers or in software that can remedy that.

As I've mentioned and as evident by this somewhat banal list, comparing reviews online really is the definitive way of searching for your best option, especially if you're not into comparing technical specifications and all. It's best not to stick to one site, as one person's opinion might not reflect yours. Compile a number of reviews, both positive and negative, professional and user-generated, and decide which is for you.

Related Non-Tech Savvy Guide to How to Buy Cheap Computer Speakers Topics

Question by Sweetie Pie: What about these computer speakers? Or other recommendations? These speakers are suspect because there is no brand name and there is only 1 review. However, I really like the look of these... I am suspicious of the '3000 watt' claim. At this price, I would be suspicious of three HUNDRED watts... Anyone have any ideas? Also, if you know of a good 5.1 speaker system for computer gaming under $ 125, please recommend. Oh ok! I didn't think Dolby Digital was a speaker brand. I thought they only named the technology. Best answer for What about these computer speakers? Or other recommendations?:

Answer by what89
um they are Dolby digital.. which has a pretty good reputation. they look like a good deal.

[computer speakers review]

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Which Computer Spy Software Should You Choose? []

Which Computer Spy Software Should You Choose? []

BOSTON â€" A new cyber surveillance virus has been found in the Middle East that can spy on financial transactions, email and social networking activity, according to a leading computer security firm, Kaspersky Lab. Dubbed Gauss, the virus may also be ... Gauss computer virus found in Middle East can spy on financial transactions, email

SpinChimp - The Professional Spinner How To Know What My Wife Is Doing On Facebook and Twitter - Computer Spy Monitoring Software. With This Computer Spy Monitoring Software You will be able to see all computer and internet activity. Emails, websites visited and more. Record All Social Networking Activity with Computer Monitoring Spy Software Monitors and Records ALL Keystrokes Monitors and Records ALL Emails Monitors and Records ALL Web sites Visited Monitors and Records All Social Networking Activity: Facebook, Twitter and More Monitors and Records ALL Instant Messages / Online Chats Completely Hidden / Undetectable How To Know What My Wife Is Doing On Facebook and Twitter - Computer Spy Monitoring Software. How To Know What My Wife Is Doing On Facebook and Twitter - Computer Spy Monitoring Software

Computer spy software, the subject and product is surrounded with controversy about privacy, but should that be the case? The software was not designed in order for you to be able to steal passwords, but it was made to insure that those that are the most vulnerable, our children, are safe on the Internet amid a world of sexual predators.

There are so many things out there online that can cause damage to our children, and other than the obvious child predators there are also things that we never heard of several years ago. Things like cyber bullying and hackers. If you want your child to be safest then you should consider investing a few dollars on some computer spy software to insure that your child is safe from danger.

Computer spy software comes with many different options. Most of them will do things like recording keystrokes and chat sessions, but others will go much deeper than that. Some will snag email passwords, record screen captures, log internet activity including URLs, pictures and videos. And the most sophisticated computer spy software will run hidden in the background and can even email you all the information on a scheduled basis so that you can even monitor internet activity while you are at work.

So even though computer spy software is a bit controversial it still has a place in keeping those that we care about safe from harm. The world that we live in, and especially the cyber world that our children live in, is constantly evolving. Dangers can lurk around every corner. So make sure that your child is safe and that nobody is taking advantage of their inexperience by using the best computer spy software that you can find.

Recommend Which Computer Spy Software Should You Choose? Articles

Question by pickachu4950: Is it legal or illegal to use VNC on a company's computer to spy on employees? If your network engineers/technicians install VNC on every employee computer to spy on what he/she is doing while at work, would you consider it illegal or legal? Best answer for Is it legal or illegal to use VNC on a company's computer to spy on employees?:

Answer by shilo9i
It is legal.

Answer by railbird
They are company computers. 100% legal.

Answer by Barry C
Whether I consider it legal or not doesn't matter. It is legal. It is well established in case law that an employer can install whatever software it wants to monitor the use of its equipment. Employee is free to quit of course if that is not acceptable.

Answer by rickinnocal
Legal. It's their computer, they can do what they want with it. They can also legally read all your emails that are sent or received while at work, EVEN if you log on to your own personal email account, not theirs. Richard

Answer by sensible_man
Company owns the computers, company is paying you for what you do at the job, all legal.

Answer by ∞infiniti∞
It is legal. They own the computers and pay you for the time you are at work. Therefore, they have a right to monitor what you are doing with their time and with their equipment.

Answer by tj
Completely legal. What employees do on/with company property/network is company business, period. Granted such measures *shouldn't* be necessary, but it is nonetheless a good security policy given that many employees cannot be trusted with proprietary information or to refrain from utilizing company resources for personal use.

