Monday, September 17, 2012

Computer Virus Removal - How to Get Rid of Computer Virus With Only Four Tips []

Computer Virus Removal - How to Get Rid of Computer Virus With Only Four Tips []

This video is brought to you by: Todays video on virus removal shows you how to backup your system data, registry and create a system restore point. It is extremely important to backup your system data, registry and create a system restore point before doing deep virus removal techniques because some virus removal can actually damage your operating system and cause it to cease to function. Unfortunately, rootkit viruses can attach to the registry and cause it to operate in the core of your operating system and virus removal can actually cause more damage. So first, backup system data, registry and create a system restore point. Virus Removal Ep. 1: Backup System Data, Registry, Create System Restore Point

Do you want to get a computer virus removal? Are you looking for the best computer virus removal from internet? Well, if your PC always connects to the internet, the risk of getting infected with virus will be high. Actually, survey from professional research apartment shows the connection to internet is the main factor that causes computer virus problem. But we need to use computer for work, right? Then you need the best virus removal to keep your PC in safe.

How to keep your computer in safe?

When you first got your laptop, it really worked great for you. After using for a while, problems might show up: more and more slow running; popping up appears a lot and error messages annoys oftentimes. What should you do to make your PC run like a new one and keep it in safe? You can take the following actions:

#1 Set a password for booting your PC. A password can reduce the chance of being attacked by hackers or virus. For those users who do not set a ny passwords, their machine will be easier invaded.

#2 Block your PC while you leave temporarily. You might think it is not necessary to block since you will be back soon. But we never know when or how virus may sneak into your machine. The better way for keeping it safe is to disconnect it or block it while you are away.

#3 Install Fire Wall. Fire Wall is the first gate that any visitors or malicious items want to get in your computer. To some extent, Fire Wall can filter some suspicious threats before they load on your machine.

#4 Last but not least, get the best computer virus removal for keeping your computer in safe. Virus removal can effectively help you get rid of virus infection and provides you the real time protection at the same time. It is essential for computer security and you should get the best one from now on!

More Computer Virus Removal - How to Get Rid of Computer Virus With Only Four Tips Issues

Question by 225846: Computer virus removal help? I have this virus on my computer and it won't let me access the Internet (I know for sure I have Internet connection), or basically do anything else on my computer. I can't open Microsoft Word, paint, ect. It just closes whatever I open. I have tried System Restore but it doesn't work. What is the best/easiest way to get rid of the virus? Best answer for Computer virus removal help?:

Answer by Deaf Mute
malwarebytes should be a good way to remove it If that doesn't work, then reinstall Windows.

Answer by michael s
You should be getting some type of pop-up's from a FAKE program on your computer....look for the name of the program...???

Answer by daniel
boot into safemode by hitting f8 on system start up then run an antivirus.

Answer by Dr. Iblis
Do as Deaf Mute said, except don't re-install windows. Use malewarebytes, download, install, then use Spybot S&D, then download, install, use a trusted antivirus for free, such as avira, avast, or AVG there is no easy way to get rid of a virus, except to go through some programs.

Answer by l33t_hax0r
hold the power button to do a hard shutdown, when you turn on your computer hit f8 multiple times until it comes to a black and white text menu, choose "start in safemode with networking". it will take longer then usual to boot up, and should have another user named "administrator". in safe mode it does not let ANYTHING besides the core system start, which should keep the virus turned off, install/run spybot search and destroy or malwarebytes from here. reinstalling windows is a last resort, but it is a sure way to get rid of the virus.

Answer by Gladiater
sometimes the only thing you can do is wipe your hard drive and reinstall windows..after backing up your personal files... you will lose everything... By this time the virus has done so much damage to the system files they are not going to function even if you remove the virus... download av g free antivirus and as the other person mentioned malware bytes.. i guess on another computer since yours doesnt work.. trying running them. First though right this minute i would back up any thing you want to save.. the virus could shut you down anytime... be sure to scan those backups before you reinstall them on the repaired or fresh operating system. as others mentioned, run the antivirus and anti malware in the safe mode.

Answer by Mrs. Q
First of all, boot into safe mode with networking. On bootup, press F8 or whatever safe mode is for your machine (like for mine, it's F10). Once you've done that, download this: Use the exe, unless you know how to work with zip files. (The exe takes less time and saves to your desktop, so I'd recommend that.) Don't restart after running this. Then, download this: Run it. If it asks you to restart, do it. One last one... Run this: Best of luck

Answer by O
Some infections are so nasty that it’s very difficult to clean them using tools installed in the same hard drive you are trying to clean. One option is to use an application that runs directly from a CD or a USB flash drive at boot time. This means you’ll have to use another PC to download it and put it in the USB flash drive or burn it to CD. This does generally work but I don’t know of any free ones. I can tell you what I do in the most extreme cases, and it rarely fails. Before I resort to reinstalling the Operating System, I take off the hard drive and put it as a slave in another computer. I then scan it with a top-notch antivirus. I use AVAST FREE and it has never let me down. I let it scan thoroughly and when it finishes follow the instruction to remove the infections it finds. I follow up with the free version of MALWAREBYTES’ ANTIMALWARE and do another scan for malware: Obviously these two applications have to be installed in the main drive of the computer you are using as a tool. One other alternative is to buy another hard drive and use it as a main drive. Hard drives are pretty cheap nowadays and it’s worth having two. Of course you have to install in it an Operating System and the two applications I mentioned. Then you put the drive you are trying to save as a slave and proceed as I described before. And don’t work again without those two apps installed.

Answer by Rocket
Step 1 As soon as you suspect that your computer has a virus, remove your computer from any networks it might be on, as well as from the Internet, so that you don't inadvertently spread the bug to others. Unplug your network cable if you have to. Step 2 If you have virus-scanning (anti-virus) software installed, run it. Step 3 If you don't have anti-virus software, you'll need to obtain some. If you can't get it from a network administrator or download it from an uninfected computer, you can mail-order it from a retailer. Step 4 Start your computer (still not connected to a network) and follow the instructions that came with the anti-virus software. Step 5 Keep running the virus-scanning software until your computer comes up clean. Step 6 Reconnect your computer to the Internet and check with the anti-virus software's publisher to make sure you have the latest updates. If not, download them now. Step 7 After updating the anti-virus software, run it again until your computer comes up clean.

Answer by Mad Joker
I think the best and easiest anti-malware and anti virus program would have to be No Adware because it is a really high rated software and I'm using it now. It's the best bang for your money and it really works! :D Check it out: If you have the money this is the program for you!

Answer by Lisa
U can use to remove it

[computer virus removal]


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