[computer spy]

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Small Business Computer Security, the Basics []

Small Business Computer Security, the Basics []

(AP) â€" Business often heats up with the summer weather at a Montgomery computer service store, and this year has been no exception. "We're weather-dependent, believe it or not," said Bob Lloyd, owner of Alabama Computer Associates on Bell Road. 54 percent of Ala. small businesses are not online

Computer Associates Flat Standees Funny Commercial. Computer Associates Flat Standees Funny Commercial

Anyone in business today realizes both the natural dependency on computers in the workplace, and also the potential dangers associated with storing important data on them. Today's business owners are constantly being reminded that their company's data is at risk by the daily reports on various news stations, or even their favorite business-related website.

But what can a typical small business owner do to protect their network from these threats that are broadcasted in so many ways? Dangers lurk at every turn on the Internet. There are thousands of attacks or areas of security that could be discussed, but I am going to try and focus on three general nuisances associated with today's computers: viruses, spy-ware, and traditional "hackers" that will intentionally try to exploit your computer systems for various reasons. All of these attacks, although different, serve a specific purpose for the attacker, yet basically translate into three things for a business: lost productivity, lost data, and the end result... lost money.

Here is brief descriptions of what the aforementioned attacks are, consist of, and what a typical small business can do to protect their technology investments.

Virus: A computer virus shares some traits with an actual virus that gets people sick. A computer virus must piggyback on top of some other program or document in order to get executed. Once it is running, it is then able to infect other programs or documents. Obviously, the analogy between computer and biological viruses stretches things a bit, but there are enough similarities that the name sticks. A computer virus can have many intentions. One common goal is the virus's desire to infect as many machines as possible. Some are harmless and are no more then an attempt for a hacker to spread their name and get recognition amongst their peers. However, this can still lead to slow computer performance or programs acting up. On the other sid e of the coin, viruses can be extremely harmful and delete data, cause complete computer interruption, give someone unauthorized access to your company data, or even be used in conjunction with thousands of other infected computers to launch grand-scale attacks. Viruses are still mostly transferred via email; however newer attacks will entice you via an email to a malicious website that will exploit a flaw in your computer to install the virus.

Protection from Viruses: If you are reading this article, and you still do not have current (this is very important) anti-virus software running on EVERY single computer you own, then shame on you. With all of the marketing commotion that surrounds viruses, you should already have antivirus software on all of your computers. If you don't, then hurry to the store and purchase it. Popular software in the antivirus market is made by Symantec ( and McAfee ( Larger companies may look into a syst em that will scan emails prior to the email getting to a user's inbox for viruses. Also, be wary of what you open in your email. Do not open emails from people you do not know, and even if you do know the sender, take extra caution, as most viruses today will trick you into believing that the virus is sent from someone that you know.

Spyware: You may know spyware by one of its many names, adware, malware, trackware, scumware, thiefware, snoopware, and sneakware. Because of its stealthy nature, most Internet users are more familiar with the symptoms of spyware infection: sluggish PC performance, increased pop-up ads, unexplained homepage change, and mysterious search results. For virtually everyone surfing the Internet, malware and adware are a nuisance, but if you do not detect spyware on your PC, it can lead to much more serious consequences such as identity theft. Many people wonder how they get spyware installed onto their computer in the first place. Typica lly, spyware is installed onto your PC without your knowledge because the programs are usually hidden within other software. For example, when you are browsing a website, and a pop-up appears to install the latest online Casino game, it probably will give you that game, but you've also just installed spyware along with that. Another avenue for Spyware to infect your machine is through popular Peer-to-Peer File Sharing software such as Kazaa. The financial impact on a business that is plagued by spyware can toll very high. Costs paid to computer consultants to remove spyware, and a user's overall lost of productivity from a slow-performing computer can add up very quickly.

Protection from Spyware: Spyware is a huge problem in today's computing environment. Fighting Spyware starts with smarter use of your computer. The best defense against spyware and other unwanted software is not to download it in the first place. Here are a few helpful tips that can protect you f rom downloading software you don't want. Only download programs from web sites you trust, read all security warnings, license agreements, and privacy statements associated with any software you download, and never click "agree" or "OK" to close a window. Instead, click the red "x" in the corner of the window or press the Alt + F4 buttons on your keyboard to close a window, and be wary of popular "free" music and movie file-sharing programs, and be sure you clearly understand all of the software packaged with those programs. If you do happen to install Spyware on your computer, there are some tools available to assist in the removal of spyware. Be careful however when downloading these "free" spyware removal softwares, as even some of the removal tools incorporate spyware into their software. A popular product that does a good job of removing spyware is Lavasoft's Adaware ( Larger organizations can look to companies such as Computer Associates ( m) for enterprise protection. There are instances when there is simply just too much spyware installed on a machine where these tools cannot help, and you'll be forced to format your hard drive and reinstall your operating system.

Hackers: The term hacker has many different meanings to many different people. A dictionary might define the word hacker as follows, "A person who breaks into, or attempts to break into, or use, a computer network or system without authorization, often at random, for personal amusement or gratification, and not necessarily with malicious intent. 2. [An] unauthorized user who attempts to or gains access to an information system 3. A technically sophisticated computer expert who intentionally gains unauthorized access to targeted protected resources, loosely, a computer enthusiast. 4. A person who uses a computer resource in a manner for which it is not intended or which is in conflict with the terms of an acceptable-use policy, but is not n ecessarily malicious in intent." As you can see, a hacker is someone with a very high aptitude in computing. By studying the inherent design of computer systems, a hacker will then attempt to compromise those systems for a purpose. Typically, they use a collection of tools easily downloadable on the Internet to exploit a flaw in a program or hardware system. Hackers do what they do for various reasons. Some do it for simple prestige amongst their peers, others for financial gain, and others do it to make a political statement. The impact of your network's security being breached can lead to very serious financial losses. Imagine your customer database being sold to a competitor or even what public response would be if you had to tell your customers that their personal information was stolen?

Protection from Hackers: I was once told, that no matter how good a safe you buy, there will still always be a locksmith that can un-lock it. The same goes for protection against hackers. However the amount of people with the expertise to bypass most security defenses, available to companies, are few and far in between. To keep your network safe, the following three items are an absolute must. A quality firewall at your network's perimeter to filter what goes in and out of your internet connection, desktop level firewalls to keep internal company computers safe, and the importance of performing updates to your computer's operating system and applications. Firewalls simply stated, filter data passing through them. They are in essence, inspectors that allow and deny data to be passed through them based on certain rules. Most quality firewalls will protect your network by letting the good data through and keeping the bad out. Recommended firewalls for small businesses can be purchased from companies such as Cisco (, Watchguard ( or Sonic Wall ( Firewall vendors typically have many diffe rent models available, so consult with your network security professional on what to buy. The important thing is that you have one in place. Desktop level firewalls provide a true multi-layered approach to security. This added level of protection strengthens your computer systems defense, and is especially helpful to companies that have remote workers. Most companies today do have firewalls on their corporate network; however no one ever thinks about the company president's laptop that gets brought home everyday. The president brings his laptop home and sets up his trusty remote connection back into his office over his broadband home Internet connection. The once protected laptop is now completely unprotected and connected directly to the corporate office, which gives a direct avenue for virus and hackers onto your corporate network. The great thing about desktop firewalls is that you can get some great ones for free! If you use the Microsoft Windows XP operating sys tem, simply upgrade to service pack 2 and it includes a free and easy to use desktop level firewall. If you do not have Windows XP or just do not want to use their firewall, Zone Alarm ( offers a great desktop level firewall. The last level of defense is to keep your networked systems up to date with the latest patches and fixes from their respective manufacturers. I will assume that most companies use Microsoft Windows products for most of their computing needs, so to keep your system updated simply go to You should check for updates twice a month.

Even though this article simply brushes the surface of network security, I hope it gives you insight as to some potential dangers out there and real incentive to implement better security for your company. Just as you have an alarm system at your office, please take the necessary steps to protect your company's computer network and data. If not, the costs of recove ry I guarantee you will far exceed the costs to implement a secure network.

Jarrett M. Pavao studied at the University of Miami, is a Microsoft Certified System Engineer, and Citrix Certified Administrator. Jarrett is the Director of Business Technologies for Docutek, a systems integrator in Boca Raton, FL. Jarrett can be contacted at with any network security related questions or concerns.

Suggest Small Business Computer Security, the Basics Articles

Question by sssf: Which associates computer degree would be be best? I can't get a bachelors for financial purposes. But which associates degree would be best in the field of computer science in terms of career possibilities and pay? I was thinking maybe Information technology? Best answer for Which associates computer degree would be be best?:

Answer by Rich Phitzwell
computer science, graphic design, mis. any of these are good, but AA is almost useless. Asuming you are in the USA, look at financial aid, scholarships, and even loans. Get your aa from an accredited state CC and then get your last two yrs at an accredited university. If you absolutely can not go to a 4 yr university then focus on certs such as ccna/e, mcsa/e, and oracle. focus on the path you so choose. Most CC's offer training in ccna and mcsa, but you still have to pay for the test. Certs are more valuable than AA, but an AA will allow you to move forward in the university system. If you have the talent, then look into SAP. Unfortunately this is pricey but if you have a professional cert in development or technology then you can bet on having a high paying job.

[computer associates]

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Home Computer Buying Guide []

Home Computer Buying Guide []

"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe." - Abraham Lincoln

Prior to Buying

Every tool is designed for a specific function. Hammers were made to drive nails and shovels were made to dig holes. Computers are tools designed to transmit or store information and then do something with that information. The something is what needs to be considered when purchasing or designing a new home computer. When buying a new computer the intended use should be determined well before visiting a store or browsing an online merchant. The single most important question to consider when buying a computer is not how much you have to spend, or who manufactures it, but what you intend to do with it. Once this question is answered you can then determine what hardware and software will be necessary to accomplish your goals.

Some people struggle when trying to answer this question. To help determine the primary intended p urpose ask yourself what you spend the most time doing while on the computer and what you would like to do but cannot because of your current limitations. If 90% of your time is spent reading emails, using social network sites, or browsing online merchants and 10% is spent watching movies then you will want to invest in a particular category of computer (probably a laptop, netbook, or tablet). If you would like to replace your media center (TV, DVD, etc) and use your computer to watch movies or TV then a different system will need to be purchased.

Individual hardware Components

Buying a new computer can be a daunting task especially if you are unfamiliar with the individual components which comprise a computer. The following is a list of common components and their function within the computer. These hardware components also influence the price of the computers hardware more than any other components in a pre-built system.

CPU (Central Proces sing Unit)


Processes instructions from software and does something based upon those instructions. The faster the CPU the more instructions can be processed during a fixed time period. CPU quantity is measured by the number of CPUs available (both physical chips and "cores"). The speed a CPU can process instructions is measured in Gigahertz (GHz)

Example of a common specification:

Intel 3.2GHz dual Core CPU

Translates in to:

Processor made by Intel, which has two "cores" which run at 3.2GHz each. Effectively giving you two 3.2GHz processors.

RAM (Random Access Memory)

Used to store instructions used by the CPU. RAM is the area which the CPU can store instructions and perform calculations. Think of a black board which can be used to perform math problems. The more area for the CPU to do calculations the faster a computer can perform. This is what people refer to when they mentio n "computer memory". RAM quantity is specified in Gigabytes, the speed in which information can move in and out of RAM is measured in Megahertz.

Example of a common specification:

CORSAIR XMS 8GB (2 x 4GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800)

Translates in to:

Two 4 Gigabyte RAM components made by Corsair which uses the DDR3 chipset and form running at 1600MHz.

Hard Disk

The hard disk is the component which actually stores all of your data. Photos, emails, documents and music are examples of files which might be on your hard drive. The hard drive is also where your operating system resides. Hard drive capacity is measured in Gigabytes and the speed of the drive is measured in RPM (Rotations per minute)

Example of a common specification:

WD Caviar Blue 1 TB 7200 SATA

Translates in to:

Drive made by Western Digital which has 1 Terabyte capacity, runs at 7200 RPMs and uses SATA as the interface.

Many people are confused as to exactly how much "stuff" a hard drive can hold. As an example, a 1TB drive can store approx. 200,000 photos or 76 hours of video or 250,000 songs. Hard drives are routinely oversold by computer manufactures for this very reason. Many people end up using less than half of the storage space on a drive. It is one area that can be bought small and increased relatively cheaply later on.

There are many other components which together make up a computer, however, the CPU, RAM and hard disks will determine the cost of your computer's hardware more than any other single item.

Types of Software

A computer is only a useful tool if we can do something useful with it. Software is created to allow us to do something with the hardware. The something is why people use and buy computers at all. Hardware as interesting as it might look is not useful to us if it cannot run the software we ne ed. Software can be grouped into two broad categories, Operating systems and Applications.

Operating Systems

Operating systems manage and control the computers resources and make them available to applications. Every computer has an operating system. The most common operating system on home computers is a version of Windows by Microsoft. Microsoft's current version is Windows 7, previous versions which are still in use include Windows Vista and WindowsXP. Other operating system include Apple's OS X and Linux.


Applications are the programs which we use to make the computer do something. All applications have "minimum system requirements" these requirements are the bare essentials which the computer must possess in order to simply run the software. Running software at the minimum requirement will generally cause frustration with the application and the computer as a whole. Minimum system requirements can in clude hardware and software qualifications such as hard disk space, CPU speed, RAM quantity and operating system type. Always, always, always, check minimum system requirements prior to purchasing software as most retailers will not accept opened software for return (unless there is some type of physical defect with the software)

Common types of applications include

Office Suites

Microsoft Office



Home Finance



MS Money (legacy)

Home Media



Small Business Management


Computer Security




Communication Tools



There is an application for almost every conceivable use of a computer, chances are if you are looking for an application to solve a type of problem someone has created it.

Putting it all together

Now that you have an understanding of the components which make up a computer you can match those to your primary use of the computer. Choose the applications you wish to use, determine the system requirements for those applications and purchase a system which meets at least the minimum requirements.

The cost of a home computer will be determined by the software which comes with it and hardware which is used to support the software. In budget systems retailers will usually supply the operating system, a basic office suite and basic security software. The hardware will be either older technology (6 to 12 months old) or newer technology manufactured by an "off brand" manufacture and offer a low amount of upgradeability. These systems are usually chosen by people who are looking for primary uses such as email, online shopping and simple home finance. People with primary uses such as home business management, online communications (Skype, iChat) and some form of media usage (listening to music, watching movies, etc)will choose systems with a faster CPU, more RAM, greater hard disk space and more upgradeability than what budget systems provide. Home computers which are built for intensive gaming, heavy media usage, in depth small business management or an eye towards the greatest return on investment will use the newest and fastest hardware thereby increasing their cost.

A final point to consider when purchasing a new home computer is that of durability. Most hardware warranties are for a single year yet many people use a home computer between 3 and 5 years before purchasing a new system. Extended warranties can sometimes be a good investment depending upon what the warranty covers, the cost of the warranty, the availability of quality computer support in your area and your budget.

More Home Computer Buying Guide Issues

Question by debbysfemail: How can I connect my home computers together? I have 2 home computers. One runs 98 and the other XP. I want to move some of the files from one to the other. What is an easy way to do it? I know very little about networking (or computers). Can't I just wire one to the other? Best answer for How can I connect my home computers together?:

Answer by
the easiest way to do it would be to burn a cd. If not you need a device to go between the 2 computers like a switch or a router. Or email the files from your 98 machine and retrieve from your xp - or a usb keychain flash drive

Answer by matt a
Probably the cheapest and easiest way is to buy a USB flash drive, you can get a 2 gig one for about 40 dollars. Its definitely not the fastest way, but I guarantee its the easiest and cheapest.

Answer by bipolarplanet2001
Bear in mind that if you use a USB flash drive Win98 requires that you install drivers first. Once you bugger it up it is a major pain to fix it. You didn't state what interfaces you have available. If they both have ethernet cards you can connect a crossover cable between them and create a small network. If you have them both connected to your network, try sharing part of the hard drive (not the whole drive!) and you should be able to create a new connection from the Network Connections window. There's a wizard to help you do the connection. Windows XP has a Shared Documents folder in the My Computer window where you can dump documents that you're passing around.

Answer by M
first both PCs must have network adopters. how ever if you don"t have the basic acknowledge of networking and your porous is just transferring some files, then i'd say open the PC tower cases(turn off windows first). get a screwdriver, take off the one has Win98 and plug into the parallel socket in other PC( on the same socket as master hard disk is connecting). plug in a power socket, same as the one used for the master hard disk. then turn your PC on and do the job! No cable, no network adapters, no USB flash cards and no hassles! Easy, 3 seconds!

Answer by Nicole
bluetooth $ 20 easy and fast

Answer by zed
Hahaha...I love M's response. Not only did he leave out a couple of steps, but his best fix is for you to take your computers apart and (I'm assuming) swap around the hard drives. No offense meant to you, but if you're asking this question, you probably don't feel comfortable removing parts from your computers. If you're looking for a long-term solution, you're going to need to have a network card in each computer (they might already have them), and some sort of hub. That's really the easiest thing, probably easier than trying to do some cross-over thing between the computers. Must network hubs come with the expectation that you aren't tech-savvy, and have step-by-step instructions. Honestly, though, if you're just moving some files, you might be better off with the usb flash drive idea. It's fairly cheap these days, and pretty quick and easy.

Answer by -
well, other guys above me already have some solutions. some of them nice though. also the problem is that win98 does not recognize many usb flash memories and bluetooth devices. there's some other easy ways as well. if you have a digital camera, mp3 player etc... you can use them as a flash memory. when you connect a digital camera etc. to your pc then a removable drive comes up which works like a usb flash memory! another way is sending the target files to your email and then download them with another pc. Good luck!

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